
Naurto's Elder Brother

Satoshi, an avid Naruto fan, is stunned to find himself transported into the anime's world during the dramatic Kyubi attack on Konoha. Waking up amidst chaos, he sees Minato and Kushina, covered in blood, valiantly protecting their newborn sons, Naruto and Ryuso. Feeling the warmth of a family he never had, Satoshi is deeply moved by their sacrifice. As Minato seals the Kyubi's chakra into Naruto, Satoshi realizes he must adapt to this new reality. Amidst familiar faces and dangerous challenges, he discovers what it truly means to be part of this extraordinary world.

ZEN1ST6 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Rebirth: Who Judge's their baby?

"Waah... Waah..."

A loud baby's cry shattered the silence, waking Satoshi from his sleep. The noise was deafening, and as he opened his eyes, he was stunned by the sight before him. A man and a woman, drenched in blood, stood skewered by a massive claw, mere inches from where he lay.

"What... what is happening?" he whispered in shock.

A sobbing voice reached his ears. "I'm sorry, Ryuso... Naruto... I woke you up... I'm sorry..." 

Satoshi looked up, his heart pounding as he recognized the faces. "Namikaze Minato! Uzumaki Kushina!" 

As a devout fan of the series, Satoshi instantly knew he was witnessing Kyubi's Attack. The details fell into place – the year was 48 of Konoha, and Kushina, the Kyubi's Jinchuuriki, was giving birth. Uchiha Obito had torn the Kyubi from her body, using his Mangekyo Sharingan to wreak havoc on Konoha. The Fourth Hokage, Minato, would soon use the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to save the village by sealing the Kyubi in his son, Naruto.

Satoshi's eyes widened in horror as he realized he was part of this iconic scene. Minato and Kushina were risking their lives to protect him. But why? As an orphan, he was unaccustomed to such selfless acts.

Minato's strained voice broke his thoughts. "Kushina... we can't hold on much longer. It's time for the Eight Trigrams Seal. I want to seal as much chakra as possible into Ryuso and Naruto. We must be quick. Say what you need to."

Kushina's eyes locked onto Satoshi. "Ryuso, Naruto. Eat well, stay healthy, make good friends. Even if you don't have many, a few trustworthy ones are enough. Take care of each other... and know I love you both."

Tears streamed down Satoshi's face. He had never known parental love, and Kushina's heartfelt words shattered his defenses. It was surreal, like a dream, yet the pain and love he felt were undeniably real.

Kushina's voice trembled as she continued. "No matter what hardships come... believe in yourselves... and chase your dreams... I wish I could be with you... I love you..." 

Satoshi clenched his fists, tears falling freely. He had always yearned for a family, and now that he had found one, he was losing it. Anger flared within him.

"Damn you, Kyubi... damn you, Obito... damn you, Danzo... damn it all..." 

His fierce gaze met the Kyubi's blood-red eyes, surprising even the beast. Minato noticed as well.

"Kushina, Jiraiya-sensei said Naruto is the Child of Prophecy, but I believe Ryuso is special too. There's darkness in his heart... I will seal the Kyubi only in Naruto. Now, I begin."

Kushina wiped her tears and nodded. "I understand... I'm sorry, Minato, I talked too much..."

Minato shook his head gently. "No... it's alright..." He turned to Satoshi and Naruto, managing a smile. "Naruto, Ryuso, what Dad wants to say is the same as your nagging mother – Eight Trigrams Seal!"

With Minato's words, the jutsu activated. The Kyubi's massive form was compressed into a red ball of chakra, flowing into Naruto and leaving a black vortex-shaped seal on his abdomen.

The Eight Trigrams Seal was complete. Minato, drained of his last strength, collapsed.

Hiruzen and the others rushed in, their faces anxious. "Kushina, how do you feel?"

Kushina managed a weak smile. "Sandaime-sama, the one with red hair is Ryuso, and the one with yellow hair is Naruto. Please... take care of them."

Hiruzen nodded. "Ryuso and Naruto? Understood. I'll call the medical team!"

Kushina shook her head. "No... Minato said there was darkness in Ryuso's heart... Thank you..."

Her voice faded, and with it, her life.

Satoshi understood that "Ryuso" was him. Kushina's final thoughts had been of him, and the realization pierced his heart. Tears flowed as he mourned the family he had just begun to love.

"Even in death, you worried about me... This nightmare won't end until I've cried every tear. Enough... wake up, this dream... please wake up..."