

**Author's Note**

*If you know about the backrooms lore, please don't get mad at me for the changes I am going to implement. I want a way for the big groups to live long, so all I can say is please don't get mad at me for changing such a strange thing that doesn't make the story make more sense. I just need to fit my idea of what the backrooms are. Thank you.*

Vain thought and processed everything that he was being told, "Thank you for your explanation. I only have one more real question. How does James look to be at most fifty if you stretch it, 80 in any world?"

"So there is something that we found out is just downright strange about the Backrooms. If you can kill enough entities you can double your speed, strength, and your life span. People think that it is because our bodies absorb the souls of these entities and that allows us to get some of their power, but others disagree, since you need to kill enough, then it suddenly increases one's body without any slow progression.

This is also one of the reasons that MEG can convince transfers to think of it as a video game. For wanderers like us, we view it as a goal, so as not to go completely insane, unless you become like Pops over there that has been here long enough that things like that don't matter. So is that everything?"

"Yeah, thanks."

Pops spoke up, "Alright let's get a move on, and kid, do you know how to use that bow in your hands?"

"I'm a beginner, but that is enough to shoot at something that is coming at me."

"Good! We'll take you to the Hub, just follow us and we will do my route so we don't just waste this trip!" Pops kept talking loudly but seemed really friendly.

The new group kept moving on a certain path that Pops claimed to have either the most supplies or enemies. The group was also moving in a similar way that Vain moved. One person would peak the corner and come back if there is an entity, or yell out 'clear' if it is empty, or if there is a crate, they yell 'box'. If there is an entity they move back and say what is there.

Vain found out Pops wasn't lying since the rooms they found often had a crate or entity. They ran into a scratcher which they avoided outright, and one hound which got a crossbow bolt lodged into its skull. Apparently, only a gun can be the surest way of killing a scratcher, since apparently there is a 1 in 5 chance that it will hear the arrow or bolt no matter the speed. According to Pops, "Unless you have a gun and can aim, and have enough ammo, don't risk one of your members' lives."

Going passed a room, while the group was walking in the middle of the room, the lights flickered and went dark before they got bright again after half a second. The group besides Vain had their backs to each other and had their weapons pointing in all directions. Silvana had a bow and Pops had a gun. While looking around every which way after being able to see, Vain quickly spotted a naked human who had just got shot with a crossbow bolt and a loud inhuman screeching that followed.

Pops spoke up, "If it appears after a flicker, then shoot it. You are new, so just know that if it wasn't there before a flicker happens, then it isn't safe."

The entity suddenly became only human in shape and looked to be a lumpy piece of flesh. Silvana took this moment to end the Skin-Stealer lodging another two arrows till it stopped moving. It had run towards the group, making it only a few meters from them.

"Sorry about my shot, I didn't kill it immediately." John spoke apologetic tone.

Pops laughed and spoke loudly, "Hah- you are lucky you have me here in case anything gets too close! Let's move on!"

At this moment Sivana complained, "Maybe we would agree if you weren't so loud. You'd probably attract every scratcher in the next five rooms at least!" She started to move either way.

"If you had my youth where you always have to be quiet you'd almost lose your voice from not talking! I use my old man privilege that my ears don't work as they should." The others laughed at Pops' joke and moved to the next room.

The group went through other rooms and walked throughout nearly 70 rooms, and killed nearly 20 entities throughout their journey, while also looting 32 crates, proving that Pops really knows his stuff. Throughout the journey, Vain got to know how wild Skin-Stealers act which was just creepy.

"Hey don't move! I am human, are you a hat or an apple?"

A rougher voice sounded, "Hey. Move apple. I am human. Can you come and help?" It came out as extremely pitiable.

Quickly a loud screech sounded that just as quickly died down. Sivana who was the one who killed the Skin stealer spoke out, "Clear! Box!"

John noticed Vain being extremely shaken and spoke, "They don't really understand what we say, but they copy what we react most to. Most claim to be human and say the word help, the rest is usually a copy of either the words of their last victim or your own words. There have been extreme cases that they say the right words, so the last test is to take out a certain item which is just insurance."

Pops also spoke up, "You may notice that both little Silvi and John said hat first. The first word is the word that your group leader has for the group name is! Anyone who comes with me says hat, so we are the Hats!"

Vain also checked the rooms as if he was originally part of the group, but both he and Pops didn't get to use their weapons. Pops did find two entities but claimed that the bullets for his gun aren't to be used in this level unless there is an emergency.

Vain also got to learn many small things that he wouldn't really know unless he took a lot of time by himself to know, like what items are rare on this level, and what things are wanted the most by people, which can be sold. Vain also found out that his hatchet is one of the rarest things to be found here on this level.

This level is nicknamed as Habitable zone by M.E.G. but wanderers just say beginner level. Pops is now one who helps beginners like Silvana out by showing them all around the beginner level. Pops claims that this level is an average size level reaching nearly 50 million square miles which are over a quarter of the earth's surface area.

He also claims that the Hub is 90,000 square miles included in that number. Pops told Vain the main organizations on level one and he explained that they hold a section in the Hub while also having another bigger area in the main area. Ranting to explain that the manilla room is basically the hub of monotone hell, but unfinished because it separates itself making encounters rare. These rooms are connected to the entire level and are believed to be the same as the level itself just more condensed as space folds itself.

After another 6 hours, They reached a small section cordoned off by two heavily armed guards who recognized Pops and let them through to see a door that seemed to be open with a distorted world on the other side that looked like a hangar made of pure cement.