

Morino was running, the joy he was feeling an hour agos, was replace with panic. He had made a huge mistake, Naruto prank, it was coming to bite him back in a most ugly way. He had assume that Naruto would create some chaos, for the head at the orphanage. But by that time they should be in the clear, but he had underestimated Naruto joy in learning his soon to be freedom from that hell.

The little rascal had written in big bold yellow paint that he was leaving for ever this smelly place. On each side of the outside walls of the orphanage, he then somehow got his hands on some fireworks and blasted them up for all to see, he then catapulted yes he'd created a catapult, to be fair, Morino played a major role in building it. But it was suppose to be use as a training tool, by sending rubber balls in order to learn to dodge long range weapons. Instead Naruto use it in sending a large ball of crap righ into the head office. To make matter worse all this happen as the Hokage came by for a viste, he just happen to be inside the office went to ball of shit came flying in as the matron open a window for the Hokage to see about the fireworks. Most of it was on matron, but just seeing a person suddenly covered in shit was disturbing for anyone who was in the same room.

This of course sended the Anbus in hunting down the little bastard. The hokage was left to calm the matron down and sending some people to investigate about all the noise, once he learn of the painted message. He was furious that someone lied to Naruto about adopting him. Because he was confident that no one would ever dare to lay claim on this village jinchūriki, he wanted the clan who had made this move to be brought out and punish.

"Crap,crap,crap,crap,crap, I have to find Naruto quick. I need to get to him first, he just needs to signed this scroll and then they can all go, and screw themselves. But if they get their hands on him before, it all over. Their is no way in hell, that Sarutobi san is going to let this go with a chuckle. I basically made him and the council plus a lot of people looked foolish by having all this going on right in front of them." Morino was jumping from roof to roof, he was trying to figure out Naruto escape route. He knew that in the past year he had a certain influence on him, to which he once explaine that any good ninja had more then one escape plan. He remember cause Naruto ask a whole bunch of question about it, once he pointed out how it could be use for anything, like if he was being attack or wanted to prank someone.

"He might go there, oh please be there." Morino just remember a small cave he and Naruto had explored on one of their very rare time they could spend together. They found it in the forest the cave it self was well hidden, it wasn't big just a few metters deep. But it made for a great hiding spot, a small paradise for just the two of them.

He race off in the direction, but suddenly and Anbus appeared in front of him.

"You stop!" The Anbu yelled as he approach.

As much as Morino wanted nothing more then to run, he force himself to stop, he had no way of out running or tricking him. So he stop and hope that his part in all this was still hidden.

"Sir, what do you need, Im trying to practice here." Morino said his voice was coming in quick as he was just running a few moment agos. He tried to pull off the annoyed tone to, everything so that he wouldn't looked to suspicious.

"Did you see a little kid wearing orange around."

Fortune was smilling on him, not only was Naruto still on the run, but he wasn't a suspect yet. He had to be very careful here, one slip up and it would be him, that would be messing up any chance that they had of a happier childhood.

"Nah, does this have anything to do with the fireworks? If it does, if I find him, do I get a reward?" Morino approach the Anbu with a greedy look as if he was asking for a confirmation on a prize. But in fact he was closing the distance in case he had a chance to make a sneak attack. Since if his acting was seen through he would have no choice but to attack with everything he had for a small chance in escape toward hopefully were Naruto was hidding.

The Anbu just shook his head and motion him to leave. As the kid left the Anbu found himself questioning his meeting, he figure he would check up on it later. He still had to find Naruto and track down the one who was behind all this.

"Lucky, that was closes, but this is good. Naruto is still hidden and my role in all this is still unknown. But I need to hurry, please be there I doubt I can keep looking around without attracting more attention." Morino speed away as he was using all his will power in maintaining a calm outside mask. If he let out his real emotion, it would bring alot of their focus on him. Something he was desperate in keeping away as long as possible.

He encounter a few more Anbu but none stop him, so he keep going. At every encounter he was afraid that he been figured out, only to go free. All this was really bad for his health at every moment he was at the edge of loosing it and trying to blast his way trough.

He finaly arrive at the cave, from the traps that he and Naruto set up around it looked like no one was here. He really hope that Naruto was hidding in their. Or else all his plans would fall apart, everything hinges on finding Naruto, getting him to sign the scroll. If he mannage all that, no matter what the Hokage the council or the clans could do nothing about the new reality. But until Naruto sign, everything would come crashing down if he failed.

He enter the cave keeping to the shadows and making as less noise as possible. Suddenly a shadow jump out of the corner and tacked him to the ground, he tried to move out of the way or counter but the shadow was to fast. Was this the end, he work so hard, fought so long so close to victory only for everything to end, just as his hope was at their peak.