
Out of Proportion

My words had created a chain reaction as all the people present started nodding their heads.

The Zol Clan, known for killing millions, wrecking civilizations, and messing with human lives, planned a comeback, so this should be considered at the same level of World War III. 

"Now, we just needed to find a way to convince the others to start a summit," Sophia spoke, her voice carrying some doubt.

It must be tough to persuade the other continents to cooperate with Asia. This wasn't anything new; it had always been a human trait to ignore things that didn't immediately affect them. 

Only by carefully considering the pros and cons would the other branches decide if all of this was worth it. 

"I know a way," I raised my hands. If it was about making things blow out of proportion, then I'm an expert in that matter.

"Tell us, Director Mong," she asked.