

Kristen gets involved with a billionaire after she finds out her bestie and fiance were sleeping together. Kristen's ex fiance Ace, begged her not to cancel the wedding but she made up her mind already. she gets caught up in the billionaire family's issues and learns a dark secret. she tries her best to resolve it. she falls in love with the billionaire but she isn't so sure if he feels the same way. her ex best friend gets jealous that she always have her way, and she decided to come for her. how would things turn out for her?

Treasure_Faniyi · Urbain
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23 Chs


Kristen's pov

                    " you don't look so good Kristen " I looked up to find Alice staring at me. It's a Monday morning and I know I look like a mess. I woke up really late, I haven't been myself lately. Aiden and I haven't talked since that night. No calls or texts from him, it's like I don't even exist. " you look... tired" she said.

" yeah I know, just a little exhausted, I haven't really slept" I gathered all the files on my desk.

" you must have partied hard last night " she smiled.

I wish

" yeah party " I replied dryly

" Kristen" Xander walked into my office looking gloomy.

" oh hey Xander " Alice greeted with a wide grin on her face

" Alice " he said and turned to me.

" Kristen how are you doing?"

I only stared at him

" Kristen i need to talk to you" he said again. " Alice please would you excuse us, it's more like a family thing "

" I understand " Alice walked out.

" Xander if this is about Aiden I don't want to hear it. I don't even want to..."

" Madison has a son"

          I stopped in my tracks and looked him in eye, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. He nodded slowly, and sat down on one side of my desk. " what?" I asked

" my mom told the rest of the family that Aiden had told her that he has a son with Madison." Xander said.

" how is he so sure that the boy is his? She could be lying, and.. and..."

" calm down, Kristen. At first he thought it was mine, but he said Madison said he has his eyes" Xander said again.

" so he hasn't seen the boy yet?"

" no"

" I need to go talk to him" I pushed my chair backwards and started walking out the door.

" Kristen wait... you can't go in there, he is in their with..."

" I don't care right now Xander, I need to talk to him."

        I knocked on his office door, but no one answered. I could hear muffled noises but I couldn't make out what it was. The door came open and...

" hi, you must be Kristen, I'm Madison" I only stared at her, I couldn't believe she was here.

" Is that Kristen? Let her in Maddy"

Maddy uhn...

              I walked in, a little boy was sitting on Aiden's lap. The same hair color, the same eye color. The little boy was staring at me. I could feel Aiden's eye on me but my eyes was on the little boy.

" Kristen meet my son, Charlie" I looked up at Aiden and then Madison.

" why didn't you tell Aiden all these years that he had a son?"

" I.... he didn't want to see me, since the night he found out that Xander forced me to sleep with him" I scoffed " he broke up with me and I moved away, I didn't know I was pregnant. I decided to keep it away from him"

" why now? Because you know he is happy and you suddenly want to..."

" Kristen.." Aiden called, I turned to look at him

" It felt wrong, Charlie deserves to know his father" I scoffed again. I don't believe her.

" have you considered a DNA test?" I questioned Aiden

" what?!" She exclaimed " Charlie is obviously his son"

" Maddy, take Charlie outside with you for a moment I need to talk to Kristen alone"

" c'mon baby" Madison pulled Charlie with her outside.

" Kristen.. "

" you didn't even call me" I could feel the tears threatening to fall from my eyes. " you found out that night, didn't you? Why didn't you tell me?" I hit his chest.

He held both my hands and kissed them. " Kristen, I'm sorry. I was going to call but I had a feeling you might not want to talk to me. I had just found out Charlie is my son that night, I didn't know how all of you would take the news"

" but isn't it weird that she's telling you now, now that the whole world thinks you have a girlfriend and your brother is back, she just came back all of a sudden"

" Kristen" he called, I looked up at him and he kissed me. " I'm sorry this is happening right now, but we all have to accept it. I'm mad that I'm just finding out that I have a son but he's here and he's part of my life"

I nodded " I understand "

          He walked up to the door, he called Madison back inside. He lifted Charlie in his arms and gave in a kiss on his cheek.

" so Aiden love, I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me tonight " Madison said.

I looked up at Aiden, he was staring at her.

" Maddy, we broke up 5 years ago, you are the mother of my child, nothing more. I have a girlfriend and you know it." He kissed Charlie on the cheek again.

I smiled as I felt a little better, Madison turned to give me a death glare. She turned back and faked a smile.

" oh I totally forgot about her, besides it's just a friendly date, so we can catch up on the things we missed out"

" I'll be busy " he put Charlie down and went to his desk. " you can take Charlie to my mother's place, I'll come for him myself. I would like to spend the whole week with him if you don't have a problem with that " he said to Madison.

" no problem at all, see you later Aiden" She said as she left.

       Aiden got up and walked up to me . He kissed me, hard,  he grabbed my ass cheek, and squeezed gently. I released a moan, he lifted me up and placed me on his desk. He nibbled on my lips, then my earlobe, I grabbed his shirt, and pulled him closer, I heard him groan. I could feel his erection against my thigh. I broke the kiss and looked at him, i unbuttoned his shirt. I kissed his chest, and his neck.

" Kristen" he moaned

I kissed him again on his lips, he pulled me closer, my legs wrapped around his waist.

" I want to take you right here kitten" he said in my ear " but no" he pulled away and began buttoning his shirts, and he walked back to his sit.I was dumbfounded

" what?" I asked in disbelief

He didn't answer

I turned to look at him, he had a smirk on his face but he wasn't looking at me.

" that's how you wanna play uhn? Fine" I adjusted my clothes and walked out.