
Sick Prank

[System: Mission Success] 

[Reward: Pending] 

[Transferring Host ] 

When my vision finally returned, I found myself in a place filled with lush forests. The smell of fresh air and the sunlight were a welcome change after the pure darkness that felt like an eternity. 

"Finally, I almost died of boredom," I chuckled aloud as I stretched my legs and arms, relishing the sound of my own voice. 

In that godforsaken place, it was so dark that even sound didn't seem to exist.

The only thing to relieve my boredom was talking to myself. Luckily, I was an expert at it, so I was able to persevere. 

Who knew that being a little bit crazy would be useful someday?

Not just that, but that place didn't even let me catch a wink of sleep. I didn't feel any physical tiredness there, but mentally? Oh boy, It was hell. 

Well, at least I got some perks out of it. After that ordeal, I could feel that my Mind Power increased a lot.