

s p l i n t (Noun.)

a strip of rigid material used for supporting and immobilizing a broken bone when it has been set

“Only the very general terms. I was there for maybe two days? One and a half? It was hard to keep track when they kept me underground. They did a lot of talking that amount of time and made sure I was able to understand every little detail.” Danielle waved away their words as soon as they were put into the open. “Cannot speak it, though.”

Mori was now completely focused on the task at hand, seemingly taking his sweet time with the work. Enya’s eyes were targeting Danny, wide and surprised once again. “That’s awesome!” The human gave her a very sharp look. She immediately began to curl slightly in on herself when she realized what she said, “W, well not the them holdin’ you part, but how you can understand most of ‘em.”