
Part angel part devil

" It's time. We should head to the front." Madam Duan said with a sweet smile and gestured Madam Gong to follow her, which she did, but not before sending WenLing a scathing look.

WenLing just rolled her eyes. She wondered if the people like Madam Gong would ever grown up or just be little sh@@ all their life. She was busy cursing the entitled losers of the world when she spotted a familiar figure. A bright smile filled her face as she started to make her way towards the small human.

But EnLai stopped her by holding on to her arm. Before she could roast him alive for stopping her, she felt her entire body stiffening when what the MC was saying registered in her mind. It was an engagement party. The happy couple got on the stage and everyone admired the pair. The man's strong facial features would never let anyone call him handsome, but there was an electric charisma surrounding him that made it hard for anyone to take their eyes of his. He looked handsome in a striped emerald suit with a baby pink shirt, that not a lot of people could carry off. But he did, gracefully, with his tall, well built body and the arrogance that was an innate part of him. Beside him, the would be bride glowed with happiness. She looked mesmerising with her luscious long black hair framing her small pretty face. Her jade like skin was complemented by the beautiful halter neck skater red dress she was wearing. There was a round of polite applause congratulating the couple with their good news.

" Breathe LingLing." Reminded EnLai with a squeeze of her hand. But WenLing did not hear him. She was jolted out of the trance she was in only when she felt pain in her hand. She frowned down and looked down to see EnLai squeezing her hand too hard.

" I am fine. Let go." She said in a strangled voice. A thousand thoughts were running amok in her head. She could feel her heart shattering, but she knew better than anyone that it would be the worst decision of her life if she walked away from the room. She could feel more than a few malicious stares on her, but could not be bothered to deal with them. She was still shell shocked.

EnLai was not sure, but let go of her hand.

His father Duan Nianzu came to stand on the other side of WenLing as if to show his support. WenLing smiled at him, and Duan Nianzu could see the pain in her eyes. He could feel his heart clench in pain for the little girl he had helped raise. She may not be biologically their daughter or accept them as anything more than sponsors, but the truth was he and MeiXiang thought of her as their daughter from the first day they saw her. He could feel the resentment rising inside him for the Gongs. He had never liked them, it was his wife who was close to them. He wished he could do something to take away her pain. He reached out and poked the dimple in her cheek, which made her automatically giggle, making his heart lighter.

" This is so boring. Bunch of peacocks. Want to escape to my study? I got those macaroons you love from that bakery in France." Duan Nianzu leaned forward and whispered in WenLing's ears which made her giggle again.

" As tempting as the offer is, Madam Duan would never speak to either of us again." She whispered back.

All the whispering was getting to Enlai's nerves. His lips revealed an ugly sneer as he looked at his father and WenLing being all chummy. He even forgot that his best friend was breaking her heart right then. But only for a second. He then looked at his best friend Gong Fengge standing on the stage, looking like he was the happiest man on the earth for being engaged to Hong Lulu . Enlai snorted to himself. He knew better than anyone that the only person Gong Fengge loved was himself.

He loved the women who could give him what he wanted at that time. In school he was in love with an orphan girl who had helped him piss of his mother. The poor girl died giving birth to his daughter. He was then shipped to the US along with his daughter. Even though they had known each other since WenLing was ten years old, Fengge and WenLing had gotten close in the US, where she had gone for her undergrad studies. She had practically moved into his house to help raise his daughter, which should have been next to impossible, as she had a hectic schedule, studying MBBS and doing part time work. Family was WenLing's main weak point, and EnLai knew that Fengge preyed on that to get her help. And the little fool believed herself to be in love with the poor rich kid who had lost the love of his life, and was bravely trying to raise his daughter against the wishes of his family in a foreign land. She was a sucker for people in distress. EnLai released a breath. He knew WenLing was not the kind to break over a guy, she would be more heartbroken about the fact that Gong Dandan, the girl she helped raise, would not be hers in the legal sense.

" I want those macrons." Came a little voice from behind them. EnLai raised his eyebrows. Speak of the devil, and it would be there.

"Jigglypuff…" cried out WenLing as she turned around in a swift swirl, landed on the floor on her knees and threw her arms around the Enlai's goddaughter. Unsurprisingly, she was also wearing a red top with a gold skirt.

Gong Dandan laughed and hugged WenLing back. EnLai wondered how two good for nothing people could produce something so precious just as he captured the scene with his phone. Gong Dandan was perfect in his eyes. She was part devil, part angel, and by far the smartest person he knew. He cursed his friend again in his mind. Gong Fengge was blessed with the perfect daughter and had the heart of someone like WenLing right in his palm, but he was blind. He spent some superficial time with Gong Dandan and strung along WenLing, hurting the two people who genuinely cared for him. But no matter how much of a loser he was, thankfully he knew better than to get between WenLing and Dandan. They loved each other more than anyone else, and the one good thing Gong Fengge ever did for his daughter was to oppose his mother and let the two keep in contact when they were brought back to the country.

" You look so pretty baby." WenLing gushed as she leaned out of the embrace and looked over the daughter of her heart. She now understood why Dandan had asked to send a picture of her after she had gotten ready. WenLing's heart swelled with joy knowing how much Dandan was obsessed with them looking the same. She knew she should talk to her about it, but Dandan was only eight years old, and honestly, WenLing loved wearing the same thing as Dandan.

Gong Dandan smiled shyly " You look beautiful LingLing. I want that hair pin."

WenLing smiled and took out her hairpin and reached out and put pinned it on Dandan. EnLai who was watching from the side, nearly barfed in his own mouth. Dandan always followed whatever WenLing did. When WenLing grew out her hair, she also had long hair, and when WenLing decided to cut off all her hair, she cut off her own hair. Their sense of showing affection to each other was an acquired taste. They always did everything over the top.

He could feel the stares of many people on them and looked around sharply. A few people looked away embarrassed. EnLai knew they were waiting for WenLing to cause a scene. But they did not really know her. If there was one thing as important as family to her, it was her pride. Besides, WenLing had Dandan, so even if she was heart broken by Gong Fengge, she would never do anything that could compromise her spending time with Dandan. Madam Gong was ruthless, and the only reason she went with her son and granddaughter's whims was that it did not affect her plans in any way or embarrass her.

" Let's go eat those macaroons. It's boring here." Said Dandan with a cute smile as she tugged WenLing's hands. WenLing in return smiled and stood up. WenLing could never say no to Dandan.