
Naurto's Elder Brother

Satoshi, an avid Naruto fan, is stunned to find himself transported into the anime's world during the dramatic Kyubi attack on Konoha. Waking up amidst chaos, he sees Minato and Kushina, covered in blood, valiantly protecting their newborn sons, Naruto and Ryuso. Feeling the warmth of a family he never had, Satoshi is deeply moved by their sacrifice. As Minato seals the Kyubi's chakra into Naruto, Satoshi realizes he must adapt to this new reality. Amidst familiar faces and dangerous challenges, he discovers what it truly means to be part of this extraordinary world.

ZEN1ST6 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Wake up to the Reality!

In Satoshi's view, everything around him seemed like an irrelevant dream. Perhaps it was because he had spent too much time immersed in the world of Naruto that night. 

According to Satoshi's past experiences, once he realized he was dreaming, he could wake himself up. Unfortunately, this method seemed to fail this time. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape this strange dream. He decided to take a different approach. He raised his small hand and slapped his own face.


The sound was sharp and clear, snapping Hiruzen back to reality. At this time, Hiruzen was deeply troubled. The attack of the Kyubi had dealt a severe blow to Konoha, with many excellent ninjas, including his wife Biwako, losing their lives in the catastrophe. 

Now, even the Fourth Hokage, Minato, and Kushina, the Kyubi's Jinchuuriki, were dead. This was a heavy blow to both his personal feelings and the entire village. What puzzled Hiruzen even more was what Kushina had said before she died. Minato had mentioned darkness in the heart of their older child, Ryuso. 

"What darkness could a newborn have in his heart?" Hiruzen thought. "This doesn't make sense."

But now wasn't the time to dwell on it. Although the Kyubi was successfully sealed again, many follow-up matters needed urgent attention. Hiruzen picked up Satoshi and Naruto and addressed the ninja beside him.

"I'll take these two babies back first. Handle the rest," he ordered.

"Yes, Sandaime-sama!"

With a definite answer, Hiruzen nodded and used the Body Flicker Jutsu to disappear instantly. Moments after he vanished, shouts of alarm arose from the battlefield.

"The body of the Fourth Hokage is gone! And the body of the Jinchuuriki too!"

"They were here just now. Where did they go? Is there another ninja lurking around? Report to the Third, and the rest of you, spread out!"


The news of Minato and Kushina's mysteriously disappearing bodies was quickly reported to Hiruzen. He frowned upon hearing it.

"In order to seal the Kyubi, Minato and Kushina had set up a barrier. I didn't see anyone around at that time."

As a Kage-level expert with the nickname "God of Shinobi," Hiruzen was confident that no one could hide from him. Moreover, all the ninjas present were Anbu, directly serving the Hokage. With their skills, it seemed impossible for anyone to steal the bodies unnoticed.

Thinking this over, Hiruzen frowned and turned his cold gaze to the Anbu kneeling before him.

"This matter ends here. No need for further investigation," he ordered.


For the Anbu, the Hokage's order was absolute. They immediately agreed and left the office. After they departed, Hiruzen picked up his pipe, took a deep breath, and exhaled a long plume of smoke.

"Is this Minato's doing?" he wondered. As "The Professor," he had never heard of a jutsu that could make bodies disappear together. The most likely explanation was space-time ninjutsu, and the master of that art was Minato, known as "The Yellow Flash." 

"If Minato left a delayed Flying Thunder God technique on himself and Kushina, then their bodies suddenly disappearing makes sense. But why? What could be the reason?"

Hiruzen fell into deep thought.

Meanwhile, Satoshi lay on a large bed, dazed. "So, I wasn't dreaming but actually transported to the world of Naruto?"

The reason for Satoshi's conclusion was the clear slap he had given himself. When it landed, he didn't wake up as expected. Instead, he felt a sharp pain on his face. Simultaneously, a strange voice echoed in his mind.

"Super valuable item found. Would you like to pick it up?"

Startled, Satoshi didn't know how to react. The voice rang out again when Hiruzen picked him up.

"[Host has no response. The System picks it up... Ding! obtained Super Kage-level corpse (male) x1, obtained Elite Jonin corpse (female) x1.]"

In the Naruto world, the corpses of strong ninjas were indeed extremely valuable. They provided information about the deceased and were essential for certain forbidden jutsu, like Sasori's puppets and Orochimaru's Edo Tensei. The stronger the ninja, the more valuable their corpse. Every village had a special unit to process their ninjas' corpses to prevent them from being used by others.

Of course, Satoshi knew this, but what surprised him was the voice in his mind. "System!?"

As an avid reader of online novels, Satoshi was familiar with the concept of a "System." Most importantly, it seemed implausible that he would dream about Naruto's plot and encounter a System in his dream. While being carried by Hiruzen back to the village, the cold wind on his face confirmed this was reality.

"It seems I really crossed over!"

As a seasoned adult, Satoshi quickly accepted this fact. Judging by the situation, his position wasn't too bad. According to Kushina, he was in Konoha, and his identity was the son of Minato and Kushina, the brother of Naruto. It seemed Minato intended to seal the Kyubi in him but changed his mind due to the perceived darkness in his heart, opting to seal it in Naruto instead. 

This meant he was truly Minato's child. Satoshi agreed with Minato's assessment; as an adult, he had faced many hardships and knew his heart wasn't pure. 

Admiring Minato's perceptiveness, Satoshi thought, "He saw the darkness in my heart at first glance. As expected of the Fourth Hokage, or should I say, as expected of my father?!"

An idea suddenly struck him. If Minato and Kushina hadn't died, this trip would be worthwhile. However, he knew the Kyubi's attack on Konoha was just the beginning. Orochimaru's "Konoha Crush" plan, the Akatsuki's assault, the Fourth Shinobi War, and Madara's Infinite Tsukuyomi were all looming threats.

Satoshi realized that even if he survived Orochimaru's attack, surviving Nagato's assault or the Infinite Tsukuyomi would be unlikely without power. His greatest hope lay in the System in his mind.

With newfound determination, Satoshi asked, "System, what kind of function do you have?"