
Steady and Balance

'Steady... steady... steady,' I muttered to myself as I attempted to maintain my balance in the air. 

My outstretched arms trembled as I struggled to balance my body, looking more like Tony when he was just beginning to test the fly function of his suit. 

"This is harder than I thought,"I chuckled as sweat began to form on my forehead. 

I initially believed it would be much easier to hover in the air, given my ability to lift a boulder. However, controlling my own body proved to be far more challenging. 

It was not just a matter of weight, but because, unlike the solid rock, which I could just let go of if I lost control, my body was far more important. At this moment, I was only ten feet in the air, so I wouldn't get injured even if I fell. 

However, in the future, I aimed to fly higher, and that's when the sudden changes in wind speed could become a significant factor to consider. It's better to familiarize myself with this aspect now.