
C0: Beginnings

AGE 780...


"Lord Beerus! Please wake up."

The voice echoed across a gigantic room. It was filled to the brim with floating explosives, each counting down. In the middle of the room was a hovering mattress, covered in flowing satin sheets, which hid the huddled figure underneath.

"Oh dear, it seems my attempts aren't working? Very well, I'll do my secret move if I must." the man said with a playful sigh.

The man was a tall, thin humanoid with pale blue skin, white hair, violet eyes, and rather effeminate features. His attire consisted of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with white and orange diamond decorations, and a blue sash. Around his neck, he sported a large blue ring as a decoration. In his hand, was a gold scepter with a smooth gem at the top.

He tapped it twice before music crackled from the glowing gem. He coughed into his hand as he cleared his throat. He began to sing a highly off-key song.

" Cha-LA-HeAd- ChA--"

"WHIS! Shut the hell up!"

The mattress shook violently as the satin sheets were thrown off. Underneath, was a purple anthropomorphic cat with golden yellow eyes and large pointed ears. His form was hairless and while overall defined in his build, he was very thin and bony. He was wearing a thin light blue nightgown.

"Oh, Lord Beerus? And here I thought you would never wake up again." Whis spoke politely.

"Fuck off Whis! Why'd you wake me up so early! Is it Son Goku?! Damn him, sometimes I half a mind to destroy that Saiyan!" Beerus snarled.

"Oh no Lord Beerus, Son Goku is still on Earth, training as always. The reason's nothing much, just that the Grand Priest had requested us to meet him, but if you still want to sleep I can tell him that?" Whis inquired while he tilted his head.

Beerus froze for a second, his eyes widening to the size of dinner plates before he all but vanished off his bed. Whis just chuckled softly. A few seconds later, Beerus appeared in front of him.

"WHIS! What's the hold-up! Let's go!"

"Oh if you insist Lord Beerus. Although I am curious about why my father called both you and me?

It may have something to do with that "Tournament of Power" Lord Zeno was proposing?"

"If that's the case, then why did he only call us?" Beerus inquired. Whis had no answer to that.

The Angel tapped his staff and a blue dome of light wrapped around the pair, before blinking away. As they were teleporting to the Priest's domain, Whis couldn't help but look worried.

'When he contacted me and asked me for Beerus, he looked apoplectic. I hope he won't do anything severe.' the Angel thought to himself.



Beerus and Whis reappeared in front of a set of giant oak wooden doors, carved with countless designs. The doors had a regality to them that sent sweat down Beerus' neck. They suddenly opened and revealed a man sitting down at a desk, doing some paperwork. The room he was in contained 4 support pillars and a carpeted floor. Beside him was an hourglass filled with emerald sand, and behind him was the vast expanse of the Universe.

"Hello, father. How are you doing today?" Whis questioned politely.

The man looked up with a smile, his face brightening up. He was short, featured blue-colored skin and white-colored slicked-back hair. His apparel consisted of a dark blue long-sleeved shirt, with baggy shoulder pads, that runs beneath his red-colored belt with a gold buckle. His shirt was complimented by a matching color pair of jodhpur-like pants and white boots that run beneath his shins.

Beside him stood two tall imposing guards who were cyan-skinned individuals that wore large high collared purple jackets with golden lining, buttons, and shoulders that covered their faces. They stood stoically beside the Grand Priest.

The Priest stood up and extended his arms in a display of happiness.

"Whis, my beloved son! I'm doing fine, and I thank you for asking. Now I'm glad that you responded so quickly to my message and brought..."

The Minister of The Gods' eyes darkened as his face twisted into a scowl.

"... Beerus", he continued softly.

In an imperceptible motion, he signaled his guards to leave. They bowed and blinked out of the room. He turned around and stood to gaze out at the space in front of him. Beerus gulped, while Whis quirked his eyebrows.

"Now lets set the scene, shall we? Lord Zeno had assigned to overlook all of the Universes and their backstories for the upcoming "Tournament of Power" he had set up. Everything was fine for all of the other universes, well kept, well balanced, protected..."

At these points, Beerus began to shiver, and Whis started to frown.

"...Now can you imagine my surprise, when I find my beloved son's universe with the LOWEST MORTAL LEVEL!" the Priest shouted.

"Understandably, I couldn't believe this of course. It had to be fake. So I did my research."

At this point, the Grand Priest's face darkened. Glowing golden flames of aura started to wisp off his shaking frame.

"Magin Buu? Cell? Frieza? Zamasu?! All of these problems caused because of a lazy god, who couldn't even lift a finger to help! I heard about the records from the Kaioshin of your universe, how he would constantly beg for help against Majin Buu! And what did you do! NOTHING! Kaioshins lost their lives because of your INCOMPETENCE!"

His aura began to roll off him in waves, lighting the room in a golden glow.

"It fell to the mortals to take care of YOUR responsibility! They do more work than any of you lot do, and they're not nearly as powerful! This is the problem with your breed of gods! Never having to work for your power, just being born with it! It's sickening!" the Priest spat with venom.

Beerus took a step back to brace himself from the pressure of the Priest's aura. Whis stood in front of the God of Destruction and used his staff to create a barrier.

"When I showed Lord Zeno this, he was shocked that you would let all of this happen to his "best friend" Son Goku, and became angry! He was going to destroy another universe, but I devised a better solution. Right now, I am..."

The Priest disappeared from their sights and reappeared beside the duo.

"... going to END you and your race of selfish gods, BEERUS!"

With a quick jab containing the force of a million exploding suns, the Priest impacted Beerus in the face, sending the Cat God flying. Before he could hit one of the support pillars, the Priest flickered behind him and backhanded him into the floor, causing a crater and pitching up smoke. All this happened in the span of half of the millisecond, resulting in Whis feeling shocked.

'I-I c-couldn't react?!' he thought in disbelief.

Whis steeled himself and flickered in front of the Priest as he was charging a blast of Destruction Ki, and knocked it away with his staff. It impacted the ceiling and vaporized it. The Priest looked shocked as Whis began the battle him.

"Father, I won't just stand back here and allow you to destroy my friend for a misinterpretation!" Whis shouted with conviction.

"Whis you've been blinded by your friendship with this scum! You will thank me later!"

They quickly began to fight at lightspeed, with Whis using his staff in tandem with his attacks. Whis attempted a knee, before the Priest, using his shorter stature, got in his guard. He aimed an uppercut, but Whis quickly parried with his staff, making small, unnoticeable cracks in the weapon. Whis quickly rushed towards his father, his purple eyes and white hair shining a glowing silver. The Grand Priest noticed this and went in for a double haymaker to knock Whis out, but was stunned when the Angel flowed through his attack and landed a jab to his forehead, dazing the Priest.

"Ultra... Instinct..." the Priest muttered slowly.

"ROOOOAAAAHHH!!" Out of the smoke erupted Beerus, with angry amethyst flames roaring off his body, his face set in a rough snarl.

In his dazed state, the priest had no time to react to the barrage from the angry God of Destruction. Beerus bashed his fist on the Priest's head, before spinning and planting kick on the deity's stomach. The Priest coughed the barest hints of blood as he flew away. Before he hit the wall, he rightened his body, his clothes covered in numerous cuts and tears.

He suddenly flashed out and reappeared behind Whis going for a knock out blow. The Angel turned around and instinctively weaved underneath the chop and sent a silver ki beam at his father but the Grand Priest dodged before doing something unexpected.

"Hmph... these mortals make some interesting techniques..." the Grand Priest chuckled. He put his hands above his head.


Whis attempted to cover his eyes but failed. The Priest immediately went in for the finisher and knocked Whis out with a blow to the got. The Angel fell to the ground limply, the signs of Ultra Instinct fading out. He landed on the ruined floor with a soft thud.

Beerus looked shocked before his face morphed into one of anger as he rushed the Priest. They began to swap blows, but it was clear the Grand Priest held the upper hand.

"You BASTARD! How could you do that to Whis, your SON!" Beerus screamed with rage in his voice.

As he rushed towards the Priest, his fur began to flicker silver as did his aura, before finally settling. His fur stayed the same color but with a strong silver outline, Beerus's eyes were a piercing silver color. His aura shifted into a sparkling silver flame of power. The Grand Priest's eyes widened minutely.

'So he too has the power to achieve Ultra Instinct, but unlike my son, he hasn't mastered it yet. He has just been regulated to Ultra Instinct -Sign-. A pity, if he was more capable I would have surely trained him.' The Minister of the Gods thought to himself.

Beerus flashed and reappeared behind the Priest's, his fist racing at the deity's head. The Grand Priest turned around and caught the fist, but Beerus didn't let that stop him.

"Take this you smug bastard! OSIRIS'S WRATH!!" Beerus roared.

Twisting his body, he kicked at the Priest's head with a kick covered in rainbow-colored flames that impacted the Priest in the face, sending one of his teeth flying out. The shockwave generated from the kick could be seen from neighboring star systems, destroying planets from its pressure.

The Grand Priest smiled despite the rivulets of crimson blood flowing down his chin, shocking Beerus.

'What the hell?! I was aiming to snap the little shit's head off with that kick!' Beerus thought, his mind racing.

He calmly grabbed Beerus's leg and slowly moved it away while applying increasing pressure, making the God wince in Pain.

"Impressive Beerus. Very Impressive. You're the first God of Destruction to land a damning hit like that on me for a long time. I'd say right now you've passed the threshold to classify as an Angel. In fact, given the right training and time, you could be the strongest God of Destruction in existence. However..."

The Priest swung Beerus into one of the pillars of the destroyed room, shattering it, before telekinetically keeping the God in place. He lifted his finger and created a swirling ball of light on the tip, which shined brightly on his silver ring.

Just as the Priest was about to fire, a voice interrupted him.

"FATHER! Please stop! Give Beerus a chance!"

The Priest tilted his head to the side to see his beloved son on the ground, shaking in pain. The Priest's eyes softened, as he looked from Beerus to Whis. Whis saw this and continued to speak.

"I know that my protege has been... inattentive, but that does not excuse all of the good he has done! Just think about it Father! If Beerus had not woken up, then the whole universe as we know it would be purged of all it' mortals!"

This made the Priest look surprised, as the energy ball on the tip dissipated into motes of light. He turned around fully to face Whis and gave him his full attention. In the background, Beerus slumped to the ground.

"What do you mean, son?" the Minister of the Gods asked firmly.

Whis steadied himself before replying.

"Father, the errant attendant of the Kaioshin of Universe 11, Zamasu, couldn't have been stopped without Beerus's interference! A mortal from a different timeline had traveled to our Universe to seek assistance and was followed by Zamasu in the body of Son Goku! Beerus took note of that and began to research the anomaly. He went to the Kaioshin's palace and stopped the attendant in the middle of his attempted assassination of Gowasu! Seeing how it would benefit the OMNI-VERSE as a whole, Beerus proceeded to destroy Zamasu!"

The Grand Priest looked suitably stunned. He had only heard about the mortal's efforts to defeat Zamasu from the parallel Zeno, but he hadn't heard of this part from anyone. He began to falter in his resolve. Whis, seeing this, began to make a last effort.

"Father, just give him a second chance, please. Do it for my sake at least." Whis pleaded.

The Grand Priest stood stock still for a moment, before sighing.

"As always Whis, you help me realize my stupidity. I was too quick in my judgment of the Gods and acted rashly. I should have known there was something more to this whole debacle."

The Priest softly dropped to the ground as the incredible pressure in the area decreased.

"Very well Whis, you will get a second chance if you so desire. However, if I am to do this, I will have to change things to make your universe a better place."

"Father, you don't mean...?!" Whis said uncertainly.

The TIME RING on the Priest's finger began to glow a menacing emerald lighting up the room.

"Whis, I'm giving one last chance for you to make things right. I expect you to do something with it. Only the people in this room will remember this." he gestured to the barely conscious Beerus.

"Now Whis, I'm about to break the Omniversal Law right now, reversing time on this scale is a crime too severe, even for me. So Whis, if I end up seeing you here again for the same problem..."

He put his fingers in a snapping position.

"... I'll end you myself." the Grand Priest spoke in a harsh whisper.


The Omniverse flashed GREEN!


AGE 761...


On the sandy beaches of an island stood a group of people huddled together against a lone male. His appearance consisted of extremely long, spiky black hair with a prominent widow's peak, brown and black colored Battle armor with boots, armored gloves, and a green eyepiece.

"So after so long a wait, I finally get to meet my baby brother? Hello... Kakarot."