
White Flag

Just great!

For the nth time today, Nevada stood in front of his closet and was more than annoyed. The only clothes that he could stand were ruined, so now he was forced to wear the little young master's unique fashion.

Nevada took out the baby blue blouse with wide sleeves and laces. He looked like a sheltered little brat. It was so far from his real image. He couldn’t bear to look at himself in his stand mirror, so he threw a towel over it. He also closed the curtains so that he didn't see his reflection.

Aware of the fluctuations of his emotions, Nevada plopped down his bed. He was still breathing so heavily when he called for the system.

“System, do you think I'm getting too carried away, or maybe I already lost it?” Nevada sighed.

[The host is starting to adapt to the world. Omegas in heat are emotional and cannot stabilize their own pheromones. Because your soul was not yet completely integrated into the world, you were still able to have control over your instincts.]

"...Oh. Then in my next heat, will I lose reason?" Nevada asked after a long silence.

According to what he read, most omegas blank out because of their intense desires. They also act on instinct during their heat and their pheromones could affect even the most restrained people. Some alphas would even get so obsessive that they start dangerous fights over an omega.

[Heat experiences vary. There is no absolute answer to the host's question. However, we have a record of the common symptoms and related cases. The host may request to read said available data.]

Nevada sighed even heavier. He was slowly starting to feel calm again. He was usually collected, a skill he picked up after years of hiding his sexuality and training to do well for his parents. But recalling what had just happened, he couldn't help cringing.

Was that really him? Blurgh.

'Son? Come to the dining hall. We have guests.'

Nevada heard Theo's voice in the mind link. There was no need to ask who the guests were. Previously, Nevada really was invited to some meetings with his father. Still, because he was young, he was not exactly included in the serious discussions.

For example, he has never met Shiloh before. Shiloh said that he was still too young when he first saw him. That was because Nevada was a popular adopted beauty.

His origins being unknown was a common knowledge among the packs. Thus, the other packs did not acknowledge him as a formal heir and did not let him be involved in any serious affairs.

Nevada never met the important people.

Still, he persevered in his studies and was dutiful with the responsibilities his father gave him. He did his best, yet right now, it seems he was only good for marrying off.


Will all Nevadas of these different dimensions be married off by their parents?

Nevada snorted.

"Father, Mother," Nevada greeted his parents first when he arrived at the dining hall.

Theo was seated at the head of the long table while Miranda was on his left. The chair on his right was empty. It was his seat. At the other end, there was Shiloh whose gaze never left him since he arrived.

Nevada then turned to Shiloh and his company.

Bowing a little and nodding his head, with eyes down, he spoke in a gentle and respectful manner, "Welcome to our guests, Alpha Shiloh, Beta Lucas, and the White Moon Pack. I hope you enjoy your meal."

The seat on Shiloh's left was empty, but surely, not for long.

Nevada walked towards his spot and lamented in his heart, "This is probably my first and last time on this chair."

"Then let us eat." Theo raised a hand to offer the food when his son was finally seated. This gesture reminded Nevada of his real father during his 25th birthday dinner.

"I hope the dishes are to Alpha Shiloh's liking," Miranda said with a small smile, picking up a bowl to put food on Theo's plate. Oddly, Miranda was also being identical to his real mother, who was being careful and trying to feel him out.

The only difference between when his real parents were setting him up and now was that he was prepared this time. He wasn't stiff nor uncomfortable at all. He acted more naturally. Maybe also because he knew that none of this was real, so he wasn't as agitated.

Since Nevada already ate, he only served himself a bowl of soup which he happily sipped while the big guys talked business.

But because the food on the table were mostly the original Nevada's favorites, he was obligated to take a few bites, lest his parents think it strange. Especially Miranda, who was constantly watching him, perhaps worried about his condition and possible reaction to the coming news.

"Uncle Theo," Shiloh suddenly shifted the topic in the middle of their conversation. "The little Nevada?"

Nevada's left eye twitched at the word "little". Although he realized the alpha was being considerate by not mentioning 'that' word so directly at all, he still irked him. Theo coughed once as he put down his spoon and fork.

He replied with an affirming tone, "Yes. The rumors are true."

"Then?" Shiloh asked again, hinting at Nevada who was still eating like a prince on his seat, as if they weren't talking about him in front of him.

"As you can see, our Nevada is quite special." Theo glanced at Miranda before he continued, "We think he has a special constitution. You may have already noticed, but our Nevada is not like other omegas."

Nevada could feel different gazes from the people at the table. Aside from his family, there were four people on Shiloh's side who were all from the White Moon Pack.

Nevada picked at his food without glancing at anyone. He was full of manners as he held onto his wide sleeve while poking at a piece of meat to bring into his mouth. Truly as if he doesn't hear anything and was just minding his own business.

Miranda explained, "It seems he doesn't show signs other than the occasional leak of pheromones. Even his scent is barely noticeable without wind. He isn't reduced to the stereotype of omegas who lose all reason when in heat."

Theo nodded and also added swiftly, "This is the evidence. So, Alpha Shiloh, do consider our condition."

This time, Nevada looked up at his father, wondering what he was talking about. He tried to remember anything else from the plot. But aside from them agreeing to hand over the pack to Shiloh, to volunteer to walk to prison themselves, and to leave their son alone, there was nothing else he could remember.

No matter how much he tried to recall, it was White Moon who brought a proposal, not the other way around.

Noticing the slight changes in Nevada's expression, Miranda gave another anxious smile to him as she spoke in his mind, 'Dear, we will explain later. We are sorry, but please cooperate for now.'

'I don't like being the only one in the dark. Mom, please give even a little hint so I don’t get too anxious,' Nevada answered, also talking to his mother in the mind link.

His voice was pitiful and begging that Miranda almost wanted to take their words back. She felt Theo’s hold on her hand tightened, so she gulped down her guilt and replied instead, 'Dear, just know that we won't ever let you get hurt. We will explain everything later. Be patient.'

"Alpha Theo, this is just ridiculous," Beta Lucas interjected as he gave a sideways glance at Nevada. Their silent conversation was cut short. "Have you ever heard of an omega before who inherited a pack and became an alpha?"

Nevada was shocked, but he immediately composed himself.

Although Shiloh was quiet, the sides of his lips were visibly drawn up. His eyebrows also slightly raised up, and he seemed to silently agree at what his beta had said.

While they were busy debating, he called for the system again, "What is happening?"

[To answer the host, the original Nevada should be weakly lying in bed and suffering from his heat. However, since the host appeared alright, your parents thought you were special and are now fighting for your position as the next alpha of Blue Crescent.]

Nevada was taken aback. "Is that okay? Will the plot change because of this?"

[The initial plan was to change only the minute things so that the original Nevada survives. But since the main system is not ringing any alarms, this means that this change is trivial and acceptable.]

Nevada could almost hear the complaints in the system's mechanical voice while it was explaining. As if blaming him for such a big change.

But who wouldn't?

If he really proceeded with this choice, more unexpected events would happen. The plotline in his hands, where all events were listed, would be useless then. That means the system has to work even harder because one of his advantages would be of no worth anymore.

Their goal was just to survive until the time of the original Nevada's death. Not to rewrite his whole story! Although it would be easier if Nevada had power and influence as an alpha, he figured the road would be longer that way.

Straying too much from the story would affect his cheating. Knowledge was his biggest advantage. Weighing the pros and the cons, Nevada decided to stick to the original plot.

Nevada paused, putting down his fork and glancing at his father. Theo saw him at the corner of his eyes and understood what he meant. He sighed as he gave his son permission to talk.

"Father, I don't think I'm fit to be a leader," Nevada uttered as the others on the table all turned their heads to listen to him. They thought he was really going to remain as a pretty display on the side and won’t participate in the meeting at all. "Most of the pack members already looked down on me before. Awakening as an omega only made the rest unwilling to stand by my side."

Nevada spoke in a neither fast nor slow manner. He was calm, as if the truth he said did not affect him. On the other hand, his parents were heartbroken.

They knew he was right. They were more than clear that even though he becomes an alpha, he could only use coercion to make the pack heed him and that would one day backfire. However, they hoped that Shiloh would be a strong figure behind him, which would make others think twice about going against their son.

It was a risk they were willing to take just so Nevada would have the power to protect himself. He wouldn't be able to protect himself from Shiloh, but he was the perfect shield from other wolves and packs.

"It should be fine to choose one from the options given by White Moon," Nevada continued when nobody answered. The corners of his lips rose up as he turned his gaze to them. His eyes weren't smiling. "We can only agree with the territorial war, or submit to Alpha Shiloh. But we can't afford the former, right?"