
Chapter 382

I sidestepped him and held up a finger. "One sec."

Shocked, he actually froze, his right hand gripping his left forearm.

I snapped a photo of him on my phone, before typing in a quick text. "I'll just send this, shall I?"

"What's that?" His barbed unibrow kind of dipped in the middle which I figured was his way of frowning. He rubbed his slender forearm that draped down to the floor like a gorilla's. Was he fluffing it to get muscly and hard? Man, demons were weird.

"Just sending a quick text to Malik to let him know that there's going to be some blowback from the daeva. It's a small courtesy, but he likes to take an interest," I said.

"Like you know Malik." The asper sneered at me, but his lacerated rattlesnake tail vibrated wildly, indicative of distress. He continued to rub his left arm. Hmm. He hadn't been cuffed there, I hadn't stabbed him in that part of his arm, and his right forearm wasn't getting the same treatment.