
Never No Money [DxD/Genshin/Honkai]

well...in terms of money, I have no money, funny considering my power is never no money. (cover image does not belong to me.)

Lucinziel66 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 3

You know I realized something, I realized that my control sucks. Which was not something apparent until I started learning transfiguration magic, which by the way does not need a wand to cast. Thank God-ouch-lucifer for that. I also realized that big G is probably the pettiest person alive.

If a simple fireball can be learnt from an elementary student, then transfiguration needs you to be at least a middle school student to learn. Though I'm pretty sure that was not a good analogy, I am too lazy to think of a better one.

Wait! if a fireball was like walking, then transfiguration is like running backwards. Did that make sense? Nope, my exhausted mind is making shitty analogies that is not helping anyone. Whew, all you need to know is that transfiguration is extremely difficult.

Anyway, before someone starts becoming a proper caster of the transfiguration arts, they need to have a calm and focused mind. Which is essential for transfiguration.

Spongify. I spoke inwardly, softening the rock in my hand making it rubbery and bouncy, though only half of the rock gained rubber-like properties, while the other half still retained its hardness. Which was by choice, and not due to any skill issues.

I always thought that transfiguration was simply changing something to another thing, and while it is correct, it is not the proper definition of transfiguration – at least not the harry potter one – from my reading, the harry potter version of transfiguration is more sciencey than other magic.

Doesn't matter if you know the spell name, the intent or the meaning, if you don't the process behind the spell, 9 out of 10 times it would fail, the 1 out of 10 would succeed but you would need at least 10 times the magic power, or demonic power in my case, to cast the spell.

Transfiguration is a branch of magic that is focused on the alteration of the form or appearance of an object, animal or person, via the alteration of their molecular structure. This is the scientific definition(?) or at least it was what was written on the book.

Transfiguration was divided into four branches they were, in order of difficulty: Transformation, Untransfiguration, Vanishment, and Conjuration.

This referred to any Transfiguration that deformed or altered the target in some way. Transformation contained the following sub-groups, all of which overlapped with each other to varying degrees: Human Transfiguration, defined by and named for the target being a human being; Switches, which simultaneously exchanged features between organism; and the aforementioned Trans-Species Transformations, which referred to transformations that changed organisms from one species to another.

Untransfiguration was the art of reversing a previous transfiguration, being therefore considered both a transfiguration and a counter-spell. Though the spell, Reparifarge, could be able to reverse general transfiguration spells, advanced transfiguration spells require specific counter spells that are made to specifically undo them.

Vanishment was the art of causing things to Vanish; to "make things go into non-being". The difficulty of the Vanishment to be performed positively correlated with the complexity of the organism to be Vanished. for example, snails, as invertebrates, were easier to Vanish than mice, which were mammals.

Conjuration was the art of conjuring things "bringing things into being" and hence was the opposite of Vanishment. It was harder than its counterpart, it was also considered to be very advanced magic.

Something that I observed was that each of the four branches of transfiguration was opposite to another one. Transformation and Untransfiguration could be considered opposites, according to my understanding, also vanishment and conjuration are without a doubt opposite, the book itself Clearly said so.

For someone like me, who needs to save money, transfiguration was clearly a diamond mine unlike potions which would require additional resources and would also make me far too noticeable.

Speaking of noticeable…why the hell am I getting the feeling of being like I was observed? Ever since yesterday I feel like someone is spying on me, which made thankful that I hid the transfiguration book in my hiding place.

I also did not use my ability, never no money, afterall maybe the feeling of being watched comes from my paranoia but I would be an idiot to use an ability that anyone with a brain would kidnap me for, when I feel like I'm being watched. even if this feeling is just me being paranoid, being cautious never heart anyone.

…. which was also the reason why I've been using Spongify only, no need to show them that I could turn mice into snuffboxes and buttons into beetles.

Though me only using Spongify has given me some ideas. Like, can I cast Spongify on myself, making me a budget luffy? which…is not that useful, especially since almost no one uses guns, and most would resort to magic, though it would give me some form of immunity to blunt attacks.

You know, scratch that, being a budget luffy is useless in world of swords and magic, unless I could somehow gain the toon force, I might as well buy the devil fruit…wait? could I buy devil fruits?

A devil fruit was estimated to be one hundred million or something, but I have no idea of the conversion between Berri and lilium. Forget it! I'll think about it when I'm when I have at least 10 million liliums.

though I wonder if Berri or liliums value more? I mean Berri is the single currency used by an entire world, while liliums, which is approved by others including real gods but, in the end, it is a currency used by a single species only. Though I have no clue? How do you even determine the value of a currency? Is it by the number of people who uses it?

…. whatever. I don't really care. Maybe I should I go meet her; she should have woken up. Having no one to hang out with really ruins the mood, then add to the fact that I am mute and I have a hypothetical stalker, it just makes my life seem really difficult.

The hypothetical stalker? Leaning on my chair, I sneakily look at my surrounding, making sure to act like normal while doing it. the last thing I need is the stalker to think he was found out and try to silence me.

Maybe I should use my-!

It happened in a second, one moment I was sitting alone in my room, the next second a familiar woman sat on the armrest of my chair. Her hands playing with a familiar wooden dice.

I tensed, my whole body coiled and ready to act at the slightest hint of danger, the only reason I didn't lash out was due to the fact that she was clearly stronger than me. which would just get me killed if I do something stupid.

She turned, a smirk on her lips and her green eyes glimmered in amusement. "Remember me little one?"

I nodded my head. Indicating that I remembered her. Her name was Yelan, she bought the dice, the one she was playing with, from me a few days ago.

Yelan placed the dice away and picked me up, placing her hands under my armpits, she took my place in the chair and sat on my place. she placed me on her lap, her finger started dancing along my brown locks of hair.

"Your surprisingly clean for someone who lives in the lowest-class area. Most people would not even care about hygiene" she complimented me, her hands still playing with my hair.

I mean duh, I hate being dirty. Unless necessary I will not dirty myself.

"Anyway, do you know who I am?" she asked me.

I took out the small notepad that I hung around my neck and wrote her name on it.

She nodded her head in satisfaction.

"My name is Yelan, the knight of Ningguang Morax, head of the pillar Morax."

Knight? That explains her speed. But why is she of all people doing here?

"Before I explain why I came here, do you know about the duty of the six areas?"

I shook my head in confusion. There was nothing about ant duties that anyone told me. though again, the only person I trust Is not someone who cares about things like that.

"Anyway, a long time ago, even before my king or I was born, the previous head of the Morax family was part of septuplets, meaning seven children born at the same time. After gaining the position of the head, he made his siblings sign a contract saying that they would live at the outskirts of his city, give up their names and won't harm him."

What kind of messed up bullshit is that? Also did she specifically explains septuplets, did she think I am stupid. I guess it makes sense from her perspective. Afterall to her, I am but a low-class devil orphan. 

"They didn't want to at first, but the he was far too stronger for them to refuse. Then he made them sign another contract saying that their children will not be recognized as part of the Morax. Anyway, fast forwards a few years, those six sibilings created a territory in the slum areas. Though only 5 people actually cared about developing it, the other 1 just lived his life in seclusion."

"Anyway, past forward a few years more, the head of the Morax household saw how much money the three of his siblings were making, so he once again made them sign a contract saying that 50% of everything, they make would automatically go to him. this contract made 2 people give up, not wanting to fill up their brothers' coffers with hard-earned money."

"Anyway, those 6 are dead, killed during the civil war, my king was the granddaughter of the previous head so she was able to become the head. Anyway, even though the six siblings died, the contract was still in effect, but my king was not heartless. Rather than half, she only asked for 20% of the people who have taken the place as the heads of the six areas."

Yelan continued running her hands through my hair, she suddenly leaned down and whispered.

"don't tell anyone, but she also gave 5 of them tasks to do. though I can't tell, household secret and all. But one was not given any tasks, can you guess who?"

I had a clue. It was probably the one who held the title of ruler of this area

"Your predecessor He was so useless and lazy that my king had nothing she wanted from him." she spoke, though there was some slight disgust in her voice.

She turned me around, my face now facing hers, her green eyes bore down on my golden ones, her hands cupped my cheeks and started squeezing it.

"But you, you are different. You are a 9-year-old who is as strong as middle-class devil. Which is a big deal, that kind of talent would rival the pillar heirs and heiresses."

"Anyway, my king sees potential in you, after I talked about you, and has asked me to give you an offer."

Two rolled up parchments appeared next to her, floating in the air. 

"Read, choose which offer is better and sign it using your blood."

"Now that boring stuff is over. Wanna tell me what you were doing to that rock?" she asked, her voice turning playful and curious.

I picked up the rock and casted Spongify on it. and then gave it to her.

"Its…rubbery? Hmm, is this permanent?" she asked as she turned the rock around in her and started poking it.

I shook my head in denial.

"Hmm, can you make it permanent, I'll pay you, very generously If you do." she said, making a money sign with her fingers.

I took out the notepad and wrote.

[maybe in the future.]

"Maybe huh? Well, I should not expect too much from a little kid. Anyway, your surprisingly very huggable aren't ya?" her arm tightened around me; her other hand started playing with my cheek, stretching and squeezing it, making me almost whine in annoyance.


Instead of whining I simply glared at her. making sure that she knows that I dislike my cheeks being used as a stress ball.

"Your way too cute, almost makes me want to kidnap and keep you as a body pillow." Yelan cooed. Though she was obviously joking, I felt that her tone contained a part where she was mulling it over.

I trembled, I tried to shake her off.

"Hehehe, do not worry Lulu, I won't do it." she checked the time, "huh its night time."

Picking me up from her lap, she put me down. she took something out of her pocket, a bottle of milk and cookies.

"Come on, drink your milk and go to sleep. Don't look at me like that, you're a kid, kids need to go to sleep early. You will have plenty of time to be sleep deprived once you become an adult." She informed me, her tone changing form playful into serious.

Yelan walked away, if I was older, I probably would have had much appreciation to her swaying hips, but as a child physically…well I could still appreciate the beauty of her ass.

"Nighty night kid, I'll drop by when I get the chance." Yelan waved and was about to step out of my house before she stopped, "also, next time you feel like someone is watching you, get your butt to populated area. Most spies or assassins usually don't attack if you're in a place too many people." she advised. Her tone felt like she was disappointed in me.

the moment she placed her foot outside, she disappeared in a flash of blue light.

I blinked by my eyes in confusion. I was pretty sure that it was not teleportation, most teleportation spells take time to cast. In other words, either she has a spell that can instantly teleport her or she is really fast.

Speaking of teleportation, the harry potter version of it was instantaneous if I remember correctly. I should definitely need to look into learning that.

I look at the pack of cookies and bottle of milk. Like hell I'm going to eat that, what if it poisoned or worse, did she think I was a kid who would be bribed by some milk and cookies, how naïve of her.

Hmph, like I would ever drink something left behind by a total stranger. Even if the stranger was the second most beautiful person I've ever met.

I grabbed the bottle of milk and chug it down, cookies crumbles covered around my mouth.

Placing the bottle down, I taste the milk, hmm, vanilla? Its pretty sweet. I chugged the rest down.

-the end.

Looks like Yelan finds our protagonist adorable. I am way too sleep-deprived to write more. 


I don't have much to say, but anyway read, comment and like/favourite this.

Your criticism is very much appreciated.

You can also read chapters in advance on p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m./ Lucinziel

Chapter 10 will be posted on my pat reon tomorrow or day after. 

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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