
New Dawn (The First Of The Dark Age)

"He is the one who stabs the sword through Earth He is the one that Hell and Heaven have to fear He isn't a normal Hybrid He is Langress Mcloucht! Half vampire half Werewolf! The Dark Knight of Chaos! A only thing on Earth who dare to kill the Gods!" "Archangel Michael" A revenge journey filled with hatred, anger, tragedy, blood, and tears of a person betrayed from reality and the dark world. A world where humans don't have the power to decide their own fate by the gods.

AkumaDark · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Chapter 13: Meet Up

The plan to attack the enemy base had been discovered and might be sabotaged, Burt said:

"Everyone hurry up and pack up, we'll retreat immediately."

But Langress kept walking near the building, he said:

"Yeah just go home early, I'll stay here to take care of them all."

Burt replied:

"Didn't you hear me? We retreat now!"

Langress drew a knife and said:

"I work solo."

Langress entered the building to hunt. Fed up with Langress's arrogant attitude, Burt said:

"Back to the old plan, we'll move in right away. AVF enter first then Heroic behind."

The attack plan continued even though they didn't know what the enemy had prepared inside the building to welcome them. Entering the dark building without any lights, Langress walked very leisurely, ignoring many things around. He threw the knife and caught it and threw it up again like he was playing and walking right in the enemy's line. Langress was a bit bored so he whistled in a relaxed mood. Behind him a shadow passed, but Langress remained unconcerned and whistled freely. Langress stood in front of the stairs to the second floor and said:

"No need to hide anymore, I know you're there!"

Langress held the knife upside down and quickly turned around to stab the black shadow behind him. And he quickly stopped when it was Emma and the blade was about to touch her right cheek, Langress said:

"Huh, just a little bit more and we'll have some fun. What are you here for? I'm hunting here tonight."

Emma was not worried when the blade would touch her, she coldly pushed the blade away and said:

"Hunt? Then why are there forty people out there?"

Langress put away his knife and replied:

"It's just a bunch of people getting in the way, don't worry about them, they'll die soon."

Emma said:

"Shall we go for a walk?"

Langress replied:

"With pleasure."

Suddenly Burt, Arenyx and a soldier ran up to them, Arenyx said:

"Langress, it's Lancerlord's assassin Emma, finish her off!"

But Emma and Langress were arm in arm and she led him upstairs. Suddenly a bunch of vampires jumped out of the window and blocked the three of them, Arenyx pulled out dual guns and said:

"Dammit, you fucker Langress. Make me clean them up."

Burt activated power gauntlets and said:

"He's with the assassin Emma? Prove he knows he's leading us into a trap."

Arenyx replied:

"I don't mind the monstrous reason for his actions. But I also have to kick his ass."

The AVF soldier behind was dragged away and be killed immediately. Burt tried to save him but couldn't. Then Burt and Arenyx immediately fought the fierce vampires. As for the remaining AVF soldiers and Heroic hunters, the two moved in a pair, there were twenty pairs investigating the inside of the building, they always had to beware of danger or traps that might appear. A pair was walking together, they were shining a UV light that could burn vampires around and into the apartments to check it out. As they went, the hunter said:

"Hey, I don't feel anything around. I don't feel well about this."

The soldier replied:

"Don't worry, there are many people behind us, they will support us...."

A hammer shot forward and smashed the soldier, the hunter quickly drew his pistol and pointed it in the direction of the hammer in the direction the hammer was thrown, he said nervously:

"Who is hiding in the dark? Answer me."

A giant figure stepped out and that person was none other than one of the most powerful generals of the Predator faction, Locker Minester. The hunter was so scared and trembling that he dropped his gun. Locker smiled wickedly and said:

"I hate killing you mice!"

Locker lunged forward and squeezed the hunter's head, his eyeballs and brains blew up and stick to the wall. The rest were also attacked by the Predator vampires who jumped out from within the wall and attacked. The AVF soldiers easily dealt with them because of their advanced weapons and the hunters were also quick to deal with the lowly soldiers. But werewolves also appeared to change the situation, they frantically attacked our side and pushed them to the open ground in the center of the building. They quickly turned the table over to create a small defensive position against the enemy. Gunshots and growls were heard everywhere, plus the tearing of flesh together creating a 5th symphony of Beethoven horror. Langress and Emma went upstairs, she said:

"So, did you understand something from my advice yesterday?"

Langress shrugged and replied:

"Well, not much. I haven't had enough time to understand the rules of the new hunts."

Emma laughed lightly and said:

"Perfect, so it's time to help you learn something interesting. Like this one."

Suddenly a knife darted through a wooden door opposite them. Langress quickly grabbed the knife in front of Emma, ​​only a few inches away, and said:

"Ha, they're dangerous with knives, I'm a bit surprised by that too."

Emma replied:

"There's still more."

More than a dozen knives flew through that door and hurled at them. Langress activated the vampire eye and said:

"Nothing can hit me."

Langress dashed forward and caught many knives, he even threw them so that they deflected each other. And ending with a throw inside the room to kill the guy inside, the blood flowing out proved he was dead. Langress looked at the enemy's knives, he saw that they were Jagdkommando knives, a type of knife with twisted blades. Langress said with curiosity:

"Hmm, what kind of knife is this? It's my first time seeing it."

Emma took a knife and stabbed Langress in the right shoulder and twisted the knife, the wound was opened and his muscle was torn. Emma said:

"Jagdkommando knife, one of the deadliest knives in the world with a twisted blade that rips through enemy wounds."

Langress replied:

"Ha, you should stab me in the head when you get the chance."

A laser beam hit Langress's head and a loud bang caused him to slam against the wall and fall to the ground. On the other side was a sniper who had hit Langress. Emma said:

"Haha, you're losing focus."

Langress stood up to Emma's surprise, he had bitten the unexpected bullet, he said:

"Well, that really sucks."

Langress bit down hard on the bullet and pushed it hard into the assassin and stabbed him in the head. Langress pulled out six broken teeth and slowly grew new ones, he said:

"It's pretty good, but it's still not fast enough for me."

Emma replied excitedly:

"Shall we go on?"

Langress said:

"Of course, I don't know what you're up to with me, but I'll still try and see how the new Predator traps work."

Langress and Emma continued on. Below the first floor, our side was still fighting fiercely with the enemy. They are about to break through our lines, an AVF soldier shouted:

"Stun grenade!"

The stun grenade stunned the enemy for a few seconds so they could fight back just in time, but it didn't last long. Arenyx activated his automatic aiming system, it was a helmet with a google computer. He activated two more hand-mounted machine guns and said:

"You bastards, make me use my strongest weapon."

Arenyx fired all the bullets at the vampires, smashing their bodies. Burt easily punched enemies in the face with his power gauntlets, he said:

"You damn vampires are nothing compared to me."

They had killed a lot of enemies around, the vampires were trying to attack them.

"So can I join you?"

Burt and Arenyx turned quickly to see Locker approaching them. He was so big that he broke the second floor floor. Burt and Arenyx took a defensive stance and Burt said:

"He's a very strong man, you know."

Arenyx replied:

"Ha, he's just a big guy!"

Burt and Arenyx rushed to attack Locker. Locker raised his fist and said:


Back with Langress and Emma, ​​he encountered a lot of traps and got through a lot of them with ease. Only four more floors to go to the rooftop, Emma said:

"I'll go first from here, meet you at the rooftop."

Langress replied:

"Hey, don't leave me. All those traps surprised me a bit and I just got through with luck and speed. How do I know what's next?"

Emma said:

"Well, let's check it out."

Emma flew up the stairs to the rooftop. Langress shot waves around that floor, he heard the sound of bullets being mounted and said:

"Fuck that!"

There were three guys with heavy miniguns standing on the same floor as Langress, they immediately opened fire on him. Langress was hit by more than a hundred bullets, he raised his left hand to block it but his left arm was completely destroyed. Langress thought to himself:

"What weapon of destruction is this?"

Langress was hit by more than a thousand bullets and was ejected from the building. The other three stopped firing and one said:

"Ha, the strongest in the world is easily defeated by us. He is really stupid to keep going towards this perfect trap."

"Wait, something's coming up."

They saw Langress slowly climbing up to the floor, he had equipped a launch hook in the right sleeve of his jacket to hook onto the floor to climb up. Langress stood up, threw his jacket riddled with bullet holes and said indignantly:

"You dare to dirty my best jacket? Unforgivable."

Since the left arm was destroyed the power restraining bracelet was also gone, Langress quickly grew a new left arm and said:

"You fools are you."

They quickly raised the minigun and hurriedly said:

"Hurry, finish him off!"

Langress opened his mouth was thirty-two sharp fangs with four long vampire fangs, he said:

"I hate to turn into this."

Thousands of bullets flew into Langress, but a black shadow shot towards them. Langress in his werewolf form, a werewolf with black fur and a line of red fur along his arms and legs, his height was 8,2 feet. Langress lunged at his three attackers and quickly decapitated them. Langress suddenly heard the bomb being activated, he thought to himself:

"What's that other sound?"

All four floors exploded due to the built-in C4, the explosion shook the whole building. The people below were also startled, but they got up and continued to fight. Emma stood by the stairs to the top floor, she thought to herself:

"He's really slow."

A hand touched the roof and Langress with many injuries was able to survive. Werewolf form helped Langress take more damage from the explosion. He brought his sword and all his weapons with and crawled up to the roof and said exhaustedly:

"Fuck, I need a new pair of pants."

"Already up here, Langress? I've never been disappointed in you."

"Shit, it's you too. Lancerlord."

Langress looked up and saw that the main members of the Predator faction were already here. Mimic, Robzin, Lucilith, Lancerlord, Baphomet were all here. Baphomet was brought in in a wheelchair and was still receiving a blood transfusion. Langress stood up without a piece of cloth covering his body, he said:

"So these are all the strongest? What are you all here for? Kill me? So let's end it quickly, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Lancerlord replied:

"Actually, we have one more."

Locker jumped up from the first floor to the rooftop and landed forcefully on the ground, then he threw down Burt and Arenyx who were fainting and said:

"I'm here, did I miss something?"

Lancerlord replied:

"No, you showed up at the right time."

Locker said:

"Those two pathetic guys are stupid to confront me."

Langress replied:

"Yeah, they're really stupid. If you want, kill them so they won't bother me."

Locker laughed and said with excitement:

"Is that guy Langress Mcloucht? The World's Strongest Hybrid? I like how he's willing to kill his allies."

Langress replied:

"Oh, not an ally. Just someone I used to find you."

Locker stood in line with everyone. Langress pointed at Robzin and said:

"You must be Robzin, Josh is looking every day to kill you for revenge."

Robzin replied:

"Hmmm, looks like my name has been heard by The World's Strongest Hybrid, what an honor. And where is Josh? It could be here."

Langress said:

"He was poisoned with silver and now needs to be treated. But I can kill you here for him."

Robzin replied:

"Oh, not now. The battle between two brothers must be ended with their blood. When the time comes, we will end each other forever."

Langress said:

"And who are you? The one in the wheelchair."

Baphomet replied calmly:

"Oh my apologies. I am Baphomet Colux, the eternal leader of the Predator faction. And I have come personally just to see you, Langress."

Langress said:

"I don't want to be rude but you let me down a lot. I had hoped for the most powerful and terrible leader of the most powerful force, but instead it was an old man."

Baphomet replied:

"Wisdom, Langress. The wise are the most powerful. Even the strongest must kneel before the wisest."

Langress said:

"You guys are really fast, soon discovered the scouts here and prepared a plan to counterattack. We may have retreated, but I am the only one left to fight you. Indeed your traps are very unexpected and I am a little difficult with them."

Baphomet replied:

"And speaking of which, the Heroic faction and the AVF force are really fools when they just keep coming in even though they know we can prepare the traps in advance. And now look at them, they are all surrounded and torn by hundreds of enemies down there. Listen to their screams, the screams of fools who think they're justice."

Langress said:

"Yeah, they really are idiots. And now to the main point, who first?"

Baphomet replied:

"Oh no Langress, we're not here to destroy you."

Langress said:

"So what's the point? You guys overwhelm me in everything right now, isn't it too good to get rid of someone who stands in your way?"

Baphomet replied:

"If it were possible, I would have sent Lancerlord to kill you on your return day. I have come here on a request, join us Langress Mcloucht, become a warrior of the Predator faction and you will be back to the peak of the past."

Langress was a bit surprised, he said with curiosity:

"What are you saying? Want me to join the Predator faction? Shit, I thought it was just a joke from Lancerlord."

Baphomet replied:

"We were really serious about this proposal. We are still in a superior position against all the forces that are trying to destroy us. But to end things forever, we need the most powerful creature in the world, a weapon that doesn't stop killing, and that's Langress Mcloucht. I know the modern world has never been right for you. Humanity had forgotten all the feats and efforts of the Hybrid race in fighting to protect them. All is vain and meaningless. The new generation of Hybrids is too weak to our peril. The Eternal Blood War is drawing to a close. This chaotic world needs to be purified for its sins. You understand that too, don't you, Langress?"

Langress looked over at Emma and said:

"You've said enough about me."

Langress then looked at Jonathan's cross necklace, he remembered his advice to find and trust his faith. Lancerlord said:

"Join us, Langress. And we'll be brothers again."

Langress clutched the cross and said:

"I'm sorry though you're right and that's really how I feel about this world. I will continue to fight with you, for that is always what I have always loved, to be slain and fought forever!"

Langress immediately jumped down from the rooftop to the first floor, he shouted:

"This is my new era, my legendary age will be remembered forever!"

Langress drew his sword and shouted:

"Continue to wait, Lancerlord. And in the final legendary battle, I will kill you myself!"

Langress landed hard to the ground and pointed his sword to all his enemies, he shouted with excitement:

"Now, Who First?!"

Baphomet just smiled lightly and said:

"Very well, destroy him, all my generals!"

Lancerlord, Robzin, Lucilith, Mimic and Locker smiled wickedly, they would ensure victory over Langress.