
New Power Rising in Star Wars

Person That Got Title of God Of War in past World Now Opened His eyes in Star Wars but this world is Wery difrent from original and with power of Nation System and his Three Race blood he will change this world to the point that you will not know what hapens next or even if some main scenes even will happen. Slow story and little Spoiler for story when war begin there wont be only Republis and CIS but 6 more factions Interested ? Then be on watch for chapters :D Also MC is interested in Female and Male but for male only some with omega genes. All Pictures is not mine most from Printrest or Google Ellement of Star Wars and they Characters Belongs to them.

Danse_Macabre_ · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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36 Chs

Take over, Plans and Grimgors excitement

Dragon Claw front

Pov of Eral Torelo

My brother is dead it seems my information were gladly taken by Dragon Claw. One that is not as planned is that someone is backing them someone with

much more power than I thought my father is still blind to this fact. how someone like him could lead familly.

My walk ends before fathers's office from where screams were heard as doors were slightly opened.

"How is that possible!!! This small gang is challenging us kill my son and you all are telling me we can't avenge him as our troops are tied on front!!!"

His father was in amock to the point he killed one of the captins. This was another loss to familly as he was on High E rank on steps to D rank it shocked all the men gathered.

"At this moment withdraw our elites from the front and destroy Korta City!!" Roared Father

"Front will collapse you will take us to ruin" Was my answer

He looked at me like mad dog but I knew he would not kill me his last son.

"So what you propose hah!!!" He go into my face

My eyes turned cold he was lost cause and antagonize most of the people in this room so it was the best time.

Third pov

"Now you had nothing to s..guah!" Head of house doesn't end as he feels pain when he looks down he sees Knife with the whole blade in his stomach he looks up at his son. With disbaelife as blood siped from mouth he pushed his son at the wall which made him crash in it.

"Kill this traitor!!" Head was angry as he didn't use enchantment faster blade so easily give him great damage but he saw no movement to his son but to himself.

As two more blades go for him regular soldiers start shooting at him he took some strikes and hits but killed two more officers in proces but he was from start greatly injured more and more stabs slashes and blaster shots make him stumble but he still stood with hand he took one of the officers in room and crashed him into reinforced wall crushing his skull after that blade came through his heart, a blade that held his son who came closer to his ear and said.

"I'm the future of familly" Then he took out blade as the older man's body hit the ground.

Eral Torelo looked around room at other officers and soldiers then made way to the chair made for the head of familly and sat on it.

After a quiet minute officers start shout one by one

"Head of Familly!!"

"Head of Familly!!"

As Eral smiled at his man.

After gaining power Eral made peace with Dragon Claw and directed his troops to the actual front.

Sometime later Zack's pov

'Operations of Dragon Claw and Jackal's go well but it will consume some resources and time to control these two systems's and more developed planets will need more subtle way's than brut fight. About new funding I made preparations for the third criminal group but it will for now only make runs with weapon deals. I also started buying information from corrupt people in the Trade Federacy and better ports for interesting newes and there were many about activities and some better cargo that were sent to Grimgor as he got some Elite Bred of Gnols and could have 10 small operetive fleets.

Zack now was interested in incoming games at Academy and also needed to make some plans to conquer low lvl planets in unknown regions or make some diplomatic attempts only unclear relations with Hutts and one of the great clans on Mandalor don't make him feel strong to attempt of more bold moves in the known galaxy.

Pov of Red Fang Pirates

"Hihihihi Boss we got information from Lord that Republic will smuggling some interesting staff throw smugllers pass close to Nabo space" Black Gnol chuckled showing Grimgor information on the pad. He was one of 30

Black Gnols that bread in days before they were higher bred which means.

Their power speed and reflexes were higher than normal gnols and had access to mana they were all on E+ rank and were used by Grimgor as his guard and commanders on smaller raids.

Grimgor's eyes landed on the pad where information showed that cargo has great importance to Republic to the point of sending 4 Jedi one Knight and 3 padawan's power rank is unknown but the estimated power is D+ and 3 D-

With that 10 Acuitance and 2 Aclamators that make maybe 100 fighters and most likely 2k Republic standard troops not much but as it has the task to be hidden transfer it can't be a big fleet.

"Hihihi We will finally have a taste of Jedi blood!!! Prepper First and second fleet we will take it at all cost !! Blood Hunt begins Woooo!!!!" Grimgor laughed in excitement and his howl resonated through ship and coms to other ships that were quickly followed by all crews on every ship showing thirst for blood and battle.