
Need You Now

Javier, head of the Mexican mafia has but only one child; Gabriella. He has protected and sheltered her since an accident back in their homeland. Worried for her future he married her off to Nikolai. A strong and respected member of the Russian mafia. Once married and their organizations uniting problems start to arise for everyone involved. Would these once strangers fall in love and manage to uncover their families secrets?

Ilecce_Venegas · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 14


I give her a cocky smile when I lean in and advise, "I met you first, so I come before Alexei."

She laughs as she rolls her eyes, "Of course" then she adds in a whisper, "You're my first friend here in America."

"In America?" I question in surprise; I really didn't know anything about Ella.

"Yes, I was born in Mexico and came here when I was around 11."

"Oh, I see, that must have been hard."

"Yes, my whole life changed. What about you?" Her attention focused on me now.

"I was born here. My father and his brother migrated here from Russia. Their paths split when my father fell in love and got married. My uncle on the other hand started the Balakin Family that I'm in now."

"Oh, whoa so the head is your uncle?" She questions with surprise in her eyes.

"Yes, but my uncle isn't very emotional which is why he treats me like everyone else. No one really knows we are related. Everyone thinks I'm some kid that ran away at a young age and that Abram just gave me a chance." I look at her with warning eyes, "Don't tell anyone."

"Right, of course." She perks up and nods.

I drove her home in silence. I would have explained more about what happened with my mother, but I guess I'm not ready yet. A part of me doesn't want her to pity me, the other just doesn't want to talk about it.

I'm still not questioning why her father pushed for this marriage. I do have my suspicions. I hope I didn't fuck anything up by revealing he is my uncle. People might use that to get to him. I know I can trust Ella, but she might just be an innocent pawn for her father.

I just might have to find a way to distance her from him. I can't have him using her to get information on us. He might be looking for a way to take us out so he can take over the business. I can't trust him even more now especially by the things Ella has told me. I know he is hiding something and I'm going to find out what it is.

When we arrive home, I notice Ella is excitedly putting away her new clothing. I smile to myself, then I remember the item I secretly bought.

"Hey, Ella. Can you come here, please?" I call out for her.

"What happened?" She pops out of the room, cautiously walking towards me.

"I got you something." I respond, my eyes wander around the room. I'm trying to get the courage to tell her. I place my hand in my pockets to retrieve it.

"Got me something? What is it?" She asks, tilting her head in interest. I pull out a smell square box and hand it to her. Placing in the palms of her outstretched hands.


I'm cautiously inspecting the box Nicky just handed me. My heart fluttered inside my chest, when did he get this? Why did he keep it hidden until now? Nicky is closely watching me as I open the box to find a ring neatly placed in the center.

"I figured since we had an arranged marriage, I never bought you a wedding ring. I saw it when you headed off into the restroom." Rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks turn a light pink, "It caught my eye because It reminded me of you." He explained. The ring had a gold band with an oval purple gemstone in the center. My face scrunches as I examine it closer on the sides of it were smaller green emeralds shaped like two leaves. What about this ring reminds him of me, I wonder?

"It's a purple garnet. You always smell like lavender, so I thought it was fitting." He looks away, "If you don't like it, it's okay. We can go back, and you can choose any ring you want."

"It looks personalized." I say watching it as I place it on my finger. I didn't even think of rings, and for him to go out of his way to get me one was sweet. He is kind to me without ever asking anything in return. The ring is beautiful, is this how Nicky sees me? I smile at that thought.

"I happened to come across it." Gazing at me he continues, "I got lucky."

"I love it." I smiled at him. "Do I really smell like lavender?" I ask tilting my head, I guess I never noticed my own smell. It must be my shampoo; I didn't think the smell lingered.

"Yes, it's nice. don't change it." He says softly.

I'm smiling again. I didn't think the day could get better.

"Come on, let's go get ready for bed." I practically shout in excitement.

Tonight, I get to see his night routine since the past days have been... different. I watch as he trims his beard. We wash our face and brush our teeth together. I pull out a brush for my hair.

"Let me do it." He demands reaching his hand out for my brush.

"Hm? you want to brush my hair?" My eyes widened in shock. Nickolai seems to give me a lot of attention. I imagined most men didn't concern themselves with their wives as much.

"Your hair is so long and beautiful. Let me brush it for you." I hand him the brush. My hair is pin straight, so I don't mind him brushing it for me. As soon as he finishes brushing it, I start to braid it. he heads back into the room.

The thought of getting into bed with him makes my heart race. This time I'm going to show him my appreciation for everything he has done. flashbacks of the other night swarm my mind. I want to make him feel that way. I'm a bit inexperienced so I'm a little nervous. I pull one of his shirts over, purposely not wearing anything under. Taking a deep breath before heading out into the room a few minutes after Nicky. My hands clasped behind my back fidgeting with my fingers. Looking up, I find him already in bed waiting for me.