

Kristen gets involved with a billionaire after she finds out her bestie and fiance were sleeping together. Kristen's ex fiance Ace, begged her not to cancel the wedding but she made up her mind already. she gets caught up in the billionaire family's issues and learns a dark secret. she tries her best to resolve it. she falls in love with the billionaire but she isn't so sure if he feels the same way. her ex best friend gets jealous that she always have her way, and she decided to come for her. how would things turn out for her?

Treasure_Faniyi · Urbain
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23 Chs


Kristen's pov

                  I grabbed my coffee before driving into the parking lot. As soon as I walked in, everyone became silent. The girl who was rude to me the other day walked up to me, she had a smile on her face but it was so obvious she was faking it.

" I want to apologize about what I said the other day, I have to apologize on behalf of everyone or I'm going to lose my job" she begged

" Aid... Mr King is making you do this isn't he? "

" yeah" she bit her lip

" it's fine" I smiled at  her.

" you have to tell him I apologized okay" I nodded " oh, and let's be friends "


" uh sure" 

" yes" she giggled.

I walked into the elevator, and hit the 4th floor button. As I got out I bumped into someone, books and paper flying around.

"I'm sorry" I bent down to pick up the papers and books.

" no I'm sorry, I didn't see you"

          I heard a male voice, sounds soothing and deep, but nothing compared to Aiden's. He's handsome, and his color of his eyes are hazel, muscular too, in a nice tuxedo.

" I'm kristen, I have never seen you around before" we shook hands.

" Kristen uhh, you can call me Alex,  its really nice to meet you" Alex smiled.

" I have to resume work right now, I'm sorry about your papers"

" im sorry that I spilled your coffee, how about I make it up to you by getting you another one??" He offered

" okay, will you be able to find my...."

" dont worry about it" I nodded and walked away, I placed my bag on my table as soon as entered.

" uh God" I got a tons of files on my desk that needs to be attended to.  Few minutes later, there was a knock on my door.

" come in"

" I know you are busy but here's your coffee, I'm sorry for spilling your coffee earlier " he handed it to me

" it's fine, it was also my fault."

" can I sit??" He scratched his head

" yeah sure "

" This is my first time working here, and I don't really know everywhere, would you please give me tour ? I know you are busy but..."

" it's fine Alex, let's go right now, I'll get back to this later " I sipped my coffee and dropped the rest of it. I grabbed my phone and led him out of my office.

" what the hell??" And theres Aiden standing in front of us. Aiden walked closer to us and grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him and  the stood in front of Alex

" stay away from her, do you fucking hear me??" He yelled at Alex and pulled me with him into the elevator.

" what the hell is wrong with you Aiden, I know you want people to think we are together but you don't have to yell at people you see around me. Alex was just..."

" Alex?? " he scoffed " of course that's what he's going to introduce himself as , that's sneaky bastard. He's only going to try to..." I could tell he angry, he wouldn't keep blabbing and yelling.

" Aiden calm down, he's just a new employee "

" no he's not, he's a lying ..." he's trying to control his anger " arrgh" he scattered his hair with his hands

" Aiden you have to..." and then it  happened, Aiden king was kissing me in an elevator, he groaned softly and at that moment I realized that I'll never have enough. One hand in my hair and the other around my waist. I find myself kissing him back, I pulled him into me, enjoying every second of it. He pushed his tongue into my mouth, and I felt butterflys dancing in my stomach. He broke the kiss and we stared at each other's eyes.

" I'm sorry, I couldn't think of another way to calm myself, I'm learning to deal with my anger issues" I only nodded, I was scared I might blab out trash if I open my mouth.

" I don't want to see you with that guy, ever" what the???

" you can't choose my friends for me Aiden, Alex is just ..."

" that's Xander my brother "

" oh" was all I could say

" his name is Alexander, and I'm so sure he told you he's Alex because he knows we are together, and he's just going to the what he did to me the last time "

" you keep talking about what he did but you wouldn't tell me what exactly he did to you " I replied

   The elevator came open and he pulled me with him into his office. He sat opposite me and there was an awkward silence, I looked up only to find him staring at me .

" what?" 

" I know you mentioned no kisses, and I broke the rule, I just.... I don't know, do you accept my apology?" I nodded

I was a little disappointed, and I don't understand why.

" cool, Kristen, I'd like to take you out for dinner tonight. I'd pick you up at your place by 7, you should be ready by then. "

" I have a lot of work to do right now so I'll just go, see you in the evening " I faked a smile and left. For a minute, I thought he kissed me because he liked me and he was jealous, I have to stop thinking about that kiss.


      I had spent hours working, Alice, my " new friend " had brought me lunch and wouldn't stop talking about Aiden, she even wanted to know how big he was. Tf?? By the time I was done, it was almost 7. I ran to the elevator and pressed the button to the first floor.  I ran out the door to the parking lot, then I realized Aiden's car was still here.

" you must be really tired" I turned around to see Aiden standing behind me. " how about I take you home and cook for you instead?? We can go out another time " I still feel awkward after our kiss, I'd rather hide how I feel that let him realize I like him.

" okay, that would be cool" I gave him my best smile