
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urbain
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33 Chs

Nicholas is drunk.

Julia handed the car keys to the waiter for her to park the car. As soon as she entered the club, she saw Leila enjoying herself with the best smile on her face.

"Daniel was here to picked you up. Get your sense together!" Leila adviced her friend. She then took out her phone and answered the call without even a glance at the caller. "Hello. Who's this?"

"Miss Green, I'm CEO Wayne's secretary, Julia". Julia elegant voice came through the phone.

Leila slightly paused. "Yes, Is there anything I can help you with?" She quickly recollected her voice.

"CEO Wayne is in Hostt club and he is very drunk now. Can you please do me a favor and send CEO Wayne home?"

Leila was speechless when she heard this. She turned around her head with a conflicted expression and saw Julia walking towards her. She glanced at her phone with a blank expression.

"Leila, Is she very drunk?".

At that moment Daniel also appeared in front of her. Leila opened her mouth to say something but nothing didn't came out in that unexpected situation.

Leila hesitantly walked inside the VIP lounge. As soon as she entered, Leila was almost at the verge of crying when she saw Nicholas leaning on the leather couch with his right palm resting on his forehead.

"Doesn't he has so many secretary and assistant? Crazy rich man!" Leila rolled her eyes inwardly. When Leila walked closer to him, she could detect a strong alcohol smell from him. Leila did not dare to leave him alone to ask for help from others.

"Sir, Did you hear me?" Leila asked.

"Why.. are you..here?" Nicholas had already risen to his full height and walked more closer to her.

Leila scrunched her nose, her eyebrows, creasing together as she smelled a waft of alcohol lingering under her nose coming from the man before her.

"I was here with my friend. Then your Secretary Julia... " Her words trailed off in shock when Nicholas almost lost his balance.

However, she caught him just in time and fall in her arms. Now, she is practically hugging him. She almost felt breathless as his breath was fanning over the skin of her neck as he breathed. Her throat felt parched and she tried swallowing her saliva.

At the entrance of Hostt Club, Belle had just left his group of friends in the loud and noisy private room. When she just reached the entrance, she saw a black Bentley Mulsanne driving past her. Belle clenched her fists that were next to her body tightly.


"Why are you so heavy?"

Leila could only grit her teeth and walked a few steps while supporting Nicholas. After making sure the car was locked, she walked straight to the huge mansion. Even though Nicholas was not as bulky as a weight-lifter, he was definitely someone who looked slim when he had his clothes on, but he would look quite muscular when he took his clothes off.

Leila pressed the bell and waited to open the door. At this moment, sweat had already broken out on her forehead.

Grandma stiffened her body when she saw Leila and Nicholas in front of the door.

"Erm… is he drunk?". Smelling the alcohol come from him, Grandma blinked her eyes a few times, not expecting Nicholas to arrive home, supported in Leila's arms.

"Yes.... Grandma" Leila replied in heavy tone.

With a sighed as she shook his head, Grandma already helping Leila who is holding his grandson.

With the help of Grandma, she placed him on the couch.

"Is he okay here?" Leila stretched her arms.

"Let him sleep here. He deserves that!" Grandma snapped.

"Okay...." Leila nodded. Her gaze shifted to the blanket folded inside the living room cabinet. She then brought out the blanket to cover his body.

"Where would my grandson get this kind of well-mannered girl? My grandson is so fool!" Grandma couldn't help but felt pity for herself.

"I-I'll prepare tea before you leave! Thank you so much for bringing Nicholas home!" Grandma said.


The next day when Nicholas woke up, he had no idea what was going on. The blanket fell off his body as soon as he stood up quietly.

"Are you awake?"

His Grandma cold voice made Nicholas froze in the spot.

"Lucky that Leila didn't throw you in the street!" Grandma stated with a frosty gaze.

Nicholas sighed and lolled himself on the couch, he threw his head back, his eyes staring at the ceiling.

As soon as Nicholas knocked on the door to enter, a voice commanded loudly from the room.

Nicholas arched his eyebrows as he closed the door of the study and stood straight on the spot without taking another step.

Grandma picked up her cup of tea and took a sip. "So, You and Leila are going to end the things in good term!" Grandma voice sounded smooth and cold at the same time.

Nicholas's eyes flickered around. And the expression on his face took a drastic turn.

"Introduce that model... your friend's sister to me" Grandma spoke flatly while Nicholas pressed his lips in thin line.