

“Every time such injustice occur and the poor are suppressed~” His deep inhalation solidified his decision. “ I will make sure to avenge those silenced voices”. In Hyuk The Crown Prince who was Exiled with his younger brother Jiho from his country after the attack on Palace , suffered a lot during their disguise in other Kings land. He witnessed unjust cruelty against weak and poor and Started Killing those tyrant rich people. His Younger brother stopped him from all the bloodshed. The War of two brothers starts as story unfolds. Note: First chapters are character development, so wait for the main story to unfold.

_Shuang_Wei · Oriental
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40 Chs

Going Over

Once the guards' footsteps faded, Jiho rushed to his injured brother. "In Hyuk are you okay? It seems like the security guard kicked you very hard."

In the market, the guard targeted Ji-Ho, but In-Hyuk intervened, injuring himself. In Hyuk gently placed Jiho's head in his lap, tried to comfort him "I'm okay, Jiho. It's not going to kill me."

He patted Jiho's head slowly, tears streaming down his face. Ji-Ho was still horrified. Scared from witnessing the palace massacre, he clings to In Hyuk.

They spent the entire night huddled in the cold storage room with nothing except grass on the floor and a locked wooden window. A few servants' clothes hung on one side.

Jiho eventually fall asleep in In Hyuk's lap, feeling safe in his presence.

In Hyuk however, remained vigilant, unable to let his guard down. As dawn break, exhaustion took over, and he fall asleep as well.

The heavy footsteps of guards woke them up in the morning. In Hyuk opened his eyes and looked at the door. The guards unlocked the door and forcefully dragged them out, took them to the workplace.

They witnessed other servants getting dragged out from other places too. They ranged in age from teenager to old servants who could barely walk.

Guards forced In Hyuk and Jiho to sit down and sew clothes. They observed the other servants working diligently. Jiho, overwhelmed and confused, struggled to understand what to do. In Hyuk watched the others and tried to mimic their actions.

Jiho's confusion grabbed the guard's attention, prompting him to pull Jiho hairs and bring his face close, "Start already, if you don't want to die."

In Hyuk gritted his teeth in anger but continued to copy the others, striving to save both himself and Jiho.

During the guard's momentary distraction, In Hyuk attempted to guide Jiho through gestures, demonstrating rough sewing techniques.

Despite Jiho's efforts to follow In Hyuk's instructions, he repeatedly made mistakes, sewing in the wrong direction. Upon the guards' return and inspection of everyone's progress, Jiho's errors lead to the guard dragging him out by his hair and subjecting him to a brutal stomping.

Jiho cried out in fear and pain , In Hyuk shielded him from the merciless guard's blows.

Guard exclaimed, "How dare you intervene when I am giving him a lesson!"

After enduring a brutal beating, the guard, fatigued, instructed other guards to return them to work. In Hyuk's left eye swells instantly, leaving them battered and unable to control their bodies.

Forced back into their seats, they trembled, Jiho holding clothes, attempted to sew again.

In Hyuk, his vision impaired, struggled to see properly. Nevertheless, he picked up the clothes and needle, determined to do whatever he can and start working.

Once more, under the veil of night, they found themselves in the storeroom. The other servants offered a modest wooden bowl filled with rice, yet had no spoons.

In Hyuk rose slowly, his steps faltering, and moved towards the bowl. Seating himself across from Jiho, he took the bowl and used his hand to feed him.

With diminished energy, Jiho begins to eat. After three bites, he tilted the rice towards In Hyuk's mouth, enabling him to nourish himself. This rhythmic exchange persists as they alternate in consuming the meagre meal.

Days passed, but their sewing skills remained stagnant. Eventually, they were taken to the market and presented as potential servants for royal families.

Kneeling with chains on their ankles and necks, they endured the bustling market where vendors' voices echoed. Prospective buyers examined them closely.

A guard whispered, "You better get sold. Otherwise, I will drain all your blood," attempting to maintain politeness in front of customers.

In Hyuk fervently prayed that someone would choose him, witnessing the merciless beatings his younger brother endured, "Please, someone help us."

God answered his prayers, and a young lady in a Royal robe materialized—Princess Hae Won, the daughter of King Park Dae Jung of this land and the Second concubine Park Hwa Young.

Elegance emanated from her, accentuated by long, black, silky hair. Renowned for her beauty, every prince aspired to win her favour.

While strolling through the market, Princess Hae Won's eyes locked with In Hyuk's desperate gaze, longing for escape. Fascinated by In-Hyuk's appearance and gaze, she became mesmerized by his charm.

His regal presence surpassed that of any prince in their realm, and his striking countenance stirred her emotions.

Jiho and In Hyuk, while sharing similarities, possessed distinct traits. Jiho inherited big eyes and long eyelashes from his mother, while In Hyuk's gaze mirrored his father's with its depth and intensity.

In Hyuk faced the forceful strike of a guard who reprimanded, "How dare you look at the princess in the eyes?"

Subsequently, the guard bowed and smiled as the princess approached. "Your Highness! Have you arrived?"

She instructed graciously, handing the guard a substantial sum. "I will take them all. Please accompany them to our mansion."

Guards escorted servants to the mansion, the princess observed In-Hyuk's broad-shouldered figure from behind, contemplating, "He would look even more handsome when not in this state."

In Hyuk believed it was a better choice, but reality proved otherwise.

Upon entering the mansion, Jiho and In Hyuk quickly got separated. Jiho found himself in Concubine Hwa Young's chambers, while In Hyuk was taken alone to the princess's quarters.

The princess and her brother, Park Dae Hyun, were seated in the courtyard of her chambers, surrounded by fruits and sweets on the table. She instructed a guard to release In Hyuk from his chains.

Princess Hae Won inquired, "What's your name? Are you skilled in martial arts?"

In Hyuk bowed respectfully, "I'm Han Wool. I've picked up some moves during the war last year."

The princess signalled her guard, who promptly positioned himself in front of In Hyuk – a bodyguard chosen for his good looks, a prerequisite set by Princess Hae Won.

With a competitive spark in her eyes, the princess commanded, "Challenge him. The victor will be my next bodyguard."

Prince Dae Hyun chimed in, "Let's witness your skills."

The princess's bodyguard tossed a sword at In Hyuk, who took a brief pause before picking up sword.

The princess's guard unsheathed his sword and charged at In-Hyuk. Swiftly, In Hyuk countered his attacks, dodging with a low stance and retaliating by slashing at the guard's sword with immense force.

The guard's sword clattered to the ground, prompting In Hyuk to casually sling his sword around his neck.

Witnessing his remarkable fighting skills, the princess and her younger brother were impressed.

In a single, decisive strike, In Hyuk had effortlessly defeated his opponent.

Yet, this display only revealed a fraction of his true martial arts skill and speed. Stripped of his true identity, he possessed the capability to single-handedly dispatch hundreds.

Princess Hae Won appointed him as her next bodyguard and assigned him a cosy room next to hers. To ensure her protection, he needed to be in close proximity.

The princess personally led him to his small but comfortable room, adorned with drawings from its previous use by her.

In Hyuk, surprised by the unexpected personal space, never anticipated such consideration from Princess Hae Won.

"Clean up and come out," the princess instructed, arranging for servants to provide him with bodyguard attire.

After washing up, In Hyuk changed into the clothes and tied his hairs. The princess patiently waited as the wooden door creaked open.

Upon seeing him, she couldn't help but blush . In Hyuk, donned in the bodyguard uniform, exuded a princely charm that caught the princess off guard.

"Feed him," the Princess commanded.

Court lady Myeong Suk whispered, "My Lady, he's just a servant."

Ignoring the comment, the Princess insisted, "Just do as I say."

She then turned and returned to her room. In Hyuk noticed her keen interest and wondered if Princess Hae Won liked him.

Served with much-needed food, In Hyuk ate his fill, his thoughts drifting to Jiho's well-being.

Princess Hae Won's affections were evident as she treated In Hyuk far better than the other servants. He seized the opportunity, striving to stay on her good side by serving her diligently.