
New Game++ (Twisted Wonderland x Persona 5)

(Disney's Twisted Wonderland x Persona 5) "New Game++?" That’s the mysterious message that pops up on Ren’s screen after he updates Persona 5 Royal, the game he thought he had finished. What does it mean? Is there more to the game than he realized? He decides to check it out, curious about what new challenges await him. *ding dong* Someone or something is outside, and it doesn’t sound friendly... somehow. He doesn’t know it yet, but he’s about to begin a new adventure, one that will test his skills as the Trickster, the one who can defy fate and change reality. He will need to use his advantage: keeping his stats, skills, items, and Personas from Persona 5 Royal. Is he prepared to embark on this new journey, to face the malevolent being and protect the world from its clutches? He was ready to start a new game. New Game++ A game where he has to be the ultimate Trickster. A game where he has to use his New Game++ edge to its limits. The stage is set, the game is afoot. Brace yourself, Trickster, for a new chapter awaits. His choices will shape not only his destiny but the fate of the entire universe. The world is counting on him. This is NOT a BL story.

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Prologue | Chapter 4 - Memories...? The Phantoms

5/5 - Thursday | Daytime

The moment one stepped foot inside the lavish hotel, it was as if a symphony of sensations erupted around them. The air itself seemed to be infused with the tantalizing aroma of exotic dishes, each waft carrying a promise of culinary delight. It was a captivating dance of spices and flavors, a sensory feast that seduced even the most discerning palate.

As the guests made their way through the grand hall, their every step was accompanied by a symphony of clinking glasses and lively chatter. The sound reverberated through the expansive space, creating a vibrant tapestry of human interaction. It was a cacophony of laughter, whispers, and animated conversations that enlivened the atmosphere, infusing it with an electric energy.

And oh, the sight that awaited the eyes was nothing short of a visual spectacle. Every corner of the dining room was adorned with a kaleidoscope of colorful decorations, an explosion of opulence and elegance that dazzled the senses. Swirling ribbons of crimson and gold hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow upon the room. Tables were adorned with exquisite floral arrangements, each bloom a vibrant burst of life. The guests themselves, adorned in their elegant attire, were a living tapestry of fashion, their garments a testament to style and sophistication.

Nestled discreetly in a far corner of the spacious dining room, an all-you-can-eat buffet beckoned with its siren call. The bounty spread before the hungry guests was nothing short of an epicurean odyssey, an array of cuisines from around the world artfully presented on gleaming platters. The tantalizing scents mingled, weaving a tale of culinary adventures waiting to be embarked upon.

Amongst the throng of well-dressed patrons, an unlikely trio stood out like vibrant brushstrokes against a monochrome canvas. Their casual clothes seemed at odds with the grandeur of the surroundings, but their demeanor exuded a confidence that defied any notion of incongruity.

Unbeknownst to the other guests, these seemingly out-of-place youths were basking in the afterglow of a hard-won victory, celebrating their triumph as the enigmatic Phantom Thieves.

At the heart of the trio sat Ren, the enigmatic de facto leader of the group, a black-haired youth possessed a serene and mature demeanor that masked a storm of rebelliousness brewing within. His countenance spoke volumes, an enigmatic mask carefully crafted to shield his true nature. Though he emanated an aura of silence, he possessed unwavering courage and the unwavering determination to forge his own path, untethered by societal expectations.

He had an athletic physique hinted at the physical prowess he possessed, further accentuated by his ensemble. An unbuttoned black blazer adorned his frame, tracing delicate lines against the black-trimmed cream sweater that clung to his form. Blue jeans hugged his lean legs, accentuating the confident stride of his brown, laced oxfords, their polished appearance reflecting the meticulousness with which he approached every endeavor.

Yet, it was the large black glasses perched upon his nose that often drew curious gazes. They were a deliberate choice, not merely a fashion statement, but a device to maintain an unassuming facade. Little did onlookers suspect that behind those glasses lay a pair of sharp, intense eyes capable of piercing the veil of deceit, emanating an intensity of his role as a master strategist and unyielding rebel.

Within the depths of Ren's book bag, a creature like no other, observed the festivities with a mischievous glimmer in its eyes. Morgana, a talking black 'cat', cunningly concealed itself within the bag, occasionally venturing forth to stealthily snatch morsels of delectable fare from unattended plates.

An enigmatic being, Morgana was not merely a feline companion but also a fount of knowledge, guiding the teenagers through the secrets of the Metaverse. In that parallel dimension, they could infiltrate the twisted minds of the corrupt and wrest away their distorted desires.

Their journey as the Phantom Thieves began with a harrowing mission—to expose the dark deeds of Kamoshida, a twisted and perverted teacher who had preyed upon the innocent students of Shujin Academy.

Ryuji, a rebellious blonde with a fiery spirit, had been one of Kamoshida's unfortunate victims. Once a shining star on the track and field team at Shujin Academy, had been reduced to a mere shadow of his former athletic prowess. Kamoshida, had purposefully injured him, shattering his dreams along with his leg. The vibrant energy that once radiated from his athletic body had dimmed, for months, and perhaps even years, had slipped by without the rigors of training that once sculpted him into a formidable force.

A purple hoodie draped his form, a cloak of defiance that mirrored the fire within his soul. Adorned with a black shirt featuring a yellow frowning face, his countenance mirrored the disdain he harbored for those who abused their power. Dark pants and yellow sneakers completed his attire, showcasing his unique blend of youthful rebellion and unwavering determination.

Then there was Ann, a vision of ethereal beauty with her platinum blonde locks cascading in bushy pigtails, possessed a beauty that mirrored her indomitable spirit. Her mixed ethnicity added a layer of captivating allure to her already striking presence. With a Japanese surname and a profile that whispered of her 1/4 American heritage.

Her model-like figure was accentuated by a lavender blue button-up shirt beneath a resplendent red and white varsity jacket, her ensemble embracing both the elegance of her Japanese roots and a touch of Western flair. A white skirt swirled around her legs, a delicate symbol of her innocence tainted by the cruelty she had endured. Black leggings embraced her limbs, a reminder of the strength she had cultivated, while red Converse shoes carried her towards a future where she could empower others. Ann had been the object of Kamoshida's obsession, enduring his unwanted advances and the torment that ensued.

Yet, despite the pain and hardship they had endured, these three youths had found solace and strength in each other's company. Their shared ordeal had forged an unbreakable bond, a bond rooted in the pursuit of justice and the desire to make a difference in a world that often turned a blind eye to the suffering of others.

With their recent triumph over Kamoshida, a sense of accomplishment mingled with a burning fervor for the righteous cause that propelled them forward. However, amidst the joyous revelry and the triumph they relished, an undercurrent of uncertainty tugged at their collective conscience.

Aware of the pervasive presence of individuals like Kamoshida, perpetrators who reveled in the suffering of others, the trio grappled with the weight of responsibility. Their mysterious power had brought them closer to a realm of immense influence, where they could potentially bring about positive change on a grand scale.

Yet, they also feared the slippery slope that lay before them, unsure if they should venture further into the unknown, where danger and consequences lurked, or if they should heed caution and halt their pursuit of justice before the shadows consumed them entirely.

As the aromas danced, the sounds reverberated, and the vibrant sights unfolded before their eyes, the trio contemplated the path that lay before them. In their hearts, the flame of justice flickered, its radiance casting light upon a world shrouded in darkness. Uncertain of the road that lay ahead, yet resolute in their determination to make a difference in a world teetering on the edge of darkness.

The atmosphere was charged with an electric undercurrent as the female member of the group, her voice laced with surprise, posed a question that hung in the air like a shimmering chandelier. "You mean... you wanna continue as the Phantom Thieves?"

A glint of determination flickering in Ryuji's eyes, began to unravel the tapestry of his thoughts. "...I've been thinkin'."

"We put a lot of work into changin' Kamoshida's heart, but nobody believes in the Phantom Thieves." He confessed, his voice carrying the weight of contemplation.

As his words trailed off, he couldn't help but reflect on the ripple effect of their actions. "Plus... those guys who had no other choice but to just deal with it are thankin' us. Us, of all people." He concluded, his tone tinged with a mix of awe and disbelief.

"There are lots of victims, sadly..." Ren said softy, reclining against the plush cushions of the couch, gazed up at the ceiling, a somber expression crossing his face.

Memories flooded his mind—images of twisted horrors and injustices that had transpired within Kamoshida's palace: the twisted shadows, the tortured students, his lustful view of female students… But also within the confines of the real world, the physical and mental abuse for the sports team, the near-suicide of Ann's best friend Shiho…. It got so bad that she actually jumped off the school's rooftop. Thankfully she is recovering well in the hospital.

Lost in his contemplation, he turned to the pigtailed female teen, seeking more perspective. "What do you think, Ann?" He inquired.

A solemn look descended upon Ann's face as she met Ren's gaze. Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke, her words laced with empathy and concern.

"I... I agree." Ann replied, looking down at her plate. She felt conflicted.

She continued, her tone filled with genuine worry. "If we ignore people who are in trouble, I'd go back to being the same I was before..." She confessed, her voice tinged with a flicker of fear. She thought about how she had not seen Kamoshida's harassment of her best friend.

Ren reached out and squeezed her hand gently. She smiled at him gratefully.

Morgana, who was hiding in Ren's book bag, popped his head out and joined the conversation.

"Well... that's true." He said in his high pitched voice.

As the murmurs of conversation from the surrounding buffet grew louder, a sense of camaraderie and comfortable silence settled upon the table. Allowing their minds to contemplate the weight of their decision.

The group felt a comforting unity, knowing that they were not alone in their doubts and aspirations. It was in this moment that the cat, sensing the need to break the heavy silence, let out a resolute statement.

"You're under my tutelage." It reminded them, its voice filled with confidence.

"There's nothing we can't accomplish as phantom thieves!" He grinned smugly, showing his white feline teeth.

The blond-haired teen turned to his companions, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of hope and determination.

"Shouldn't we be able to help 'em out?" He asked, his voice carrying a genuine yearning to make a difference. The rest of the team looked at Ren, their expectations palpable in the air.

Ren, the enigmatic fulcrum of the group, adjusted his glasses as his expression grew contemplative, a glimmer of determination igniting within his dark eyes.

He closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

"Hm... It's true that with this power, we may indeed be able to help people." He mused, his voice steady but burdened with the weight of responsibility.

He opened his eyes and looked at them seriously.

"But.." He added.

Ann tenses up. She knew what he was going to say next.

Her expression heavy with the weight of forthcoming battles, she continued for him. "But… That means we'll have to fight Shadows again, doesn't it...?"

Ren nodded with a weary sigh. Shadows were the enemies they faced in the Metaverse. They were dangerous and unpredictable.

Morgana added his support. "Indeed. That can't be avoided."

Raising his head, the blond teen exuded an air of confidence, his nonchalant expression masking a determination that burned within him.

"Eh, I'm sure we'll manage." He chimed in, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness.

"Hehehe... Right?" Ryuji's playful exuberance elicited a chuckle from Ren.

Ren's response resonated with an air of cool resolve, his deep, suave voice carrying an air of authority that match his confident smile. "I want to make a difference in people's lives. So, that's perfectly fine by me." His words echoed with a quiet strength, underscoring his unwavering commitment to their cause.

The cat let out a soft meow, its timbre infused with a hint of amusement. "Heh... Even if you guys are still just fledglings, this means we're an actual organization now."

"Fledglings?" Ann chimed in, a laugh escaping her lips as she straightened her posture, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Haha, that's actually pretty fitting for us."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ryuji joined in, following suit and straightening his back. His toothy grin illuminated his face as he declared. "All right, it's settled!"

"We're gonna catch all these shitty adults by surprise, and make ourselves known to the world!" He declared, his voice brimming with fiery determination and contagious excitement.

Amidst the shared determination, Ann turned to Ren, her voice laden with the weight of the question she posed.

"Ren... Are you okay being our leader?" Her eyes, filled with trust and admiration, locked onto his.

Ren's gaze shifted from Ann to his teammates, their eyes fixed on him with a blend of trust and anticipation. It was filled with unwavering faith in his abilities. In that moment, he felt an unspoken bond, an unbreakable unity that fortified his resolve.

The weight of their expectations settled upon his shoulders, intertwining with the unyielding fire that burned within him. A flicker of determination ignited in his eyes as he met their gaze.

"Of course." Ren responded, his voice carrying a sense of reassurance and unyielding confidence. A smile, infused with the charisma of a natural leader, graced his features.

"I'll do the best I can." His lips curled into a confident smile, radiating an aura of quiet authority.

Ryuji, never one to shy away from speaking his mind, voiced his immediate unwavering support.

"No objections here! I can't handle all that responsibility stuff." He declared, his words filled with unabashed sincerity.

The feline observer, feeling left out of the decision-making process, voiced his dissatisfaction.

"Where's my say in this?" He grumbled, though his tone quickly shifted to one of dreamy admiration.

"But Lady Ann has made the recommendation, so I'll allow it." He mused dreamily, casting an admiring gaze towards the platinum blonde.

Ren couldn't help but shake his head, his laughter bubbling up from within at the cat's change of heart. The feline's unwavering transparent devotion to Ann, despite his disgruntled facade, brought a sense of warmth to his heart.

'Simp,' He thought, his chuckle a gentle melody that blended with the lingering excitement in the room. Their journey as Phantom Thieves was far from over, but with their newfound resolve, they stood united, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the days to come.

The blond teen leaned forward with excitement, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Well, should we decide on a name for our group?" His voice filled the air, brimming with enthusiasm. Ren observed his companion, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"I just went with Phantom Thieves of Hearts last time," The blond teen began, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "But don't you think a real name would be cooler?"

A thoughtful expression crossed Ren's face as he considered the proposition. "The Phantom Thieves of Hearts served us well before, but perhaps a real name wouldn't hurt." His words carried a hint of fondness and nostalgia for their previous moniker.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Ann, always eager to contribute, chimed in with her own ideas, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ooh, I've got it!" She exclaimed, fully immersed in the naming process as she delved into the depths of her imagination.. "I want it to be something both cute and luxurious sounding..."

"Let me see..." The room fell into a contemplative silence as Ann delved deep into her thoughts, her brow furrowed in concentration. Suddenly, her face lit up with delight.

"How about 'The Diamonds'?" She suggested, her voice carrying a sense of satisfaction.

Ryuji's puzzled expression gave way to a sweat-drenched forehead as he scratched his head in confusion. "...I'm gettin' a real little league baseball feel from it." His words were accompanied by an awkward chuckle.

Amidst the playful banter, the 'not a cat', Morgana, decided to join in the naming game as well, his feline presence adding an air of mystery. "Well then, here's my suggestion." He offered, his words laced with a hint of self-satisfaction.

"How about 'Tilefish Peole'?" He savored the taste of the words lingering on his tongue.

Ryuji squinted, clearly perplexed, struggling to grasp the peculiar name. "Tile... uh, what?" His confusion mirrored the sentiments of the others, desperately seeking clarity from their feline companion.

Confusion washed over the blond teen's face as he struggled to grasp the significance of the name. Ren couldn't help but chuckle softly, finding amusement in the situation. He hand reached his hand out to gently scratch the cat's chin.

"Seems like you really have a thing for fish, don't you?" Ren remarked, a knowing smile dancing on his lips. 'And you say you're not a cat.'

Ryuji, growing more bewildered by the second, turned to the cat, seeking clarification. Morgana, purring with contentment, replied amidst the blissful sensation of Ren's touch between soft purrs.

"That's what I ate earlier. It's commemorative, no?" The feline quipped, the satisfaction evident in his voice.

The Ryuji snapped, his patience wearing thin. "Hell no, you idiot!" He retorted, clearly not on board with the feline's culinary-themed suggestion.

Ren leaned back in his chair sipping his lemonade, a small smile playing on his lips as he observed the lively discussion unfolding before him. The anticipation in the room was palpable, each member of the group contributing their thoughts on choosing a name for their newly formed alliance. He admired their enthusiasm, their dedication to this cause that had brought them together.

Realizing that their naming discussion was reaching an impasse, the blond teen let out a sigh of exasperation, turning to Ren, the unwavering leader of the group.

"Ugh, you decide for us..." His gaze fixed on the leader, placing his trust in the leader's discerning judgment hopeful for a resolution.

Ren, ever the pragmatic planner, flicked open his journal, flipping through its pages, jotting down various name choices that came to mind. A list of possibilities sprawled across the pages, ranging from the absurd to the provocative.


[Ryuji Lovers]

[The Big PPs★]



[The Hee-Hoes]


[your ass]

[Port Beggars]



[The Pancakes]



But then, amidst the sea of possibilities, one name stood out to him. With a determined glint in his eye, he wrote down the final name choice with a flourish, announcing it with a touch of pride.

"The Phantoms." Ren declared, his voice laced with a quiet confidence. He looked up, his eyes scanning the faces of his fellow thieves, eager to gauge their reactions.

"Huh, that's not bad at all." Ann commented, her voice filled with a sense of approval as she repeated the name, allowing it to roll off her tongue while absentmindedly twirling a lock of her hair.

Morgana, with a cheeky meow, added his own assessment. "A good name, for a rookie."

The blond teen turned to Ren, seeking the final confirmation. "The Phantoms. We're goin' with that?" He asked, awaiting the leader's decision.

Ren's calm demeanor concealed the glimmer of excitement in his eyes as he nodded with a small smile.

"If that's fine with all of you." He replied, a cool and collected tone resonating in his words as he closed his journal, marking a significant milestone in their journey together.

Seeing no objections, Ann swiftly shifted the conversation to the next topic at hand. "Well now that the name's set, who's our next target?" She asked, her mind already focused on their next mission.

The blond teen scratched his neck, contemplating their options. "There are tons of rotten adults and all..." He mused, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration. "...Why not just stick to targeting big names?"

Ren's interest was piqued by the proposal, his eyes narrowing slightly in contemplation.

He, mused aloud. "So like a celebrity or a CEO?" The subtle nod of his head conveyed his approval of Ryuji's suggestion, recognizing the significance of capturing the public's attention and garnering widespread belief in their cause.

A surge of excitement coursed through the blond teen as he passionately elaborated on his idea. "Yeah, something along those lines if we go after some bigwig, it's gotta get on the news, right?" He exclaimed, his voice filled with conviction. "Don't you think more people would believe in us if we did that?"

A mischievous smirk tugged at the corners of Morgana's mouth as he playfully teased. "That's not a bad idea... for you, Ryuji."

Ann, seeing the potential impact of their actions, nodded in agreement, voicing her own thoughts. "True, if we become better known... we might be able to give courage to a lot more people."

Ren listened intently, his mind absorbing their thoughts. Allowing himself a moment of reflection, the weight of their mission settling upon his shoulders. Amidst the passionate dialogue, Ren couldn't help but muse to himself, a thought that captured the essence of their purpose.

His eyes narrowed, a subtle intensity emanating from his gaze. He raised his glass of lemonade to his lips, the tangy sweetness mingling with his thoughts, as he chuckled softly to himself.

"So, we shall become their symbol of hope, the darkness shedding light on the darkest corners... That's interesting." His words carried a certain irony, a sense of duality that intrigued him.

However, Ann couldn't fully embrace the idea without voicing her concerns. "I don't really like the idea of just picking someone out of the blue though." She admitted, her voice gentle yet determined.

Ryuji, proposed a solution. "Let's narrow it down to something we can agree on then."

Ren, seizing upon Ryuji's suggestion, spoke with a calm assurance. "A unanimous decision, then." He declared, emphasizing the term holding weight and significance, a commitment to mutual understanding and shared purpose.

The cat summarized the conversation, capturing their collective thoughts. "Hm, so we need a bigwig we decide on unanimously."

Ann's eyes lit up at the word 'unanimous,' finding a sense of camaraderie and commitment in the concept. "I like the unanimous decision part! It's like we're making some kind of pact!" She enthused, her voice filled with excitement.

Ren's gaze shifted, his eyes meeting the eyes of his fellow thieves. "Now then, this is the official formation of the Phantom Thieves organization." Morgana declared, the weight of his words settling in the room, sealing their commitment to their chosen path.

"The Phantoms." Ren added with a confident smirk, his voice carrying a touch of mystery, a whisper that promised greatness and rebellion.

Just as their discussion reached its crescendo, Ann's phone alarm rang, shattering the momentary tranquility. She sighed, a hint of disappointment clouding her expression.

"Oh no! Our time for the buffet ran out..." She lamented, a tinge of regret in her voice.

Ryuji shrugged, accepting the reality. "I guess we'll just have to talk more about tomorrow." He suggested, his voice tinged with a hint of anticipation.

Ren, embodying his quiet yet decisive nature, added his final words. "We have plenty of time ahead of us. Until then, stay sharp." He stated with a serene smile, his eyes reflecting a calm determination.

As the group dispersed, their newly formed identity as the Phantoms lingering in the air, Ren couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins. The journey of the Phantom Thieves had just begun, and the world would soon know their name.


5/5 - Thursday | Evening

==[ IM | Instant Messenger ]====

[ ! ] Ryuji: Oh yeah, lemme send the celebratory pic I took today!

[ ! ] Ryuji: Celebrating the founding of the Phantom Thieves! And celebrating us crashing that classy buffet!

[Ryuji sent an Image.]

Ann: You can cool it with all the "celebrating" any time now...

Ren: You look great, Ann.

Ann: Aww, Thank you.

[ !? ] Ann: Wait, you took that while I was eating!? Why didn't you tell me!?

Ryuji: Uh, I did. You just never stopped eating.

[ ! ] Ryuji: Anyways, this is our start as the Phantom Theives!

[ ! ] Ryuji: We're gonna take the world by storm! All the shitty adults in the world better watch out for us!


==[ Author's Notes ]=====

The names are a direct references from various streamers. The Phantoms is the game's default name

I would love to hear your thoughts on my writing so far. Is it too much? Just right? Please give me some feedback.

Also, how do you feel about Ren's character and personality? I am creating his character based on the game, but with some changes because these memory flashbacks are from the New Game+ playthrough. So he has max stats at the beginning of the game.

4046 words

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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