
New Dawn S1

What was once a friendly yet odd neighborhood has now turned into a death trap, being flooded with zombies and shops left and right being looted in a desperate attempt to get supplies, while people are trying to leave while they still can. Within hours zombies have already overrun the city, making no place safe and people fear for their lives as the zombies only continue to spread, growing stronger and smarter.

Ultimate_Arson · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Last Bark

I was blinded for a moment, everything blurry and disorientated from the impact. The car was flipped upside down, and Loona was lying on the roof of the car next to me, If he even has a scratch I will run with her in my arms to the vet! And on the other side, Carlos was already making his way out of the vehicle through the shattered window. I hear the loud noises of a helicopter above flying around, likely news reporters or maybe someone just stole a helicopter!


I mutter, gazing around, my eyes adjusting. I gently pat Loona before turning around and pushing myself out of the car. I help Loona out, grabbing her front paws and dragging her out, trying to avoid the glass shards as best I could to prevent her from being cut.

Carlos puts his hand in front of me, stopping me from walking any further.

I look up at Carlos, a frown on my face and eyes narrowing. I notice he seems to be looking in a certain direction. I look over and quickly step behind him, feeling my heart try to leave my chest.

As I stand behind Carlos I still can't help myself as I continue to stare. At least 3 of those.. zombies were sinking their teeth and ripping into Dad's unconscious body. I decide It's time to turn away as I see one of the zombies grip his arm and stand up. I can already imagine what's about to happen. A loud crunchy rip can be heard, like removing old slime from a counter top but if the slime was... Nevermind.


I say, almost silently. I pray silently that Loona doesn't bark or run after any of the zombies, hoping she knows the danger and won't have to learn another way, and hopefully, she'll be fine since she didn't seem to bother the zombie that did that to Mum. I crouch down and begin to move slowly and sneakily around the group of zombies, walking through the long grass, Loona right behind me, not daring to even bark or run after Dad, or at least what is left of him.

I can't stop thinking about what just happened within the past hour or so. I keep glancing around, paranoid that one of them will come for me or Carlos, especially Loona!

"Come on, I know where the gas station is where Dad always drives to."

Carlos said to me, walking closer to me.

Loona whined sadly, her ears flat against her head and her tail tucked in between her legs as she walked shakily, I guess I wasn't the only one depressed in this situation. We all seemed to be in a state of shock and grief considering everything that happened. It's just all too quick.

As we tread through the forest environment, I keep my hand wrapped around Carlos's hand, not wanting to lose him as well. I also continuously pet Loona with my other hand to calm her down to avoid her freaking out and doing the bolt.

After maybe 10 minutes we finally made it to the gas station Carlos mentioned before.

"Quick, we gotta see if there's anything left inside or anyone."

We enter the gas station but our best guess is that it's already been looted, every shelf is a mess and pretty much empty and there's no one in sight.

"Seems they already left and took whatever they could on the way out."

I added, looking around the gas station, looking at each shelf that either was empty, had wrappers, or barely more than three items.

"Let's go around and search for anything, anything at all."

Carlos ordered.

I walked behind the counter and opened the cabinets underneath, finding some pill bottles and pad packets. I grabbed all the pill bottles in my bag, not caring what it was. I grab one of the packets and hold it up, showing it to Carlos.

"What's this?"

I questioned, looking at the packaging, the writing is too small for me to read on the back.

"Oh man, you're gonna wanna stock up on those."

Carlos responded in a taunting way.

I decide to take him seriously though the tone and stuff it in my bag, not knowing what importance it would be used for, but maybe someday when I know how to use them. Loona sniffed around the empty store, biting into some plastic before letting go and continuing to sniff before she stopped and approached Carlos, slightly more relaxed.

"Crap, we gotta go."

Carlos says, looking out the door. A group of zombies roaming around outside minding their business.

"The news definitely wasn't kidding about them spreading quickly."

"Tell me about it..."

I respond, putting one last packet in my bag before going to Carlos and letting him stuff whatever he found inside my bag before we exit the gas station which seemed to be only a box of crackers, two bottles of water, and a half-empty packet of cigarettes. "

Surely Carlos doesn't smoke, right? I push the thought aside as we exit the gas station and enter the streets once again. Loona sniffed around, being short and quiet enough to not be noticed by the zombies lurking nearby, and smart enough to stick close.

We manage to avoid the zombies without being noticed and Loona is just a few feet away, it's like she also doesn't want to risk getting their attention.

As we're walking I pause, getting a great idea all of a sudden, however, I don't know if it will be great enough.

"Carlos, wait– How about we go to my school? It should be safe there! The school is big, no zombie would be able to get in, and if they do they better bring a map."

I point out eagerly. Surely it would be somewhat safer in there than out here.

"Sure I guess, better than being out here in this rotting place."

I grab ahold of Loona's collar and begin to walk her, making sure she doesn't run off if she sees something or someone like a cat or zombie doing who knows what, I wonder if cats are still gonna be around after this, and dogs.

As we're walking down the street a bark echoes down the street and I twist my head to Loona, seeing her teeth bared and tail raised in alert as she barks, attracting every zombie on the street and around.

"Loona, no! Sh, calm down!"

I said in a hushed tone, patting her excessively in a desperate attempt for her to quiet down but it didn't seem to work as she continued to bark and growl at the group of zombies approaching, but not slow like in movies, they were flying at us! I feel a lump form in my throat and sweat starts to form on my hands.

"God damn it, Loona! We have to leave her."

Carlos said, grabbing my wrist in order to flee with me.

"What, no! But—"

"But, what, do you want to die because of her? We're leaving, now!"

Carlos stated, running as he dragged me along with him. I ran to keep up with him, zooming past the zombies as they ran in our direction before changing course to Loona as she kept barking, dragging in more attention to herself.

I don't look back, afraid of what I might see if I do as yelps and cries fill my ears. I feel my eyes water up and my vision blur. I wipe my tears out of my eyes and bang into Carlos as he stops.

"This it?"

I hear him ask. I look up and see the school.


I stuttered, barely being able to speak through the tears and my tightening throat. Carlos puts his hands around the gate and shakes it violently to try to get it open but gets nowhere. Now we need to find another way in, or perhaps another strategy.