
Magical Beast

Walking up the path, all Kusana could hear was the gentle clink of the chains in the container on his back.

This forest was very much unlike the one inside the facility Kamino owned. While the latter had well-kept foliage and controlled plants in it, this place was unpredictable. It made Kusana very confused. In his old world, Kusana knew there were barely any forests left in the world.

It finally clicked that Kusana was in a completely different world. It was a slow and gradual thought process, which is why Kusana didn't have a freakout like he did last time.

Kusana only walked on the path made out for him, occasionally jumping at a rabbit hopping through the bushes, or a raven cawing in the distance. Even the occasional screams of someone were heard. Kusana powered through it all, humming a tune from his old life.

Kusana muttered idly, singing a song from his old life. Eventually, he reached the summit of the mountain where the pine tree was. A relatively small cabin rested right next to the pine tree. Kusana noted that the lights were out.

Deciding it was safe to enter, Kusana opened the door of the cabin. An evil laughter billowed out of the cabin. Kusana widened his eyes at the horrendous scene.

The entire room was ruined. Various furniture was flung carelessly across the room, most being broken and the walls being scuffed up. Kusana's eyes drifted to an injured man who was slowly crawling up to the most notable part of the room.

A tall, semi-muscular creature stood on two feet. It looked like an extremely tall fox, except for the fact that its limbs had no fur and each hand or foot had only three appendages. The gangly creature was hunched over, holding a young woman.

"Aaahhhh…" The tall beast let out a sigh of some sort. Kusana immediately emptied the box strapped across his back, revealing his 15 foot long meteor hammer. He dubbed the weapon "Pillar" and "Shroud", the spiky end being named the former and the kama end the latter.

Kusana began rapidly spinning Pillar, entering his battle state. A large shadow cast across his eyes from his long bangs being blown from the wind flowing inside. The two stood still for a moment before the fox creature leaped out towards him.

Kusana could feel that the creature's intent wasn't to hit him, it was to escape. In the instant that it passed Kusana, he let go of Pillar and swung it using Shroud. Pillar wrapped loosely around the leg of the creature, but Kusana yanked it and the creature's momentum was stopped.

"Come here!!" Kusana shouted angrily. For some reason, he hated an opponent that fled immediately. The fox creature felt an intense presence. Not enough to make it freeze, but enough for him to give it a fright.

The woman in the creature's hand squirmed as it let go of her temporarily. It yanked Pillar off of it's leg, but quickly noticed the weapon disappearing from it's sight. Kusana had leaped towards the creature, poised for a dropkick, but the creature swiftly evaded.

It wasted no time to escape while Kusana was in the air. Kusana threw Shroud at a tree that the fox-like being ran off towards, and began swinging. He began using shroud as a grappling hook, making his way through the forest.

The magical being had a few frights as Pillar had crashed near it a few times. It also disappearing from Kusana's sight quite a few times. It was almost like Kusana had a sixth sense for fighting, like he was born to do it.

Pillar crashed through the treelike and blocked the creature's path, making it lose momentum and fall to the floor. It only had minor scratches around itself but was very exhausted, as was Kusana.

"Eiee! Okay! You win!" The magical beast yelped. Kusana raised an eyebrow in confusion at how it could talk.


Both the "injured" man and woman stood next to two of the fox creatures that Kusana fought. Both of the creatures were extremely scuffed up from their fight with Kusana. Although he was able to notice that their injuries switched places every time they swapped places, he still kept fighting.

"We are your navigators to the next phase of the exam. This is my wife." The male creature gestured to the female one, athough they both looked the same to Kusana.

"I'm their daughter."

"I'm their son." The man and woman, now revealed to be the same type of creature but in human form, spoke.

"Huh? Wait… So he… And her… Made love… Then… Huh?" Kusana thought out loud, thinking about how two magical beasts made two human-looking children. The two elder creatures blushed in embarrassment, but continued.

"Here's the evaluation. You displayed immense combat prowess, focus, tenacity and endurance." Kusana beamed, not having received praise in years. "But, although you were focused on your goal until the end, you left the injured man to himself."

"Honey, would you like to take the young man to the examination site?" The male beast said to his wife. She nodded, then sprouted wings from her arms.

"Grab onto my legs." Kusana grabbed onto her legs and they took off. It was actually quite the blast for Kusana.

A little bit later…

"Hey, wait, there was another group of examinees coming over? Why didn't you tell me? We just cleaned up!" The male fox creature yelled into the phone. The family quickly threw things around the house while Gon, Kurapika and Leorio approached the house at a rapid pace.

"Old lady, you really need to retire! If you can't hear numbers properly, give up the mantle to someone else in your tribe? You're clearly too old for this. Wait, I think I see them…" The creature hung up the phone and quickly made his kids look like they were fighting.

The son quickly laid himself out on the floor and the father grabbed the daughter, while they all stood idly waiting for them to open the door. "This is kinda weird…" The young man said.