
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urbain
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33 Chs

Nicholas's girlfriend.

Leila heard someone faintly calling out to her, she scrunched at the bright light that was sipping through her closed eyelids as she tried opening her eyes groggily.

Leila looked at the chandelier above her. She was confused for a moment. Where am I?

She closed her eyes and tried very hard to recall what happened the night before.

"Leila, Are you okay?"

Leila immediately turned to face the owner of the voice. She slightly flinched when she met a familiar middle-aged woman's keen gaze at her.

"Aunt Seila!" Leila called weakly. "Where am I?" Leila asked in a low and hoarse voice as she looked around, trying to make sense of her surrounding.

"Leila, Don't worry! The doctor said you are fine" Aunt Seila flashed her a warm smile.

"Doctor... Am I in hospital now?" Leila looked at her with a look of reluctance and a little panic.

Seeing the panic in Leila's eyes, Aunt Seila immediately held her hand gently, trying to calm her down.

"Leila, Don't you remember anything?" Aunt Seila asked.

Leila hesitated for a moment and replied slowly, "Yes...I went to the washroom and...." She paused.

"Have this water first?" Aunt Seila said as she moved a glass of water closer to her.

"But where am I?" Leila asked taking the glass of water and gulping it all.

"This is young master Nicholas's Villa" Aunt Seila replied. Her gaze at her was piercing and desperate.

"Young Master...Nicholas?" Leila was puzzled by the various expressions flashing through her face. Desperate to remember whatever it was she was supposed to remember.

"Aunty... But...What are you doing here?" Leila asked with a confused look on her face.

"I am working here as a maid. What a coincidence! How come you are my Young Master's girlfriend?" Aunt Seila smiled happily.

"Girlfriend...?" Leila mumbled in thblankace. "Okay. I think...I have to go" Leila hurriedly got off the bed and jumped. She turned her head to look around for her bag.

"Leila, Why are you so hurry?" Aunt Seila asked.

Leila was just about to walk out of the room when the room door opened and the elegant old lady walked in.


"Oh, my granddaughter-in-law!" The old lady stepped forward and suddenly hugged Leila without warning, "I finally met you" She said warmly.

Leila's whole face felt stiff when she was suddenly hugged by someone she didn't know, but the old lady's warmth made her feel comfortable so she hugged her back a little.

Leila took a quick look at Aunt Seila before she moved her eyes back to the elegant old lady who was looking at her lovingly.

"Do you feel pain anywhere?" The elegant old lady asked worriedly.

"No..." Leila just replied with an awkward smile.

"Leila Green?" A familiar voice came from the side.

"Barry Carson!" Leila's eyes flew wide open.

Barry walked closer to where she was, his eyes lit up as they took a full look at her.

"Yes. You are Leila Green! But What are you doing here?" Barry widened his eyes in shock.

Leila stood fixed with a stunned expression. Why Barry Carson, her annoying colleague came out in this dilemma?

"Move! I couldn't see my granddaughter-in-law" Grandma slightly pushed Barry.

"Granddaughter-in-law!" Barry giggle. In the next moment, Barry covered his mouth before he exclaimed "Leila Green is Nicholas's girlfriend!".

"Yes. Finally, Nicholas bought a girl" Grandma's face lit up with happiness.

Leila shook her head to think straight. She reached out and held the old lady's hand.

"Grandma, I think you have misunderstood something. I am not Nicholas's Girlfriend" Leila spoke.

"Yes, Grandma. I don't think so. Nicholas won't date a girl like her" Barry stated firmly.

A dark look passed over Grandma's face as she squeezed out the sentence "My dear Grandson Barry, You better go home now".

A cold sweat immediately broke on Barry's forehead when he met his Grandma's gaze. Grandma's expression turned friendly when she looked at Leila again. She gently patted Leila's hand as she said, "Don't be scared! You don't have to listen to whatever that ungrateful man said".

"Grandma, I am telling you the truth... " Leila couldn't finish her sentence when Grandma drags her hand.


A wide variety of delicacies had been served on the table, waiting to be eaten. The food was perfectly arranged on the table and the mere sight of it made Leila salivate.

"Today is our Grandma's 68th birthday. We wish Ms Wayne a happy birthday and all the best! Happy birthday!" Barry clapped his hand hard followed by Aunt Seila and then Leila with an awkward smile.

"Happy Birthday, Grandma" Leila wished with a smile. Leila averted her gaze in uncomfortable as she noticed Barry closely studying her expression.

"Thank you. You are my biggest gift" Grandma smiled back.