
NCIS/Blacklist: Agent IX

I only own the MC. MC is Intersex and Op. After being part of a top secret project to make the perfect human, they succeeded as the girl was Physicality and mentally enhanced.

Hero_Acension · TV
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Chapter 3 - Coming In

Maddy POV

I got up and got to the car to drive to a Director.

I showed up at the new hideout to unlock it with the team standing in front of Leon Vance.

"Operation Cosmecu is about you Agent Callen, think of the worst thing you can do to a man well the Cosmecu family has done worse" (Vance)

I heard the conversation about the Cosmecu Family.

"Well it's a good thing I'm here" (Maddy)

Everyone pulled there guns out on me.

"Who are you?" (Sam)

"You gonna tell them Leon or are we gonna keep playing" (Maddy)

"Weapons down, Maddy what are you doing here?" (Vance)

"Funny thing is I got a voicemail from my mother that sounded like a goodbye" (Maddy)

"Mom?" (Deeks)

"Everyone meet Madelyn Lange" (Hunter)

"Lange, as in Hetty Lange?" (Callen)

"It's been a long time, Gisha" (Maddy)

Callen eyes widen, I'm not gonna not keep secrets from him and mom knows it.

"Gisha?" (Kenzie)

"Gisha Callen, the name you were given" (Maddy)

"H-How do you know?" (Callen)

"Your mother told me" (Maddy)

"Is she still" (Callen)

I looked at him with a blank face.

"I wanna know" (Callen)

"Oh you will but first we handle this but it's not up to me really" (Maddy)

"What do you know?" (Callen)

"It was something that we need done" (Leon)

"Now for your family to be safe is going to finish what you end which is the Cosmecu Family" (Maddy)

"When do we start?" (Callen)

"Remember you are going on an unsanctioned op" (Leon)

"I know" (Maddy)

I walked to the desk to drop my badge and gun to walk out the door but then I see everyone do it as we made our way to the cars.

"Follow me" (Maddy)

We drove to a storage facility as we got out to walk in for me to unlock the lock with my key to open the garage door to turn on the lights to reveal guns, lots and lots of guns.

They looked at me.

"Beats the black market" (Maddy)