
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urbain
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33 Chs


Nicholas expression drastically change upon listening to what the other party said through the phone. He had a heavy scowl on his face. His eyes were cold with fury and his mouth was pressed into a thin line.

Joe who stood beside him almost ran for his life when he saw the look in Nicholas's face. After he phone hung up, Nicholas gave Joe a death stare and said, "Listen carefully, I want you to find my sister and bring back to me".

Joe tried his best to stay calm, but there was cold sweat on his forehead. "Yes Sir!".

Nicholas rapped his knuckles on the table and raised a brow at his assistant. "What about the articles? Did you handle it?".

Facing Joe silence, Nicholas's face immediately grew colder as he shouted, "Can't you do one job properly?"

Joe was frightened in his fierce tone, but he buckled up his courage. "It's just that… it seemed that we have encountered a problem".

Nicholas pointed his chin to continued his words.

Joe took a deep breath and replied, "That....Miss Belle agency admitted the relationship".

At that moment his phone rang again. A frown appeared between his brows when Nicholas noticed it was his Grandma calling. He sighed as he reluctantly answered the call.

"Hello Grandma!".

"Can you explain about all this photos?" Grandma's furious voice came through the phone. "Are you even listening to me?" His grandma yelled.

Nicholas unbuttoned his shirt, probably because it was kind of stuffy in his office. "Yes. I am listening" He replied.

"What are you thinking? I am really happy that you finally listened to me...." Grandma said, irritated.

"Grandma, I will call you later" Nicholas abruptly hung up the call. He heaved a deep sigh pinching the space between his brow.


"Why did you drag me out in my day off?" Leila stared at Cherry wickedly as she grip over her hand was too tight. She was pulling her, and they were practically running inside the club.

Inside the club, the dark demesne had an entertaining aura to it. Very loud music was blasting through the speakers and bodies were dancing to the rhythm.

At the VIP lounge of the club, a young man with wearing a tailor-fit grey suit was being surrounded by women who were so eager to get his attention.

Aside from him, there was a man sitting on the couch beside him.

"Why so serious Nick?" Oliver asked him. As he heard no response from Nicholas, he cleared his throat and then asked, "Sophi is not a thoughtless girl. She will take care of herself".

Oliver watched Nicholas with frown as he gulped down several shot glasses in one go. He knew his friend well enough to know he drank this much only when he was in a foul mood.

"Is it about your dating scandal with Belle?" Oliver asked with raised brows as he took a sip from his glass. With that being asked, Oliver waived his hand and the ladies left immediately.

Oliver plonked himself on the sofa beside Nicholas.

"She is just like my sister!" Nicholas poured himself another glass, chugging it down his throat in sheer frustration.

"Don't give that kind of lame comments!" Oliver said in his own frustration. "Try resetting your mind...Man! A hot model Belle.... " Oliver reached Nicholas's shoulder, patting it a few times.

Nicholas brushed his hand off, his eyes staring intently at him. Oliver stared at Nicholas with mischievous eyes and his lips tore a smile with a deeper meaning. Nicholas lifted his head and saw him gaping at him.

"What?" Nicholas snapped.

Oliver raised his chin to him defiantly. "Or you already have a young lady who catches your attention?" He chuckled.

"Just shut up your mouth!" Nicholas snorted disdainfully.


"Hey, slow down! Wow!" Leila exclaimed. Cherry emptied the glass in one go.

"It tastes great!" Cherry complimented. She read the Cocktail menu and pointed to another cocktail mixed.

"Wipe out that smile from your face!" Cherry lolled back and sighed out audibly.

"Why? Does it make your stomach ache?" Leila chuckled out at her friend's expression.

"So, you and Nicholas ends here?" Cherry cocked a brow at her.

Leila eyes shone up in delight upon hearing her question. She put her hands in her chest and giggled. "Yes. Nicholas has a real girlfriend now. Even though that girl has some attitude, she is best suited for Nicholas".

"It's such a shame. I am really curious about your contract!" Cherry said in hoarse voice.

In the same part of the club not far from where Leila and Cherry were drinking, some group of girls were happily giggling, attracting the attention of the people in the room who turned to look at them.

"Belle, When did you guys started to date?" One of the girls asked in glee, while the others looked at the girl waiting for her answer.

"Just a week ago!" Belle replied. They all gave a biggest reaction to Belle's shy expression.

"We are so envious of you!" One of the girl smiled broadly while the others nodded.

"We heard that Nicholas didn't wavered easily. But seems like he couldn't stand our Belle cuteness, Right?" They all laughed.

"Stop it. You making me blush" Belle said as she took a sip from her glass, while surreptitiously watching their reaction from the side of glass. Her lips curved upward when she saw all her friends envious expression.