
Neo Yondaime Hokage

AU. In battling and defeating Kyuubi No Kitsune, the sealing jutsu unexpectedly sealed away Yondaime Hokage into Naruto. What will life for Naruto be like now that Yondaime is sealed away into him? This is not my work it belongs to Psycho G. I am bringing this story to this platform as I believe it is a great story and deserves to be read and the author deserves his flowers. It is a shame the story was abandoned and left unfinished.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime et bandes dessinées
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86 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Six: The Chuunin Exam

Haku is a FEMALE in this fic! With that said on with the fic.

(Two Weeks Later)

Naruto was heading to the building where the first part of the Chuunin exam was to be held. He soon came to see Team 7 making their way in as well. Sai turned to see Naruto making his way towards them.

"Naruto-san," Sai greeted. Sasuke and Sakura both turned to see Naruto walking up to them.

"I'm surprised you were allowed to take part of this exam this early in your training dobe," Sasuke remarked.

"You should talk," Naruto replied with a smirk, "Why Kakashi-niisan allowed you to be here is beyond me. If I recall, I'm the one who had to save and rescue both you and Sai from a girl you the great Uchiha couldn't beat."

Sasuke was seething bloodlust at Naruto but the blonde ignored it and walked passed him. Quite frankly Naruto was getting fed up with being insulted and called "dobe" repeatedly by Sasuke. Sakura wanted to run up and clobber and punch Naruto in the face, but instead she said in Sasuke's defense, "That Haku girl just got lucky that time! If anything Sasuke-kun could have taken her."

Naruto simply shrugged as he continued on his way into the building.

"By the way," Sai inquired, "Is Haku-san taking part of this exam?"

"No," Naruto replied, "Kaa-chan figured that she'd be of better use as a medic-nin and Shizune-neechan's assistant."

"But you're not part of a three-Genin cell team," Sakura pointed out, "And yet you were allowed to take part of this exam?"

"I'll tell it like I told so many others," Naruto retorted as he stopped to turn and looked back at the others, "Don't underestimate me."

Saying nothing more, Naruto went into the building with Team 7 following close by. They walked up the flight of stairs until they got to the second floor. Upon arriving though, they saw a crowd outside a room with the number 301. Suddenly a boy wearing a green spandex with a bowl haircut and very large eyebrows was knocked by two older boys standing in front of the door, guarding it.

"And you're going to take the Chuunin exam? Pathetic," one of the boys said.

"Appreciate the fact that we're doing this. The Chuunin exam is extremely hard. You weaklings would just be slaughtered," the second said.

"Let us in you stupid jerks! We're here for the first part of the Chuunin Exam," yelled a familiar looking girl wearing a pink shirt and having her brown hair in two buns on her head that Naruto recognized as Tenten. Naruto saw Tenten holding Lee after he was knocked down by the older shinobi. It was surprising to Naruto because of what he knew about Rock Lee and his Jounin instructor Maito Gai.

Lee is holding back a great deal against those two, Naruto noticed as he, Sasuke, and Sakura approached the group, Even those among the Chuunin ranks would have been bested by him with his speed, strength and knowledge on Taijutsu combat.

"Give up. The Chuunin exam is way too difficult for any of you. Even we failed three times," the second older boy guarding the door said.

"Have you any idea how many like you we've seen killed or injured for life by this exam," the first one asked.

"A Chuunin is a team captain. Both the safety of the team and the success of the mission all depend on the captain. And you're trying to become that? Spare us the nonsense," the second one said. Naruto looked at Sakura, who snorted at the two older shinobis.

"What's your problem punk," said the other shinobi standing next to the one who struck down Lee in the beginning of the brawl.

"Quit wasting our time," Naruto said with annoyance as he stepped forward towards the two boys, "And step the hell out of our way! Also you're preventing us from heading to the third floor to take the exam seeing that this is the second floor."

Several people wondered what Naruto was talking about.

"Your pathetic excuse of a genjutsu that any simpleton shinobi could see is up over the door," Sasuke cut in, "Sakura, you saw through the genjutsu I'm sure, right?"

Sakura nodded in agreement though she didn't go outright to insult the older more experienced shinobis in front of them as Naruto and Sasuke did. Though Naruto wasn't as strong in genjutsu as his mother or Kurenai however, he had a measure of knowledge about them based on what he learned from Tsunade. The sign shifted and revealed 201.

"So…you both saw it. But that isn't enough," the first kid said and moved to kick Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke responded by moving to kick back, but Lee moved in between and stopped their kicks with his bare hands.

Impressively fast…, Naruto thought.

"Oi…," Neji said, walking up to Lee.

"It was your idea that we hide our strength. And you go and do this," Neji scolded and Naruto noticed that the bruises Lee had were gone. Lee looked at Sakura and blushed. Tenten shook her head.

"Oh no," Tenten muttered as Lee walked up to Sakura, a faint blush on his cheeks.

"My name is Rock Lee. You're Sakura-chan, right," he asked. Sakura nodded and Lee struck a pose known as the good guy pose. His right thumb up and brilliant teeth glinting with a 'shink' sound to go along with it.

"You're an angel. How about you go out with me? I'll protect you until I die," Lee said. Sakura's face showed horror as Naruto snickered before he noticed that the two troublemaking boys were gone. Naruto and Team 7 turned to leave when Neji spoke up, "You, what's your name?"

Sasuke, who stood nearby thought he was being addressed, spoke up, "It's customary to give your name first on introductions."

Neji looked at him before giving a barely audible snort.

"A rookie? How old are you," Neji inquired.

"I see no reason to answer that," Sasuke replied. Naruto rolled his eyes at Sasuke and Neji.

The two biggest egos, Naruto mentally snorted, Sandaime-jiisan should have spent a measure of time and energy humbling those two. How Hina-chan was never taken in by the Hyuuga's arrogance had to have been by divine intervention.

Naruto then walked and went on his way before the others in the crowd followed after him. As Naruto and the others entered the designated room, they came to see that there a large number of competition this year from different villages and their own. Genins from both major and minor villages were all over the room.

"I call challenging the strongest ones here to give me a good fight," said Naruto earning a few stares from some of ninjas in the room.

"Hey Naruto," said Shikamaru as Choji and Ino made their appearance behind him, "Nice way to make an entrance. You can be so troublesome at times."

"Whatever," Naruto retorted as Ino went over and hugged him affectionately.

"It's great to see that you made it Naruto-kun," Ino said gleefully.

"Was there any doubt Ino-chan," Naruto replied as the girl released him of her hug.

"None at all," Ino smiled. Just than Hinata, Kiba and Shino made the scene.

"Hey you guys," Naruto said as she looked over at Team 8, "Glad to see that you three made it here also."

"Like we'd let you have all the fun," Kiba remarked conceitedly, "We didn't come all this way for nothing you know. We'll kick everyone's ass. I admit that I'm surprised that you were admitted into the exam seeing that you're not part of a 3-man Genin cell division."

"You're not the first to mention that Kiba," Naruto replied, "But you need not worry about me. I'll manage just fine."

"Whatever," Kiba said before changing the subject, "But on another note…"

Kiba went over to Naruto and asked hopefully, "Is there any chance you can put a good word in for me with that Haku girl seeing how you're more familiar with her than I am? You see, I'd like to impress her by-"

"Kiba," Shino spoke seriously, "We're here for the Chuunin Exam, not to help you get a date."

"Who asked you," Kiba retorted before turned back to Naruto, only to see that he was no longer in front of him.

"What the-," Kiba said as he turned to see Naruto speaking with Hinata momentarily. Kiba snorted at them with annoyance. After giving Hinata some verbal motivational boosts, he was rewarded with her blushing heavily with a near faint that followed. Luckily, she was able to control herself from fainting in front of everyone.

Naruto then looked around the room and soon spotted Gaara. The Suna Jinchuuriki went over to Naruto until they were face to face. Naruto saw that the red-haired ninja's eyes looked a lot less sleep-deprived. However to prevent anyone else from noticing and suspecting anything, black eye-make-up was applied around Gaara's eyes to make them looked as though he was still an insomniac. From what Naruto was told from Temari and Kankuro, Gaara slept in for days, enjoying every moment of sleep was he's been thirsting for.

"Naruto," Gaara greeted with a voice that carried the same cold demeanor as before.

"Sabaku No Gaara," Naruto replied with a calm demeanor, knowing that Gaara was putting on a pretense so as to not alert anyone of anything wrong. Kiba, Sasuke and the other rookie nine saw the tension between Naruto and Gaara. Sasuke sensed that there was something strong about Gaara though he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Hey," Sakura said, "You're that same Suna nin Naruto and I saw a few weeks back."

"So what of it," said a haughty feminine voice belonging to Temari as she and Kankuro stepped besides Gaara.

"If I recall," Naruto spoke, "You said that you three are here for the Chuunin Exam."

"That's right," Temari replied before smiling at Naruto flirtatiously, "I trust that we'll be seeing you very soon, Naruto."

Temari smiled and winked at Naruto, an act that did not go unnoticed by either Hinata or Ino as they sneered and shot glares at the older girl. Shikamaru, who noticed this said, "Girls and their flirting, it's so troublesome."

"Oh shut up will you," Kiba retorted, "Since I've known you, everything with you is always troublesome!"

"You there. Quiet down a bit will ya," spoke voice catching all nine rookies' attention as they turned to the source of the voice, only to see the form of a young man with white hair wearing purple clothes and glasses, "You all are attracting too much trouble in this area and I would prefer not be made a target just yet."

"And just whom might you be, four eyes," asked Sai as he or anyone else for that matter had never seen that kid before despite him having a Leaf headband on.

"You guys must be this year's rookies. I'm Kabuto. Take a look around," Kabuto advised and the Konoha rookies did. There were scowling and downright unfriendly faces all around.

"Those behind you are from Amegakure (Hidden Rain). They are famous for their short tempers. If you aren't careful, they might kill you," Kabuto said, "But I can't blame any of you. This is your first time and all. How about I give you guys a few pointers?"

Sasuke frowned.

"Kabuto-san," Sakura asked, "Is this your second try?"

"Actually, this is my seventh; two exams in the year, so this is my fourth year," Kabuto replied.

"So you know a lot about this exam," Kiba asked.

"I do," Kabuto said and pulled out a stock of cards, "I have collected all I know on the exam into these special info cards that I created. They are blank until I pump my chakra into one of them, making the information visible."

Kabuto crouched down. He laid a card on the ground, making it swirl and in a poof the blank surface was replaced with a map.

"This is the map of the shinobi lands, and which villages that have sent how many teams. I have information on them all, although on the team from Oto I don't know much. New village and first time in the exam and all," Kabuto said.

"Do you have information on each person," Sasuke asked and Kabuto nodded.

"I have data on everybody, therefore I can uncover just about anything about a person in regards to their shinobi history. Is there someone you are looking for," he asked.

"Yes, give me whatever information you have on Rock Lee from Konoha and Senju Uzumaki Naruto from Konoha," Sasuke said with a want to know just about everything he could on those opponents. Everyone but Naruto stared at Sasuke.

He wants to know how strong I really am. The "almighty" Sasuke isn't so sure of himself, Naruto thought and Kyuubi snickered.

"You know their names? That makes it easier," said Kabuto as he took out a card from the deck and spun it around on the ground with his chakra.

This ought to be interesting, thought Neji, in hopes that he could find out more about the Special Genin and then use it against Hinata later in some way or other.

"First up is Rock Lee," Kabuto started, "He is one year older than you. His mission history is 20 D rank and 11 C rank. He has no talent for either ninjutsu or genjutsu, however his taijutsu has developed extremely this last year. He was praised as a skilled Genin, and this is his first time taking this exam. His teammates are Tenten and Hyuuga Neji. His Jounin sensei is Maito Gai."

Sasuke nodded as Kabuto took out the next card.

This one better be Naruto's, thought Sasuke and Neji simultaneously, as they were becoming slightly impatient.

This Kabuto fellow is trouble, Naruto thought calmly.

'I agree,' Minato spoke.

"And last, but not least we have one Senju Uzumaki Naruto," said Kabuto as he spun the card and lifted it up to read the information. Sasuke and Neji both waited for Kabuto to speak and give them as much information on Naruto as he could.

"Hmm," Kabuto muttered while scratching the back of his head in bewilderment, "I can't read this."

"You're refusing to give me the information I asked for," Sasuke narrowed his eyes at Kabuto.

"It's not that," Kabuto corrected, "The data on this card is completely encrypted. It won't tell me anything I seek to know on Naruto besides his name and age. It doesn't even reveal who his Jounin sensei is."

Sasuke scowled on hearing that. Of all the people Sasuke wanted information on, Naruto was the greatest one. Everyone looked at Naruto questionably on hearing what Kabuto said. Naruto though remained neutral and calm as if unaffected by what Kabuto said of him.

"Useless," Sasuke spat before walking away from Kabuto, who was looking at Naruto questionably.

I should have gotten more information about this kid, Kabuto thought, Especially if the rumors about him are true. His information being encrypted only confirms the fact that there's a lot more to this Genin than he let's on…

Anyone who takes the Chuunin Exam seven times straight isn't doing so for the enjoyment of it, Naruto thought as he cautiously eyed the believed spy in their midst. The blond shinobi was suddenly aware of someone heading towards them at a high speed. He also felt that whatever it was wasn't headed for him, but Kabuto.

Three Genins from the Otogakure rushed at Kabuto. One of them, a man covered in bandages and with something furry on his back, took a swing at Kabuto, who dodged. But after the punch passed, Kabuto fell down, his glasses broke and he vomited.

What the hell was that sound, Naruto thought, rubbing his hurting ears.

"Some sort of sound attack. You heard it because of your advanced hearing," Kyuubi said.

Just then an explosion erupted in the front of the classroom and a lot of Chuunins stood there. In front of the Chuunins a tall man wearing a black trench coat stood. His face was covered in scars.

"SHUT UP! Damn brats," the man shouted, "Sorry for the wait. I'm Morino Ibiki and I will be your examiner for the first exam."

Ibiki emitted a bit of bloodlust that made several Genins gulp. Ibiki then pointed at the three from Oto.

"You three from Oto. No more trouble or I'll throw you out myself," Ibiki said. The one who had taken a swung at Kabuto mumbled an apology and a lame excuse.

"This might as well be a good opportunity to say this: there will be fighting in this exam, however not without the consent of the examiners. Any other fighting and you fail right away. Trash that disobeys the rules will get thrown right out," Ibiki said before holding up a numbered paper.

"Each team is to approach one of the examiners and get registered. Then you take a number and get to the seat your number represent. Then we hand out the written test," Ibiki explained and a huge scramble came after those words. After a couple of moments…

"Now that everyone has taken a seat so I can explain the rules. Don't turn your tests over yet, and listen. No questions are allowed," Ibiki said and started to write on the blackboard.

"Rule one: you have ten points to begin with. The written test has ten questions. For each wrongly answered question, you lose one point. If you have all correct then you keep your ten points. If you have three wrong, then you have seven points," Ibiki explained, "Rule two: This is a team test, which means we will be checking every team for their overall score. Your passing this exam is decided on the performance of the team as a whole."

A Genin jumped up and shouted out, "What? How are we supposed to work in teams?"

"Shut up. Who gave you permission to ask," Ibiki snapped.

"S…Sorry," the Genin said and sat down.

"Rule three: Cheating or anything that can be counted as cheating is forbidden and will result in two minus points each time you are caught," Ibiki said, "And remember, we see everything."

One of the Chuunins, now positioned in chairs around the room now said.

"In other words," Ibiki continued, "If you cheat, you can lose all your points, and get thrown straight out. You're supposed to become Chuunin. Act like ninjas. Those that cheat without thinking will only be digging their own graves.

"Last rule: if someone on the team looses all his or her points, then the whole team fails. No matter how the teammates do," Ibiki said and a chorus of "WHAT" sounded through the room.

"Hold up," Sasuke interjected before pointing to Naruto, "You said that this is a team test! But the dobe here isn't in any team!"

"Well maggot," Ibiki said, "Since you're so concerned about the boy, for this part of the exam, he gets to be on your team! His failure will result in your team's failure and disqualification!"

"That isn't fair," Sakura yelled.

"Thank your teammate for that," Ibiki retorted. Sasuke scowled at the predicament he unintentionally placed both himself and his team in. Sai however maintained a neutral expression through the whole ordeal, fully confident in Naruto's abilities. Naruto stayed quiet before looking at Sasuke who gave him a look that seem to say 'Fail and I'll kill you.' Naruto simply grinned at the raven-haired Genin without saying anything to him.

"Naruto-kun, good luck," came a feminine voice. Naruto turned to his right and saw Hinata.

"Good luck to you too Hina-chan," Naruto replied and Hinata smiled at him. Their attention was brought back to the front by Ibiki's booming voice.

"You have one hour. BEGIN!," Ibiki yelled and everyone turned their test over. Naruto looked over the exam and after a while he realized that the purpose of the exam was to cheat and not get caught in the process. Sixteen minutes later, and a lightened Naruto sat back in his seat.

Thanks father, Naruto thought.

'Don't mention it,' Minato replied, 'Though you could have done the exam on your own I'm sure.'

Naruto decided to try and see how others were cheating. He noticed that Sasuke was using his Sharingan, and he figured that Hinata was using her Byakugan. Naruto also noted that during the hour that went by a lot of teams had been failed and dismissed out of the room.

I wonder how Hina-chan and Ino-chan are doing, Naruto wondered.

"Have some faith in your future mates, kit," Kyuubi snickered darkly, "…I doubt they want to look bad in front of you as their alpha male."

Damare yo! Kitsune-baka, Naruto mentally snorted as a light blush appeared on his cheeks. Ibiki was looking at Naruto with interest. He had seen how calm the blonde was, and then suddenly he started to write down the answers, and now several emotions flew across his face: happiness, curiosity, embarrassment and annoyance.

I wonder…is he in contact with the Kyuubi, Ibiki asked himself and when he saw Naruto blush suddenly and glare at his right hand, he was sure. Ibiki was one of the few trusted Special Jounins who are aware of Naruto having Kyuubi sealed away inside him. He was also aware that Naruto is the son of Yondaime.

He can talk to it. I'm sure Anko is aware of this. Anyway, now that the trash is kicked out, we can proceed, Ibiki thought and cleared his throat.

"Now it's time for the tenth question," Ibiki said but was cut of by Kankuro, who came back from the toilet with one of the examiners.

"Just in time. Now that you are finished playing with your dolls, perhaps we can continue," Ibiki said and Kankuro was shocked.

He knew about Karasu, Kankuro thought, referring to his puppet disguised as the examiner behind him. Kankurou walked down the rows towards his desk.

"Alright, now before I can give you the tenth question, there are some additional rules," Ibiki said, "First you have to choose if you are going to take the question or not."

"What happens if we don't take it," one of the Genins asked.

"You're points will be reduced to zero and you'll fail along with your team," Ibiki replied simply.

"What's that for a dumb rule. Of course we will take it then," Someone else shouted out.

"However, if you take it, and get it wrong, you'll be banned from the Chuunin Exam forever," Ibiki said and the room fell quiet. That is until Kiba shot up, "That's bull! There are people here that have taken the exam before!"

"You're unlucky! Now choose! Wait until next year, or risk never taking it again at all " Ibiki said, emitting a faint bloodlust; enough to emphasize his threat. Murmurs filled the room. One by one, Genins gave up and left. Naruto inwardly sighed before taking a glance at Hinata. She didn't look very confident, and Naruto decided to help her.

"C'mon! Give us the stupid question already," Naruto said loudly. Ibiki looked at him, trying to see if he was serious.

"You realize that if you get this wrong, you'll never become Chuunin," Ibiki asked.

"I'll risk that," Naruto replied, his voice filled with confidence, "And then some! You don't scare me! I'll do what I must to fulfill my goals, consequences be damned! So give us the damn question akready!"

And with just that, the fear and uncertainty in the room was gradually dying down. Ibiki however tried again.

"You sure? After this, it won't be any turning back," Ibiki asked, but Naruto didn't reply. Ibiki sighed.

With a single statement that kid completely wiped out everyone's fear. Just like his father…anyway it's useless to wait anymore, Ibiki thought before shaking his head, "Everyone in this room…passes."

Deafening silence.

"WHAT?!," a not so silent question from all of the Genins in the room.

"What about the tenth question," one of the Genins asked.

"There was no tenth question. Or you can say the 'take or don't take' choice was the question. It was an impossible problem. Take it or not. Live or die. You could say that choice was the whole point of this test," Ibiki said.

"What? But what was the point to those other questions then," Temari asked.

"They served their purpose," Ibiki explained, "They weeded out those that are trash with no perception of information gathering. I'll say it again: you're here to become Chuunins. A Chuunin has to be able to get information. As you have noticed, the questions are difficult. To answer them, most of you had to cheat. Therefore we planted two Chuunins who knew the answers to the questions. They were to be targets for the rest of the room. Those that cheated without regards for themselves or their teammates were kicked out. If you find wrong information on a mission, then your teammates and village will be the ones to pay."

"But what about that tenth question," another Genin asked.

"Supposed you become Chuunin. You will be sent in on missions with little or no information on enemy forces. Should you choose not to take the mission because of the uncertain factors involved? The answer is no. When you get a mission, you have to complete it, or the village will be into an unfortunate situation. We are shinobis, and we're sworn to protect our village. Those that believe that 'there will always be a next year' don't deserve to become Chuunins. But those still in this room demonstrated that you're willing to place your lives on the line. That's precisely what ninjas do everyday. Congratulations on passing, and good luck in the next exams."

As Ibiki finished his explanation, he, Naruto and the more skilled Genins felt something flying towards one of the windows.

Please, Naruto begged, I hope it's not who I think it is…

A black ball flew through the window, sending shards of glass flying. The ball twisted and two kunai shot out of it into the ceiling, revolving the ball into a banner hiding Ibiki from view. In front of the banner stood a woman wearing a brown trench coat, shin guards, fishnet clothes and a very small dull orange mini skirt. She had purple hair and pupil-less gray eys. The banner read: "The second examiner: Mitarashi Anko."

Crud, Naruto frowned.

"This isn't a time to be celebrating! I'm the second examiner, Mitarashi Anko," Anko yelled, pumping an arm into the air.

Just my luck, Naruto thought. He recalled that two weeks earlier she ate him out of his pockets with more dangos, bean soup and sake than he was willing to pay for. The restaurant owner thought that Naruto was out of his mind treating Anko to a free meal knowing that she'd take full advantage of it.

Everyone else stared at the strange, and loud, examiner also known as Anko. Ibiki's eyebrows twitched.

"Read the mood," Ibiki said and Anko's mood deflated. She counted the remaining people and turned to Ibiki.

"Twenty-seven teams," Anko said sounding upset, "You let seventy nine people pass? The first test must have been too soft."

"There were a lot of excellent ones this year," Ibiki replied.

"No matter. By the end of the second exam, I'll cut them in half. (Turning to the Genins) Ask your senseis for directions to the next testing ground and be there tomorrow morning at nine. That's it. Dismissed," Anko shouted, and the Genins cheered. The Konoha Genins though knew that Anko was Naruto's Jounin instructor. Though they didn't voice it among the others, they thought that Naruto had an unfair advantage with his Jounin being the proctor of the second exam.

(The Next Day)

All of the remaining teams made their way to the forest of death, feeling rather apprehensive at the name choice. Naruto walked over to where the other rookies from Konoha stood. Then in a puff of smoke, Anko appeared in front of the forest. She, and the examiners already there looked around and made sure all the teams were there. When they were sure, Anko started speaking, "Welcome to the forest of death. Soon you'll learn why it's called that."

Naruto snorted with disinterest, "Whatever. Just get this on with it already and quit wasting time."

Anko smiled at him before whipping out a kunai and throwing it at him, aiming to nick his cheek. Naruto stood there motionlessly and unfazed as the kunai ever slightly grazed his face before landing into the ground. He was about to thrust an elbow into Anko's gut as she had appeared behind him. But she just managed to catch the elbow before grabbing and holding him to her.

"I really like you," Anko said as she started licking his cheek that now had a small cut on it, "…Your type always dies first and leave behind that fresh delicious blood trail."

The Konoha Genins looked at the pair questionably as Anko continued licking his cheek a couple more times. They heard things about Anko's characteristics from their respective Jounin senseis after they learned that Naruto was paired with her. Ino and Hinata however wanted to go and strangle the older woman for what she was doing after remembering an incident that involved both her and their love interest back at the dango shop several months ago; but they knew that attacking the Special Jounin wouldn't end in their favor.

"Damn," Kiba muttered under his breath with a touch of lechery, "What I'd give to have that kind of attention and treatment."

This statement was rewarded with a hard smack to the back of his head in courtesy of Shino.

"OOW!," Kiba cried while rubbing the back of his head.

"Do keep such thoughts to yourself," Shino scolded before receiving a glare from the Inuzuka.

"Get off me," Naruto ordered, "You'll find that my blood is both toxic and potent to those who cross me the wrong way."

Anko brought her face closer to his ear and whispered, "Knock it off! You're ruining the dread I'm trying to instill in these weaklings!"

"Whatever," Naruto retorted.

"I have something special planned for you," Anko whispered as she licked his cheek one last time before she disappeared and reappeared next to a booth where two of the other examiners sat.

"This portion of the exam is a field exam. All of you will be inside this forest for five days," Anko started but was interrupted by a distressed Chouji as he asked, "What? What about food?"

"Hunt," Anko answered, "The forest is full of food."

This'll be a breeze, Naruto thought, Hunting for food was something ero-jisan taught me. And facing off against these rookie Genins for survival won't be much of a challenge to me.

"As I was saying, all of you will be staying in the forest. Getting these scrolls your objective," Anko said and held up two scrolls, one of them brown and with the kanji for 'earth' on it, and one white with the kanji for 'heaven.'

"Each team gets one of these, and you're to get the opposite from an opposing team. By any means," Anko said and held up a bunch of papers.

"These are release forms. Sign them, and exchange them for the scroll in this booth," Anko said and started passing out the forms, "You have twenty minutes to consider whether or not you'll risk your lives here and sign the forms. Then come one team at a time."

"So," Naruto stated as a matter of fact, "Killing is allowed in this part of the exam. It won't be my first time though I should try not to end more lives than I already have."

Sasuke and Sakura glared at him while Sai looked at him with a neutral expression. The other Konoha Genins looked at Naruto again as they wondered when exactly did he do what he said he did and how many he killed already.

"I'm sure you know," Sakura scolded, "That the rest of us haven't killed yet. It won't be as easy for us as it will be for you."

In truth, Sakura wasn't really into the killing part seeing that she was more book smart than she was action-wise.

"Just sign the forms and get your scroll," Naruto retorted. The Genins went to sign the forms and get their scrolls. After Naruto signed the form and got a heaven scroll, Anko pulled Naruto to the side. She smiled menacingly and said, "Like I said, something different has been planned for you."

Naruto didn't like the look on her face. He sensed that whatever it was that was planned for him was anything but what he'll enjoy. Naruto's attention soon was drawn elsewhere, in particular, to the female Genin from Kusagakure (Hidden Grass). Something about that Genin sent a vibe through the blond shinobi that didn't sit well with him.

After a couple of moments, all of the Genin teams had their respective scrolls.

"Finally, everyone have their scrolls. Now, let me explain the terrain and goal of this exam," Anko said before unrolling a chart showing the forest of death. Training area 44, best known as the forest of death, was surrounded by high fences with warning signs and do not enter signs. The trees of the forest itself were huge, and very dark. All of which Naruto already knew about.

"The fence around the forest has 44 gates," Anko shouted as she explained, "In which you will pass through. In the center of the forest, about six miles from the gates, there is a tower. All of you must make your way there within five days with both scrolls. You have been each assigned a gate number. Go to your assigned gate and wait for it to open. That will be the start of the second exam."

The Genins hurried to their gates. Naruto however was held back by Anko. Before long the Genins were allowed through the gates and into the infamous forest. After all of the Genins were gone, Naruto was left with Anko.

"Anko-chan," Naruto asked, "Why wasn't I allowed into the forest?"

"You're already familiar with those sectors of the forest, you already know where the tower is and you're a lot stronger than most know," Anko answered, "Therefore you'd have an unfair advantage over the others, as would any other team if you were paired with them. You're in a team of your own. Besides, I have a more interesting sector of the forest to place you in…a sector that very few know exist."

"And what sector would that be," Naruto inquired. Anko grinned a particular sinister smile at him, which surprisingly sent a cold chill down his back…

(Three Days Later)

It's been three days since Naruto was forced to journey through this side of the forest of death on his own, a sector that was nicknamed "No Return." True to her word, that was a section of the forest that Anko never showed him before. His assigned objective was to survive and find his way to the tower on his own after he recovered the earth scroll that Anko hid somewhere in the sector of the forest she placed him in. From what Anko explained, most Jounins and even some of the ANBU wouldn't dare enter that secret sector of the forest.

During the days Naruto was in sector No Return, Naruto wasn't ten minutes into the forest when he was ambushed by massive and deadly insect creatures and human-sized tarantulas and other abnormally larger mammalian and reptilian predators. It wasn't that Naruto didn't know about these creatures in the forest however, it was the fact that those in this sector were deadlier, and harder to fight and kill. His time in the forest was a constant fight and he barely had five hours of sleep before he was up and engaged in another fight with creatures that were stronger than Anko let on that were trying to make a meal out of him. On top of this, he had to make sure that his heaven scroll wasn't lost or destroyed by any of the creatures he had to fight, otherwise he'd be instantly disqualified from the Chuunin exam.

It was fortunate for Naruto that he had been trained by Tsunade and Shizune almost all his life in medic and healing jutsus or he'd be in a much worse shape than he had been placed into after many of his battles. Also during his three days in that sector, he hadn't seen another human being in sight.

"That damn Anko-chan," Naruto swore, "That woman is such a freaking sadist! I could just ring her neck!"

"Quit your infernal bitching kit," Kyuubi growled, "And do something useful like finding the earth scroll your Anko-chan hid somewhere in this pitiful forest! We can discuss the preparations for her burial later."

Oh shut up, Naruto retorted before he continued on his way through the forest. For the next few hours, Naruto made his way through the forest and surprisingly he wasn't ambushed by any of the creatures in the forest. Strangely enough, the atmosphere around Naruto was quite unsettling. Fifteen minutes later, Naruto's eyes saw something from a distance. When he got closer, his eyes widened on what he was seeing; Team 8 and Team 10 were lying on the ground unconscious and heavily beaten and bleeding. The wounds and injuries around their bodies proved to have been the works of a high Jounin-level ninja.

"Hina-chan! Ino-chan!," Naruto cried out as he ran over to the six of them. Just a mere second upon reaching them however, a large spinning spike-covered boulder came crashing into him with brutal force, sending him flying into one of the trees before puffing out of existence with the rock mace deeply lodged into the large tree.

"Shit," the female Jounin cursed, "A kage bushin!"

"You never know when to quit," Naruto said as he stepped out of the shadows and into the opening in front of where Ryota was standing.

"I still have a score to settle with you for humiliating me," Ryota said as she retracted her boulder-sized rock chain mace back to her. Team 8 and Team 10 dissolved into small rocks, revealing themselves to be tsuchi bushins (earth clones). Both Naruto and Ryota stared at each other wordlessly. For the next few minutes, nothing was said between them as though they were waiting for the other to attack first.

"Senju Uzumaki Naruto," Ryota spoke breaking the silence, "Son of the famous medic specialist, Miracle Healer and Slug Sannin, Senju Tsunade, the now Godaime Hokage. You live with both Tsunade and your Shizune-neechan."

"I do so what of it," Naruto retorted.

"I find that you live an interesting life son of Godaime," Ryota grinned, "Or should I refer to you by your true name, Namikaze Naruto, son of Yondaime!"

Naruto's eyes widened on hearing that.

"Your father was none other than Namikaze Minato known as Konoha's Yellow Flash," Ryota continued, "The very person who also sealed the Kyuubi No Kitsune into your body, thus turning you, his own flesh and blood child, into a Jinchuuriki; just as Yondaime Kazekage did with his own son; quite the irony really."

"How much do you know," Naruto asked cautiously.

"Enough," Ryota remarked, "I owe it to the stories both you and your Jounin instructor Anko shared with each other, they were really something. It helped to answer a lot of questions I had about you and why others who faced you suffered dearly."

"If that's the case," Naruto retorted, "Do the smart thing and leave me alone, and remember to never mention what you learned to anyone."

"I didn't report this revelation to my village just yet," Ryota said, "They would have sent a massive army against you if they have found out who you really are before I had my shot to prove which one of us is stronger. I want the pleasure of bringing back the last legacy and only son of Yondaime for myself! Your last victory over me will not be my reputation's undoing!"

Ryota dispelled the mace boulder before she pulled out a particular object that Naruto had been looking for, for the last three days.

"Recognize this," Ryota said, "I believe this is the earth scroll you've been looking for. Ironic don't you think that you had go through so much trouble to retrieve an earth scroll only to have it found in the hands of an Iwa Jounin like myself? I came across it the other day. You can have it and your freedom if you can defeat me."

"As ambitious and arrogant as ever," Naruto spoke, "You're a bother."

Naruto had to be cautious with her. Over the past days, he used a large amount of chakra battling the creatures in the forest and healing himself with medic jutsus. He noticed that Ryota didn't have a single scratch on her body nor were her clothes and gear damaged in any way.

I'm sure she entered this forest from the same direction I came in, Naruto contemplated, Coming from the directions the other Genins entered the forest through would have resulted in her losing time finding me when I'm alone and noticeably weakened from my previous battles. My question though is how she was able to be here and not have a single injury or scratch on her. Surely she had to battle against the creatures in this forest before finding me…

"How about we skip the warm-ups and go straight to the good stuff," Ryota said, "I held back in our last encounters but I don't intend on doing that this time. I say that we raise the stakes to higher levels."

After saying that, she speedily went through a series of complex hand seals. A moment later, the ground shook violently.

"Kuchiyose…," Ryota said before a yellowish brown glowing kanji for "living earth" appeared underneath her.

"Raibu Tsuchi No Yoyoi (Live Earth Armor)," she said before a beam of light burst forth from underneath her, completely concealing her from sight.

"What is this jutsu," Naruto asked to no one in particular.

'I think we're about to find out,' Minato said.

After a couple of moments, the beams gradually died out to reveal Ryota in what looks like body armor made of carved smooth marble rocks and gems. She had gem-covered marble rock armors on her forearms, her legs from the kneecaps down, breasts, at the sides of her waist and a helmet that looked like a tiara. She grinned at the blonde as she studied his shocked expression.

"What do you think of my jutsu son of Yondaime," Ryota said confidently, "It's my own specialty. These armors increase my strength and durability as I feed chakra into them. The freaks for animals and insects in this damn forest didn't stand a chance against me and neither will you. I have a mission to complete and you will be brought back alive and heavily beaten or in a body bag to be studied by my fellow Iwa Jounins. You'll be my greatest trophy and triumph, Namikaze Naruto."

Ryota started gathering and focusing chakra into her armors while the area around them started shaking and cracking with rock particles and dirt levitating off the ground and into the air. Naruto was about to move when he felt something holding him down. He looked at his feet to see a pair of tentacles made from the ground holding his ankles and feet to the floor.

Great…just what I need, Naruto thought sourly before he looked up to see Ryota speedily deliver a mighty strong punch to his face that sent him airborne…

This is trouble for Naruto! Ryota is back and now knows the truth about Naruto and is bent on taking him down! How will Naruto survive this ordeal? Will Ryota succeed in bringing Naruto back to Iwagakure? Find out next time.