
New Frontier

His life was hell, an endless loop of suffering, but with an unbreakable will he would manage to emerge victorious. Ren had always known that he was different, that he had a power that no one else possessed, and it was this power that had condemned him to a lifetime of misery. However, all of that changed when he met two powerful goddesses - Elysium, the goddess of light, and Erebo, the goddess of darkness. They saw something in him that no one else had, and they gave him a gift: a ring and an earring, both imbued with their power. With their help, Ren discovered that he could break free of the endless cycle that had trapped him for so long. He could fulfill the covenant made by the inhabitants of his world and perhaps even gain unexpected benefits along the way. But life is never that simple, and Ren would soon find himself caught up in an even bigger war, with even greater stakes. Would he choose a normal life in another world and give up his power, or would he continue to fight, wielding the gifts given to him by the goddesses? Either way, Ren knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was determined to emerge victorious once again.

Nitlo · Fantaisie
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21 Chs


There was nothing, endless darkness, silence, until suddenly a pain, it starts to spread like a wildfire and finally all of his body was in pain, he was struggling to breath, but as the minutes pass, the pain star to go away, and then a question pop in his mind, "where am I", looking around all was dark but a dim light come from somewhere, when trying to get up he felt something in his neck strangling him, pieces of wood all around, and then a sudden realization, "I was trying to kill myself".

"No, it was not me, this is not my body, I am confusing, the goddess proposes a new life, I thought I will reborn in a child, but apparently they decide otherwise, I get transmigrate into another Ren"

Ren was out of his wits, tons of question in his mind, about why did that the goddess, who I am, what I am supposed to do.

But if one thing has taken Ren to this moment was his irresolute will of keep advancing, so he took of the rope of his neck, and look in his body for any bleed or injury that need his primary attention, he was just fine, a few contusion here and there, the most serious been in his neck but nothing incapacitating, so he move to the light, there was a window with the curtain blocking all the light, when he removed it the light blinded him a few moment, and then the most marvelous situation develop in from of him.

There was houses, but not any houses, these houses were big and in different shapes, all of them were intact, and there was green, a park a few meter from his house make a single tear fall down without him realizing it, "this is, this is how Flor describe the paradise", the thought of his companion inundating his mind, about how she wants a nice home, how good would the nature look without the corruption, all her desire where becoming true in front of Ren, "but she gave up earlier", the sadness inundate him immediately.

A profound sentiment of impotency surge inside him, remembering the feeling of despair in front of the monster, the misery of his companion, how all of them end surrounding one by one, how he has to end all the madness alone without and actual reward because of a covenant make for the mistake of other, that intense feeling makes his resolve in strengthening himself, so he can control his own life, and never again dance at the music of other.

Standing in front of the window, the memory of the previous owner of the body star to pour in his mind, "he was alone, apparently his parents were rich but never been in home" some memories about a couple appear in his mind, "well it will be a problem if they appear now", but his inner words were interrupting by a sudden noise, something star to vibrate, he follow the noise and discover one strange rectangular fount of light, while watching it something pop in his mind, "apparently this is a phone, and there is all the knowledge inside of it", he remember the previous one always locking at this thing, "mmmm it keep vibrating, I wonder what is happening". He grabs the phone and star to look at it and the what was in it make him come to a realization.

"No wonder why you kill yourself, this message is very hostile, mmmm its strange there is no memory of monster in this place like the one I know, instead the reference of monster of this body are always matched with this guy", all the message was trashing him, in a wide range from how he was fat and ugly as a sea dog, some were about how his girlfriend cheated on him, about how he has the lower grade in his school, and a bunch of other theme, the last one caught the interest of Ren, it was a direct threat of beating him to death.

"I don't take that type of threats lightly, so if the memories are correct, I am in a sort of school, my parents are far away and don't care about me, and there will be holidays the next six weeks".

Six weeks where not enough time to fix everything, after all, he indeed was obese, but whit hard work maybe I can lose 1 or 2 kilos a week, and gain some muscles and hand-to-hand combat techniques.

While some memories about how this world work were coming back hi star his training, as the passing day, he grows accustom the various thing like goes shopping some fresh vegetable and meat, someday even walking around the park, he commences to use his cellphone to look after some knowledge of this world, about who he was in this world, who are his bullies, and various news that pop up in the social media.

Time keep going and the day when he has to go back to school were approaching fast, but he was undoubling ready, after all, one eternity killing demon doesn't go away easy, the only problem come when there was just 2 days to go back to school.

Ren was in the shower, wiping off all the sweat from his daily workout when someone burst in.

"Ren my father sent me to this pigsty to tell you that if you miss class again they will dishonor you".

She clearly doesn't expect to see Ren with a more fitness body, by the memories of the old owner of the body, this was his sister, and she always use every opportunity she has to embarrass him, especially when he starts to gain weight she always abuses that part of him.

With a clear an unfazed face Ren said, "don't worry I WILL, take care of the school, more over what are you doing in here meanwhile I am naked Yuko".

"I, I, I" she stutters complete out of his wits, never in his wildest dream she thinks Ren will speak back, so she ran out of the bathroom with her face complete red.

When Ren came out of the bathroom fully clothed, she said "anyway have you hear these strange rumor about portals, it has become trending in the net, a lot of people are uploading photos with a new photo filter"

"No I have been busy, but if you want tell me about that"

The smile in Ren face makes some chills in the back of Yuko, after some chitchat she found some excuse to go away.

Then Ren was again alone in the home, "I think it's time to prepare to my firs day of class, I wonder what marvels awaits me".

second chapter, and i am having troubles already with my writing skills, every one please have some mercy on me in the name of the novel that we all love

I really hope you have some patience so my story can take off

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