
Too Easy

'Perfect.' A smile lit up my face as I gathered all the info I needed from her. 

'She's useless to me now,' I pondered whether I should just kill her or not.

In her dream, right before reaching the main lobby, she passed through a futuristic scanner. Its soft hum resonated as an ethereal glow enveloped her. Suddenly, her dream transitioned into an intriguing blankness. It was as if a curtain had fallen.

Now, I'm reconsidering keeping her alive. It seems too risky. She might retrieve her memories even if I delete them. Or that device could be filled with Moon Gems that would disable my powers.

"What a waste," I sighed. She might be a bit untidy, but she was really beautiful. She just got off work, and I could still catch a whiff of her sweat, which oddly sparked a bit of arousal. 

At the same time, she had potential. Maybe she's weak now, but who knows? She might awaken other powers in the future.