
New Manchester United

Murdoch's acquisition of Manchester United in 1998 will become a reality. A group of young and passionate Red Devils fans will launch a rebellion. They establish a new club to replace Manchester United, which has been corrupted by capital and uncertain ownership. They set their training ground at Newton Heath, Manchester United's original home. Their jerseys are adorned with green and gold stripes, symbolizing their connection to the club's roots. They consider themselves the true inheritors of the Green and Gold Army's legacy and the spirit of the Red Devils. They proudly call themselves the Red Rebels. Driven by their deep love, they choose to rebel. Levi Ackerman is the leader of the Red Rebels, but what his followers don’t know is that he is a time traveler from 2024. Armed with his knowledge of future events, he aims to lead this group of fervent fans from the bottom of the English League all the way to the Premier League. Together, they strive to create a new legend in football history, one that belongs to the fans and the Red Rebels. Their mission is to prove the truth of a statement once admired by Ferguson, uttered by the legendary Scottish coach Jock Stein: Without fans, football is nothing! this is mtl novel translation. you can novel mtl name " Red Rebels"

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Priceless Treasure

Title: Priceless Treasure

After spending the whole night in London, Levi called a taxi and first sent carrie to Farnham. It was already midnight. After returning to London, he booked the next day's early morning flight.

This time Jim came to pick him up.

"Levi, it was a shame about yesterday's game, but our team performed well!" Jim said while driving.

The New Manchester United imperial driver also has some weight in the minds of Newton Heath fans. After all, he has been mingling with these high-level players of New Manchester United. Someone will always want to get some latest information from him.

"But we finally lost!" Levi said with a grin.

After one night, Levi had come to terms with the issue.

In fact, if each defeat has to be tangled for a few days, then Levi is bound to live forever in the cloud of misery.

"That's referee shit, or at least a draw, isn't it?"

Levi smiled indifferently, "Yes, Jim, are you going to take Messi to the hospital today?"

Jim nodded.

After a period of stable treatment, Messi now does not need to go every day, only about once a week to get medicine, check once, and then usually follow the physical training and diet structure specially formulated by Professor Fryer and others for him. It's enough for him to adjust the control.

"That way, let's go together!"

Jim took Levi to Windsor School near the Newton Heath training ground, and saw Messi standing by the security room, with Curtis and Michael Johnson beside him.

"Don't you two go home for dinner?" Levi stepped out of the car.

Curtis smiled when she saw Levi, "Michael and I wanted to accompany Messi to the hospital."

Levi looked at Jim, who nodded. "They often accompany him."

"Okay, get in the car!"

Five people were sitting in a taxi, Levi was in the co-driver seat, and three little guys were in the back.

"Michael, are you still used to living at Jim's? Did he treat you badly?" Levi asked with a smile.

Michael looked at Jim and shook his head with a smile. "No, it's just like living at home. Uncle Jim is very enthusiastic."

"That's good. If he neglects you, you tell me, I'll help you kick him!" Levi said in a pretentious manner.

The three little guys laughed after listening.

"Boss, I heard that you didn't come back last night. Did you go to borrow alcohol to relax after losing?" Curtis seemed to be joking, but in fact, he was concerned.

"It's okay to lose, and I don't think we lost that match, it was just that the referee helped Arsenal. After the match, I met a beautiful woman and went out with her!"

"Crap!" Curtis blurted out of her distrust of Levi. From this, it can be seen that someone's character is really hard to convince. "London's beauty is so demanding, will it look at you?"

Curtis came from London and knew the situation there.

His words immediately caused a burst of laughter in the car.

"Hey, boy, speak with respect, I'm your boss, and why wouldn't any London beauties fancy me? I tell you, I'll bring her to you someday."

Curtis poked her lips, the expression seemed to say, just blow!

Levi naturally couldn't have the general knowledge with the children, and went on a ramble along the way.

After arriving at the Royal Hospital, Levi brought a group of children to the office of Professor Pete Fryer.

"Sorry, Professor Fryer has gone to Germany for a meeting. He told me before he left. You can go to Professor Derek Wright and he will check and prescribe medicine for you!"

After listening to the assistant's words, Levi immediately brought a group of children to the second floor, Professor Derek Wright's office.

The latter happened to leave a doctor wearing a white coat to leave, and saw Levi and others come downstairs and immediately came over.

"So coincident, Levi!" Derek greeted Jim and Messi with a smile.

"Just free, so I took him over," Levi said.

"Just yesterday, I can only say that it was the referee who helped Arsenal, we are great!" Derek obviously seems to be a die-hard fan of New Manchester United.

"But we still lost!" Levi smiled bitterly.

He even speculated that this sentence might be the one he said the most today.

"But we recovered our dignity on the court, my friend!" Derek comforted Levi, and then led Messi and others into his office.

Called his assistant, took Messi to the next testing room for inspection, and at the same time helped Curtis and Johnson to conduct an inspection, and they were already there anyway.

"By the way, is Professor Fryer going away for a long time?" Levi remembered the look of his assistant when he spoke.

Derek nodded. "It's estimated to be a month or two."

"Is there something wrong?" Levi was very concerned, not only because it was related to Messi's condition, but also because he thought the old professor was good. He talked to each other several times and was happy.

"About his research, you may not know. In addition to serving at the Royal Hospital, Professor Fryer is also a professor at the University of Manchester. He has a team of researchers who are currently working on sports medicine. Have you heard of Hans-Wellem-Muller Wolfat?"

Levi nodded. He couldn't possibly not know the name like Lei Guaner. After all, this is a name that no old FM player can't know. He and Gianni Nani in Italy are called two great doctors, almost all FM players are doing everything possible to collect the gold medals under the account.

In reality, Wolfat's fame in world football is also very famous. He has been the doctor of the German giant Bayern Munich for more than 20 years and has also become the German national team doctor in the past few years. At the same time, he also often plays for the world sports. Authoritative institutions in science have been lecturers and published many related journals and papers.

"Professor Fryer has been with him for many years. In fact, in Professor Fryer's research, Dr. Wolfat has given him more advice and help, plus the University of Manchester has always been involved in sports medicine. The topic is more interesting. You know, in 1922, Professor Archibald Hill of the University of Manchester won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his research on muscle strength."

Levi was somewhat surprised by this. He didn't know that Manchester University was so keen on sports medicine.

"Professor Fryer is also a fan in his own right, and he is wondering if he can help players avoid injuries in a more scientific and systematic way. Of course, this includes professionals in many aspects, such as physiology, exercise science, psychology, dietetics, etc."

"So, you are also part of this research?" Levi asked with a smile.

Derek smiled and nodded. "When he finds an investment, I will consider joining or not."

"Investment? Doesn't the University of Manchester support him?" Levi was a little strange.

"Of course support, man, but that's not a simple physiological experiment. It requires professionals from many fields to come together for research and discussion to be able to do it. If it is really researched, in addition to avoiding injuries, it can also provide players with a set of data systems on how to play and maintain the best state, including diet, training and other aspects."

"Simply give an example!" Derek cleared out the folder on his desk and took out a pen. "Dr. Thompson has studied sports science extensively, so he believes that monitoring an athlete's heart rate and oxygen levels during a workout can reveal significant insights into their overall fitness. He thinks that by using the wearable device he's designed, he can estimate the athlete's physical condition with 80% accuracy."

"So amazing?" Levi was taken aback, but soon he thought that it seemed that the Milan laboratory of later generations could also do this, but it was not as professional as Thompson research.

"Not only that, Thompson also plans to establish a complete player system based on accurate data from all aspects of the player, and then let this system report based on changes in the physical condition of the player, and then let the coaching staff based on this report to further adjust the training of this player to ensure that the player can maintain a stable state."

"Of course, there are other assistances such as psychological counseling and massage therapy that complement each other. These are completely absent in football clubs now." Derek introduced his pride when he introduced them.

Levi was more and more surprised when he heard it. If he hadn't heard of the Milan Lab, everyone would think it was impossible, but Levi knew the capabilities of the Milan Lab so he knew very well that this scientific research feasibility.

"In addition to the assistance of these games, in addition to the daily habits of players, dietetics will also help players in the game."

"The game?" Levi was surprised again. "Isn't it?"

"No, no, man, you pay attention. After to Thompson research, each player's physical condition will decline in the second half. This is because of fatigue consumption. But if you can rest at halftime, according to the game the physical data of the former players, combined with on-the-spot observations, if each player is equipped with a compressed food specially used to supplement nutrition, it will definitely help the players to recover their energy and enter the second half of the game in the best state.

"Will that pass the drug test?" Levi asked with concern.

"Of course, that's just some compressed food that has been mashed up and aggregated. It may be protein, vitamins, or some other nutritious substance in the body. Why can't I pass the drug test?"

Levi was really shocked. If this method can be used to help players restore physical strength and maintain their state, wouldn't it mean that the team must be higher than the opponent Levi was really shocked. If this method can be used to help players restore physical strength and maintain their state, wouldn't it mean that the team must be higher than the opponent's starting point from the beginning?

You know, the Milan laboratory in later generations is only specialized in rehabilitation, physical testing, and avoiding injuries. However, Thompson plan has not only been studied in this area but also extended, even nutritional food. Considering this, it has to be said that it was greatly unexpected by Levi.

As a traveler, Levi knows very clearly how important a similar institution like the Milan Lab is to a club, which is simply an invaluable treasure that cannot be measured with money.

Levi's thoughts were interrupted as Derek continued, "You see, the advantage here is not just for match days but for overall player development and longevity. The better we understand the individual needs and responses of each player, the more we can tailor their training and recovery to maximize their potential and career span."

Levi nodded, deep in thought. "So, if Professor Fryer gets the necessary funding, how soon do you think you could get this system up and running?"

Derek leaned back in his chair, contemplating. "With the right investment and support, I'd say within a couple of years we could have a fully operational system. The research phase is the most time-consuming, but once we have the data, implementation can be quite rapid."

Levi was impressed. He knew he had to support this endeavor somehow. "Well, if there's anything I can do to help, let me know. This sounds like something that could revolutionize football."

Derek smiled, clearly pleased with Levi's enthusiasm. "I'll keep that in mind, Levi. Your support would be invaluable."

Just then, the door opened, and the assistant came in with Messi, Curtis, and Johnson. They looked relaxed and cheerful, having completed their check-ups.

"All done?" Levi asked.

Messi nodded, "Yes, everything looks good. They just adjusted my medication slightly."

Levi turned to Derek, "Thanks for everything, Derek. We'll be heading off now."

"Anytime, Levi. Take care, everyone," Derek replied.

As they left the hospital, Levi couldn't help but feel a surge of optimism. Despite the recent loss, the potential advancements in player health and performance filled him with hope. The future of New Manchester United looked brighter than ever, and he was determined to play a part in making it happen.

Back in the taxi, Levi glanced at the kids, who were chatting animatedly. "So, what's the plan for the rest of the day?" he asked.

Curtis grinned, "Training, of course! We've got to get ready for the next match."

Levi smiled, "That's the spirit. Let's keep pushing forward. We have a bright future ahead of us."

As the taxi drove back towards Newton Heath, Levi felt a renewed sense of purpose. With the right support and innovative approaches, there was no limit to what they could achieve. The priceless treasure of knowledge and science was within their grasp, and he was ready to seize it.