
New Room

Harry knew that Dumbledore would try to find him as soon as he saw the memory.

After all, despite his good nature, Dumbledore was a bit of a control freak and would probably want to hide all the dark secrets in Hogwarts from being revealed to other people.

For example, if he uploaded one of the memories in which the purebloods are discriminating against muggleborns or if he uploaded a memory in which Snape is taking points from Gryffindor for the smallest of reason then that could paint a very bad picture of Hogwarts in the parents' minds.

So it was likely that the old man would want to have a talk with him which was why he had gone to his first History of Magic class where the old man would easily be able to find him.


"You're giving me a new room?" he asked with some surprise once the old man came and took him out in order to talk with him.

"Yes. You heard that right my boy. You're being given your own separate room some distance away from the Ravenclaw house." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Why?" he asked. It was not like he needed a new room because he never really stayed in his old one.

This seemed like a move that Dumbledore made in order to keep him contained in a single place so that he would be easier to find and easier to control.

"There were often cases in the past where the heads of the ancient families died for one reason or another and their children had to take control of their family headship while studying in Hogwarts because of political reasons." Dumbledore explained.

"As you already know, when a person takes the headship of their house, they also need to start taking care of all the assets that belong to that house. And taking care of assets usually meant dealing with lots and lots of paperwork."

"But how do you deal with your school homework and all that paperwork while constantly being badgered by their roommates."

"Keeping this in mind, the Hogwarts Headmasters of the past created a few single person rooms outside every house which could only be used by these young heads of houses." Dumbledore said.

"But I'm not a head of house." He countered.

"Perhaps not yet my boy. But you're now the President of the largest company in Magical Britain and I'm sure that the amount of work you need to do in order in your position must not be any lower than the work done by a head of house." Dumbledore said "Keeping this in mind, me and my staff members decided to give you this special privilege in order to show you our support."

Or so Dumbledore said but he could tell that this was just a ploy to control him.

Otherwise just like the first year, he would just take over the abandoned rooms and start living in them instead.

Plus, Dumbledore had given him this 'privilege' in a way that he couldn't even refuse.

Not if he wanted to increase the friction between the them by a large amount.

"I accept." He finally said and Dumbledore's smile turned wider before he dropped the bomb on the old man.

"And I would also like to ask your permission to send the memories of the classes taught in the school and send it to the no magical parents in order to alleviate their concerns about their children's education."

Dumbledore's expression almost faltered at that and he could understand why the old man would hesitate in giving his permission.

After all, teachers like Binns and Snape didn't really make the best of impressions.

Thankfully, there was no Quirrelmort this year so at least the 1st years won't have to deal with a stuttering mess for a teacher.

"Are you sure that's a good idea my boy?" Dumbledore asked and he shook his head.

"It has nothing to do with it being a good or a bad idea." He replied "Sooner or later, the students start sending the memory of their classes to their own parents."

"This will happen whether we want it to happen or not." He said "So it's better that we take the initiative and show more of Hogwarts to the non magical population. This will sate their curiosity and remove the worry clouding their hearts."

After that, they argued back and forth for a while but there was no good reason for Dumbledore to refuse his request so by the end of their arguments, Dumbledore allowed him the rights to make memories of Hogwarts and share it as he liked.

His mind was already filled with ideas about the kind of memories that he could create and send to the people.

A slow motion view of the lake from high in the air seems like a very good memory that he could share with people.

And then there were the unicorns, Hippogriffs and Thestrals in the Forbidden forest as well. The non magical people would definitely be interested in seeing magical creatures.

It would almost be like having a private discovery channel of his own.

And the good news was that he was making more money with each of these videos.

Watching each video in the Magical Phones cost 2 sickles.

When you think about it that way, you realize that it is not a lot of money as students by candies worth 2 sickles just about every day.

But when thousands upon thousands of people see those memories, the sickles starts to add up.

The memory of the Sorting last night alone earned him 928 galleons and 8 sickles. And that figure would only continue to grow as people watch that memory again and again.

But the problem was that he could only make so many memories regarding Hogwarts each day.

Perhaps he would hire a person to watch all the Quidditch matches and send him that memory after every match.

Unlike a normal digital video in which longer videos are of bigger size and thus take longer to download, such is not the case with magical memories so you could send the memory of a whole Quidditch match to other people just as easily as the memories that are only a few seconds long.

And considering how there were so many die-hard Quidditch fans in the magical world, he was sure that he would earn a lot of galleons by uploading those Quidditch matches.

He smiled at that thought and left in order to check the new room that he'd been assigned by the Hogwarts teaching staff.

Author's Note:- Sorry about not uploading a chapter yesterday. I came up with a high fever and couldn't get out of the bed.

I'm a little better now and hope I'll become healthy again within a few days.

Wish me luck.

And I hope you guys like the chapters.

And if you like work and want to support me, then please do so at- pat.reon.com/ankit1

Have a nice day :)