
Cheater and Cheated

When he saw us, he got even angrier because his MILF wife was leaning on my shoulder. The whole vibe got really tense, and I could just feel how mad he was even without my heighten senses .

And who could blame him? He'd been busting his butt overseas, working hard, only to come back home to find his own wife cheating in his own house, in a big mansion that he gave her. There's a limit to what a man can take, and this was definitely beyond that. 

"Hey, let's all calm down. I know this looks bad, but I can explain myself," I said, raising my hands as if to emphasize my innocence.

[Suggestion: Rejected]

"As expected," I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "Rare, my ass," I added. 

There's no way he could have blocked my suggestion with luck alone. It only means now that he was also in possession of the Moon Gem.