
Never Endings

When the Richest mafia and the most powerful man of Konya City fell at first sight with an ordinary college student, two weeks before his marriage, get things tricky & complicated. One night all he wants is to cure his hunger. But will Lust be cured or twisted into something he never foresaw? It is a Saga of brutal love, heartless decisions, blood, gun and hunger... [see you on the other side, if you survived!] [BL]

Ladyisoul · Urbain
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1 Chs

Encounter the Devil Himself

[Unedited] dedicated this chapter to Sriraj, my first reader!


It's almost midnight, a drink in my left hand and phone in my right, sitting on one of the side sofas in the dark corner of the club surrounded by the smoke and smell of alcohol, the blazingly dark atmosphere of the club and almost nude, half-unconsciously drunken people dancing to the loud music, giving me a gauche feeling, I want to get back home before my workaholic business tycoon brother gets back from work, which is usually late than 2 a.m. or 3 am., So you can say I'm playing on the safer ground but I never take this for granted as you never know when your luck would decide to go on a break, leaving you behind to get screwed with the consequences of other's witless decisions which we often choose to get involved voluntarily.

My eyes scanned the crowd, honestly is a treat to be here seeing almost nude and beautiful bodies dancing around freely, gives immense pleasure to eyes of beholders till I spot Lisa and her friends dancing at right corner of dance floor, Lisa is my cousin and my childhood best friend, all these years I know she missed me dearly her millions of emails was the proof and can't ignore the harassment of equally numbers of video calls for unnecessary gossip about the smallest things happened with her or at her surroundings, shamelessly no heed to my complaints and to my busy schedules, My eyes scanned the crowd again, too many unknown faces, I know I should not be here nor should Lisa but when you pursue your degrees from abroad you have evolved the gut to do unimaginably rack-less things and my presence here tonight demonstrates the very theory, yet can't deny that I missed this country, especially my foolish but adorable older cousin and this dark city, though this city has changed a lot and sees far too ups and downs since the last time I was here but still never fails to give us feeling of longing and home, soon I will join my family business and get settled in this very city, hoping to get the same amount of love and success as many in my family gets from this city, With this thought, I loose a deep sigh and sip my whiskey while watching a hot woman dancing on the lap of a half nude man, I smiled, this was the reason Lisa decided to come here at the first place, I signal a waitress to refill and again my eyes roaming from body to body scanning till landed again on Lisa wearing a red wig with a red top paired with red tight shorts and black net stockings, black choker in neck completing the look with a pair of high platform wedges, dancing in an unknown guy's Arms, Could not hold my smirk back, my mind displaying the sour face Aunt Mina lisa's mother a very proud lady of our class watching her daughter dancing in some stranger's arms, disowning would be less if she doesn't murder Lisa before, who could think A upper-class lady at daylight time attends all social events with her mother, here on her birthday at midnight dancing slash rubbing her body to a guy full of the tattoo around 5;11 height his aura of danger can be detected from the miles a regular typical customer I assumed of such an infamous club. My grin widened.

I toast my drink in the air to her courage and take a sip.

I knew it was a bad idea the moment Lisa said let's go to Funker a club infamous for many reasons and its location for her birthday bash.

I even knew it was a bad idea to let her play undercover and dressed up an opposite latitude of her real self.

I, myself ended up looking like a male hooker in black leather hips and thighs kissing pair of pants which she insisted to paired up with a shiny black half-sleeve top and black silk scarf with matching black snickers, later she insisted me to style my hair with an ocean of hair gel to get the desirable spikes, resulting my reflection in the mirror was anyone but me, some unrecognisable person was staring back at me I laughed and denied to step out one more step from the house however her begging of hours convinced me and I didn't want her birthday to get started with she fighting me though before leaving the house I took my black leather jacket to save my mood and look a bit sophisticated which she opposed I could tell by her face reaction but at the end, she was aware she couldn't do anything about and prefered to avoid commenting anything further.

After letting her and her friends dance, making out for almost two more hours I dragged her outside from the club, she was drunk and can't walk properly, I'm pissed and annoyed as it took solid ten minutes to pull her out from the lap of a drunken wasted man in the middle of their make out, she but obvious resisted and made noises, tried her best to not made it easy from her ends but after plucking her successfully out from that man and club I decided to leave her three friends behind as I didn't recognize them enough to find them in the eerie atmosphere of the club plus I had high doubts they were still there, as lastly, I saw them when I was making out with an unknown woman they were enjoying themselves on men arms too.

Lisa is mightily drunk and I am half-drunk myself but I can not leave her or her car here knowingly she will need to send someone to get it in the daytime following an explanation of why this car ended up in a place and neighbourhood like this, is unthinkable.

While consistently reminding myself why I should carry Lisa's heavy body on my shoulder than leave her behind. I'm irritated and tired plus it's getting late it's already past 2:Am.

Walking with her on my shoulder in the empty and dark parking area with eerie lighting at 2:Am wasn't on the list when I agreed to her party.

Before I almost thought to dump her I spotted her Mercedes-Benz C-Class And released a relief breath.

I dig out the key from her purse with one hand while holding her in another, push the button to unlock the car and dumped her in the passenger seat.

I Cross left to right and am about to open the driver seat when my eyes found some moment at the far side of the left.

One man with dozens of men following behind him came through the back door of the building which attaches with a lift for private or for owner use.

Almost six feet, solid body in a tight kiss black three-piece paired with an expensive formal shoe, shiny set hair with a perfect jaw line and features like Greek God talking to someone on phone, seeing his expensive watch tied on his left wrist while holding his phone in his right, everything about him screaming danger.

He passed his phone to the meat mountain-looking man walking behind him closely.

Everything stopped I don't know what to do anymore I'm still standing holding the door knob like an idiot as some powerful magician freezes me on my spot.

The man sees me standing and pop his left eyebrow up in question.

I don't know what to do as every fabric of my body tells me not to mess with this man whose aura screaming danger from the 100 miles away.

I smile at him a tight one like a fool as I don't know what to do or how to feel comfortable.

I turn to the car uncomfortably and open the doorknob.

"How much?"

One thick alpha male voice echo surrounds me.

I turn my face towards the Greek God-looking man in confusion my hands still on the doorknob.

"Excuse me?"

I answer in confusion a second later it hit me hard, I look like a male hooker. my eyes got wide with realisation.

"Oh, No no I'm not what you think I am."

This is embarrassing, I gesture towards my clothes and try my best to explain.

He narrowed his eyes at me and saw me from toe to head, one moment my hand was on the doorknob and another moment he pull me with full strength and I hit my back with the mettle door of an opposite car, now my face is opposite with this dangerous Greek God looking man's face, before my mind can register anything.

He pulls my neck up and put his lips on mine.


Do vote and show your love for this story, I may edit it later as you can tell this has many grammatical and adverbs issues but now I just want to write and don't want my thought process to get broken in unnecessary worrying.

Much love and coffee ❤️☕