

A young child around the age of five was looking down with his hands clench in thigh fist, his knuckles were white with tension. Tears were falling from his face as he held back a scream of rage and sorrow.

The Anbu in front of him held his shoulder, he was knelling in front of the child. This sadly wasn't the first of many bad news he had to deliver today. Last night, many had died, the worse for morale was the death of the fifth Hokage along his wife and baby.

He waited patiently, it was the lease he could do for every person he still had to visit to annouce the grim news. His heart went out to the little fellas here, since he lost both parents in one night. And sadly it wasn't the end of the bad news, once the kid was calm down a little he would have to let him know that in week he had to leave his house. Why well in Konohowa, there was a policy that stated only member of Anbu and their familly were allowed to live in some special houses. An he just happen to be in one of thoses special houses, why was it special, inside was a room with a seal that help to increase chakra concentration for meditation. That was only one of the advantage of these houses but just that was enought to call them special. Since both parent were in Anbu, they had wanted the best for their son upbringing, but now that his parent were dead that right was revoke to make room to someone else who was in Anbu.

"Im so sorry for your parents, but i need to ask, is their anyone you can go to? Your much to young to be alone, and your to old to be left at the orphanage." He spoke softly, trying to add enought kindness in his voice as to calm the kid down, so he could finish this task, and any other he had left as quickly as possible. This day and night had been very draining on him.

The kid keep choking down his emotion with difficulty, for five wonderful years he had loving parents that had raise him with all their loved and care. They even went so far as to make sure that their was always at lease one of them that stayed at home with him. In that time the had begon his teaching on chakra and body exerciser he could do at his age. They had both claim he was very talented for his age. Of course he knew it wasn't really a question of talent or genius but more on him having memory of Naruto from his pervious life, which made learning everything easier to understand, plus having an older mature mind help him in having the discipline to soldier on in the long process of accumulating and growing chakra in his body.

His past name wasn't important, he was know as Morino Yoko, he dearly loved his parents, last night as the kyuubi rage he desperately tried to convinced them not to go. But sadly they not only loved him, but their village as well. The will of fire, as they use to repeat to him, he would no longer hear that lecture from them.

He slowly looked up at the Anbu, tears were coming down from his face, his lips moved but no sound came out. He looked the very picture of a wounded animal that was drowning in his own sorrow. He took a minute to compose himself, he finally manage to push the words out in a sand paper scratching tone.

"Their, no one, Im all alone." After he spoke he finally broke down and cried, he fell to his knees and simply crumbled onto himself.

The Anbu looked down on him with pity, he knew that life was about to get a lot harder for the kid. A few minute later after the crying stop. He finally revealed the next blow, about how he would loose the house next week. He gave him an address for an orphanage, he explaine that he would have to work there until he got older so he could find his own place. He also told him because of his age he wouldn't get adopted or receive free aide, he was in a awkward position, he was to old for a normal family to take in, especially since he was already partly trained. Any clan would be hesitating in taking in an outsider that could become a potential spy. After a few more words the Anbu left for his next destination to his still long list of families to visits.

"How is this fun! I was a fool, I thought that my new life here would be a happy one. Sure I new that this world was violent but I didn't think, I would lose so much so soon." Morino yelled as he looked up to the sky, he wanted to find someone or something to blame. He thought about Naruto for a moment, and he came to a sad realization, this feeling was the exact same that a great deal of the villageres felt, no doubt they had somehow all push their rage and sorrow on a baby. But he wouldn't, he knew better, but the lost still hurt, and it would take a long time for these wounds to heal.