
Chapter 16: Predilection

Did I hear her right? Finding my brother is impossible, I've tried and their nothing harder than that. I am not doubting her, but I'm not sure if I can put Cole into that position again. I've promised him I wouldn't try again, yet how can I not?

"Huh?" He out of all people know that when Dean doesn't want to be found, he won't be found. Try playing hide in seek with him. It's not necessary that Dean would be hiding from him, but what makes Yuna so confident.

"Just because you have given up doesn't mean I can too," Yuna says with a little confidence.

"How do you plan on doing that?", of course, he didn't want to upset Yuna. He cants think of any way she can help find Dean. I've looked everywhere.

"Devan," she says plainly, making the boy look at her weirdly.

"Why?" He's not very fond of Devan, but he doesn't have a reason to hate him now.

"Devan has the power to find people," many times when she has gone missing in the past Devan has always found her.  It didn't occur to her until later this year when Devan happens to have the same job as her.

"It won't be easy but we can give it a try," Holding out her hand to seal a deal with Jun.


Cole's POV

My life before Dean was pretty much the same teenage life; wake up go to school. He changed everything about me and made me question so many things, like my sexuality. I don't regret meeting him. Matter of fact if I didn't meet him that says I don't know how different my life would have been.

My first impression of him was different from when I looked at anyone else. He was different; a deep soothing voice, a bit of accent when he speaks. And the way that we fit perfectly together like a puzzle. At the time I wanted to escape those feelings, they were new and he was a guy.

Going to Jun's house, till this day I don't know if it was a mistake or a destiny.


After changing into Jun's clothes, I spot a notebook sitting on the edge of the neatly fixed bed. And I got curious, not much was written on it but... I like the one Jun talks about. I step back, due to my wet clothes that were left on the floor I slipped and fell.

"Does he like anyone?" the note made me more confused than before. The person he likes is someone Jun knows and Jun knows a lot of people

"Not that I know of", Jun answers plainly.

"Really", Cole smiles a little, not noticing the way Jun was looking at him.

"I don't know all he ever talked about is~ Jun has realized that all Dean ever wants to talk about is Cole and that is mostly his fault because there isn't a day where he's not talking about him. Now the problem is he can't keep secrets, yet he is excepting the challenge.

"All he ever talks about is...nothing", Cole's face changed to a confused one and shrugs Jun's annoying remark.

"Jun dinner is ready!" Dang, that voice. Just imagine how nice it would be when he asked me out. Never going to happen.

" Come on my parents are pretty nice", Cole has discovered Jun's family. They were very warm to him although the whole time he was freaking out.

"How's the food?" I was so into my thought I didn't hear Dean talking to me. Not until Jun pinched me did I notice all the eyes on me. Putting my fork down, I could tell that they were worried.

"Honey, are you okay?" They all shook their heads at the question.

"Just wondering how I'm going to get home", Cole looks down from the stares leaving a blush on his face. The family was nice but something about it made cole uncomfortable, maybe it was because he never experienced it before.

"Why didn't you say so, we're not making you uncomfortable are we?" Just the question I wanted to hear. Yet I didn't know how to answer it. I shook my head that I wasn't.

" I'll take you", Mrs. Choi says shaking her head at me and I smiled.

"Dean, didn't you tell me earlier that you were going to take Cole home?" Dean snaps his head towards Jun who said his name. Cole staring at them sees that Jun winks at Dean, which made Dean smile.

" Yeah if he's okay with it", Dean chews his food while looking at Cole for an answer.

"He's okay with it", Jun hurriedly said shaking his head at Cole.

" Yeah okay", Mrs. Choi interrupted.

The entire time I kept thinking about who Dean liked, someone like him couldn't possibly be single. My hopes were way too high. Him staring at me didn't help my heart at all. I shouldn't like him it's not right.


Later On

Does he have to look at me like that even inside the car? I don't trust people that don't look at the road when driving. And of course, everything had to smell like him which irritates me.

"So where are we going?", Interrupting my thought Dean asked stopping at the red light.

" I live just past the school next to the court", I didn't want to look at him even if I can feel his eyes on me. is it hard to think that he likes me too? I mean who looks at people like that, but maybe this is how he acts with everyone.

I probably shouldn't be thinking inside his car right now. He definitely can hear it, it's one of our first powers the power to read minds. I'm too young to get mine but he's old enough. That's on me for liking older people.

"Relax, I'm not going to do anything to you", Cole gives a sarcastic smile and continue to look away from the handsome male.

"I'm relaxed", I said carelessly.

"Right", Dean took a turn towards the school making the ride longer than it had to be.

"What is your full name?" Not taking his eyes off the road Dean wanted to lift off the awkward feeling inside of his car. Plus it's not his fault that God created such a gorgeous human being.

"My full name is Lee Taehyun, but I prefer being called Cole," Cole looks at Dean finally and that made him smirk.

"I didn't want to ask this, but why do you keep on staring at me?" The air in his car wasn't too dull anymore and the smirk on his face never falter. Is he teasing me?

"I have a thing for looking at beautiful things," is he flirting with me right now? I felt my heart feel out of my chest and my cheeks were hot.

" House--- My", why can't I speak?

"Okay", Stopping he looks at me one more time.

"Hope to see you again, beautiful," he whispered the last part. He drove his Ferrari away and I just stood there. I don't even remember how I got inside my house.


Why do always think about him? their no way he thinks about me as much I think about him. This makes me exhausted yet it hurts me because at the end of this story he won't be mine. The problem is that I would always see because I would always be over at his house.

The teacher assigns a group assignment. Like always I was partnered with Jun, which wasn't a problem until he requested to do it over at his house. I would always see the notebook, I've never touched it until now; Dean's notebook. I didn't want to invade, but it kept showing up.

I know I am not supposed to do this...

I don't understand, maybe reading this is a bad idea. What are you not suppose to do Dean?

I am breaking so many rules for you, I can't stop myself, but can you blame me?

What rules can he possibly be breaking for liking someone? Isn't love free? I don't Understand.

I just want him by my side.

Why can't you have him by your side?

I think I'm in love with Kim---

"What are you doing?", Dean looks at me and then looks at the notebook in my hands. Which I hid behind me. My hands were shaking, almost like I was committing a crime.

"Do you know?", that's all he said.

He walks towards me slowly, I shook my head. He was standing an inch away from me. He grabs my waist stopping me from taking a step back. his eyes were dark, but they were beautiful. we were so close that we could feel each other's hearts beating.

His cold fingers were stroking my face softly, his face slowly comes closer to mine. Do I want this? our lips touch and it felt like fireworks. Due to my height, he grabs my hair softly and tilts it up.

Before it can get any more heated, I pushed him away and run out crying. Am I crying right now? Is he trying to play with me? He likes someone else.

Flashback end.


"Where is Devan anyway ?"Jun doesn't want Cole to wake up and find them doing this. He promised Cole that he was going to stop. Plus Cole still doesn't feel comfortable around Devan. So that's double the trouble.

"What are you guys doing?" Cole says getting a drink from the refrigerator all the drying is catching up to him.

"Oh um, Yuna was apologizing for what she did remember", Jun lies. Cole just looked at them and walked back to his room. He usually stays to enjoy the drama, but he's not in the mood today.

"Do you knock?" Looking at devan who just walked in the door without knocking.

"I'm here to help you, so I'm kinda hurt," Devan would do anything to not be in this position right now, but because Yuna asked him too so he agreed. Even better he liked teasing Jun.

"How did you find me?" Devan arch his eyebrow.

"It was pretty easy, to be honest. I thought about the person I wanted to meet, but you must possess an item that, that person once had and cast a location spell", Devan plainly said. That's how he finds his dad and that's how he finds Yuna.

"How?" Jun says in confusion.

"I find Yuna, Yuna is precious to you", Devan responded.

"You mean we have to use Cole to find him", Yuna smiles, but she was blushing as well.

"No!"Jun says.

"Use me for what?" Cole asked putting his mug away Cole stands and looks at them. Cole's face was swollen from crying, his nose was red, which made him looked cute.

"I'm going to find Dean"~