
The Twins' Revelation

Harry's POV

Harry spent the first part of the day listening to Padfoot's latest conquest. While he was happy the man was getting his leg over, he didn't want the penetrating details. After about a few minutes of hearing about creamy thighs and young perky breasts, the teen gave up and pretended to listen. All the while thinking of what the twins might want to tell the gang. Smart man that he was, Moony left when the first words came out of the free man's mouth.

"Padfoot," the teen snapped, just when it was getting to far, "enough already. I'm still too young to hear about… where you're about to go. I don't need the details. Look, I've got some news and a problem. I need your help," Harry said, veering the topic away from the play by play of a game of slap and tickle. If it had been someone his own age, that'd be different, but this was an adult. Besides, wasn't Sirius supposed to tell him not to until he got married or something. Stupid adults never do what they are supposed to. 'How long did it take to get laid, anyway? We've been at this for a half an hour,' he thought, glaring at his godfather, when he saw mirth in his eyes. 'Bastard.'

"Right, sorry about that," the dogman said with a grin that said he was anything but. He was making most of it up, because he wanted to see how far he could take it before the boy stopped him. This way he could gage just how far the teen had gone with a girl. He still wasn't convinced that the girls were just friends, but now, he was sure they were still at the handholding stage, well, maybe snogging. He was impressed that the boy had lasted this long. It was his version of The Talk. It was better than what he had received, when his dad took him to a brothel. Ah, memories. "What do you need my help with?" he asked, accepting the subject change.

"First, I think I'm starting to remember some things. They are all vague, but I'm hopeful that my memory is coming back," he fabricated, not wanting his godfather to think he was crazy for relying on the spaceship in his head. As far as Padfoot, or anyone for that matter, knew it was just an Occlumency shield. He didn't know about how much Harry used them to help solve his problems.

"That's great," Sirius said sincerely, getting excited for his godson. It would be wonderful if he were to get his memories back. Then maybe he'd treat Moony better. "Like what?"

"Faces and names mostly," he answered truthfully. "I remember a few people and how I felt about them before the… accident, I guess. Like I know I've always hated Malfoy, but I used to like Weasley. And doesn't that cause some confusion, because I sure don't like him now." Some of those things were coming through. He would see a face and know the name of the person, and if he liked them or not before, though not the reasons why.

"Again, good news. I don't know Ron, but yeah, you used to write about him being your best mate. Sorry that you aren't close anymore. Still, it is good news that you're getting better," the older man said with nod. "So, what's the problem?" he asked with a tilt of his head.

Harry took a deep breath, looked at his godfather, and plowed straight into it. "While I was meditating, I found a piece of Voldemort's soul attached to my scar," the teen stated, mostly true. He felt his time with the Enterprise crew as a form of meditation. "I think I have a way to remove it, but I don't want anything to do with it after that," he finished in a firm tone. He was hopeful that Sirius would know what to do, because he didn't want to deal with it. He had enough on his plate without having to see if there were more.

"You think I'd know what to do with a horcrux?" the glamored man asked confused. He had to dig deep in his memories just to know what they were. He had no clue how to destroy one, only make them.

"Or, you might know someone who does," offered Harry, thinking the older man would've made some shady friends. "Look, I can take care of it, but I think there may be more. The diadem I cleansed may have been one. From what Hermione told me the diary I… killed might be one as well. That's three, so it might be the end, but what if there's more? I wouldn't put it past this bastard to make as many as he can. Do you know what to do with them or how to find out if there are more?"

"You may be right. But, no, I don't have a clue as to how to trace them, but Moony might. He runs with other werewolves, sometimes. If he doesn't, they might. Leave it to us, and we'll figure it out. You just get that thing out of you," he said with a full body shudder. He hated the thought that the boy was… tainted. He hoped Harry knew what he was doing.

"I'll do that. Thanks, Sirius, you've been a lot of help. I'll get it to you when I get it out. You guys just make sure that there are no more," the teen all but begged. He was just glad that Sirius would do something with it. He wanted to be shot of the Dork Idiot, and maybe this would help. For all he knew the… man could see in his head. That made him shudder. Harry glanced at his watch and saw that classes were about to end. "I've got to go; the twins are finally going to tell us what you four have been keeping secret."

"Great, you're going to like it," Padfoot promised, giving his godson a wink. His mind was going over who he could contact, and how to tell Remus that there may be horcruxes. It was not magic that he wanted to mess with. He just hoped that his best mate would know.

"See ya," Harry called as he ran to the tunnel. He made his way to the Entrance Hall and waited for the gang. All the while, going over what he had talked about with Sirius, maybe he was putting too much on the man, after all he just got out of prison. Still, Sirius needed something to do, and he had a library full of Dark books.

While he was thinking, his friends appeared. The twins, with wicked grins on their faces, jerked their heads for the rest to follow. They all went to the Room and sat in the middle of the large clear space. Everyone looked at the twins wondering what was so important.

"So, what's up, guys?" Harry asked, after he got comfortable.

The twins had remained standing and were looking at their friends with matching smirks.

"Okay," started Fred, "we've figured it out. You guys are going to love this. You'll hate yourself for not thinking of it sooner. I mean, it's not like you don't know two people who can do what we're about to show you."

"I completely agree, brother of mine. Now, if you watch closely, Harry, you should be able to do this without all the steps. Not sure about the rest of you, but you'll get it soon enough. It took us awhile, but now it's easy," George continued, and then shared a look with his brother, who nodded.


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