

mnfkank · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

"My name is Mickey and I am 18 years old. Tomorrow, I am going to audition to join the Blodders family, which is considered one of the oldest families in America. My father was a member of the family and one of its 12 leaders. The gang's pyramid consists of five layers. The first layer consists of regular members who do smaller tasks, such as killing someone who insulted a member of the family, since insulting a member of the family is considered an insult to the entire family. They also steal cars, rob people, sell drugs, and there are some families who refuse drugs, including ours. On the second layer, there are officers who control the neighborhoods, lead the ordinary members, deliver messages and threats to other gangs and families. On the third layer, there are captains whose mission is to fight against rival gangs, spy on dignitaries and celebrities, rob banks and companies, control police stations, and fight with planes, tanks, and boats. On the fourth layer, there are the leaders, among whom my father was included, and their task is to control the system of streets controlled by the family, manage the companies and the financial income of the family, distribute money to the rest of the members, and manage family affairs in general. Above them, at the top of the hierarchy, is the leader who gives orders to the leaders and controls the strings behind them."

Today is special for me because today I will become a member of the family.

Mickey: Good morning, Dad.

Giorgio: Good morning, why did you get up so late, lazy one? Now sit down. I will explain the conditions for joining the family... The conditions are not difficult to meet to become part of the family. The officers are the ones who control the conditions, but because you are the son of one of the commanders, I asked the president if I could control this test. Now eat your breakfast and get ready. I'll wait for you outside.

Mickey: Alright.

I ate my breakfast and went to kiss my mother, who was sick and leaning on her bed. I have a little brother at school and an older sister who is still sleeping. Now let's go. I hope everything goes well.

Mickey got into the car with his father Giorgio, and on the way, they were stopped by 50 soldiers from the BJ gang. Mickey got out of the car while carrying a gun, and a war began between him and the BJ gang. He protected his father who stayed in the car hiding, and Mickey killed 5 people from the BJ gang and injured his shoulder and knee. Then his father got out of the car and members of the Bladder gang came. They caught the rest to torture.

Giorgio: This was the first test, and you passed it. All of this was planned from the start.

Mickey: How? And the other gang members?

Giorgio: I made some family members spread rumors that he is one of the elders of the Inhibitors family who is going to have a secret meeting with the leader of the Green Jane gang who weakened the PG family and enslaved their former leaders after the ALPHA plan that was implemented by T GAY. And I spoke to one of the officers and told him to prepare 100 disguised members, and only when you are wounded, they will move to help you, and there you are.

Mickey: This is only the first stage. How many stages are there in this test, and why are you not explaining?

Giorgio: No explanation is necessary, and the exam consists of five stages. You passed the first. Tomorrow at 2 pm, enter this store and wait for me.


--------------------------after a day---------------------- --

Mickey: I have to be prepared. This stage can be surprising as well.

No one arrived. Is it possible for someone from another gang to enter or to enter stealthily or from far away?

Mickey parried a drugged hit from one of the snipers in the family and passed the second stage.

Giorgio: This phase has passed quickly. Now you must always be alert. And now with the third stage, you have to run for five hours straight.

Mickey: Why?

Giorgio: You can do it now. Start.

Mickey: Again, Dad doesn't answer my questions.

Mickey ran for five hours easily, and everyone was amazed at his speed and stamina. Because Mickey ran for five hours very quickly, and when he arrived, he didn't seem tired.

Giorgio: I think that's enough. You will bring problems with families and other gangs, and you didn't become a member at all. Mickey's exam is over.

Mickey: Why did he finish the exam so quickly? Is it because of my high potential?

Dad, why did you finish the test so quickly?

Giorgio: I'll tell you why when we get home.

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Mickey: Now what is the reason?

Giorgio: Where did you get all this speed and strength from? Are you hiding something from us?

Mickey: What do you say, Dad? I've been working out since I was a kid. It's normal for me to be this strong.

Giorgio: No, this is not normal. You were able to reach the level of an officer when you were eighteen.

Mickey: All this to tell me I've reached officer level?

Giorgio: Do not underestimate the officers. Their strength is equivalent to the strength of 100 men.

Mickey: Oh, interesting. That means the hedgehog-haired officer is equal to me.

Giorgio hit his son and said, "His name is David, you little bastard."

Mickey: Sorry, sorry, it hurts.

Giorgio: Haha, come on, you brat.

Marina: Hello.

Mickey: Mom, you're cured.

Marina: Come to me, son.

Lisa: Brother, have you seen the news?

Mickey: What's in the news?

Lisa: Look.

Today, a clip was seen of the son of Giorgio, one of the leaders of the bladders family, who was running at a speed of 50 km/h in New York City.

Mickey: Oh, 50 kilometers an hour is amazing.

Lisa: Look, Mom, your son is famous.

Marina: That's good.

Giorgio: Exactly as I expected. Mickey, from now on, you have to be careful. You are a dangerous person for the other families, and they may try to assassinate you or kidnap you because you are the son of one of the leaders. Beat anyone who stands in your way. Good luck. Now I have to go to the boss.

Marina: I didn't like this war of families and gangs, but I can't do something now. I trust you, my son. You will beat up everyone who gets in your way like your father.

Lisa: Yes, brother.

Mickey: Thank you for your support and love. Without you, I am nothing.

'Someone knocks on the door.'

Mickey: It must be my little brother. Yeah, hey bro.

Jeff: Brother, I miss you.

Mickey: Me too. Come eat, and then let's play.

Jeff: Today I will beat you in a match.

Mickey: We'll see.

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Cornalez family officer, James.

James: That kid is almost as fast as me, and he's only eighteen. I've got to get rid of him.

James' phone is ringing.

Someone talking to James in an unknown deep voice.

James: What is it?

Anonymous: Listen to me. Today is your day.

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"Mickey's phone is ringing."

Giorgio: Outside, you will find a black car. Get in it, and come to me. Do not be afraid, and the driver is considered a member of the family. You must start making friends with the family since you have become a member of it, and he will explain to you anything that you still do not understand.

Mickey: Honestly, I don't have too many questions.

Giorgio: Tell that to your new friend. Now move on.

"I got into the car and said hello to the driver and then ask him."

Mickey: What's your name?

Tony: My name is Tony. You are Mickey.

Mickey: I think I'm getting famous.

Tony: "You've been famous for a long time because of your father,

and now you're even more famous after what you did yesterday.

You're an eighteen-year-old boy with an iron body and a speed that exceeds that of the fastest pedometer in the world, reaching a speed of 43 km/h."

Mickey: "And tell me about you, who are you?"

Tony: "I'm an eighteen-year-old boy who joined the Blodders family a year ago. I live in the blue neighborhood. Nice to meet you."

Mickey: "Oh, that's good to hear. I live in the same neighborhood."

Mickey: "I want to ask you, how many officers, captains, and commanders are there in this family?"

Tony: "There are three officers, three captains, and twelve commanders in this family."

Mickey: "I see, thanks for letting me know."

Tony: "Here we are."

Mickey: "What is this place?"

Tony: "It may look bad from the outside, but it's nothing to worry about. Let's go inside."

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Unknown person: "Hello Mickey."

Mickey: "Who are you?"

Unknown person: "We are your torment."