
Naurto's Elder Brother

Satoshi, an avid Naruto fan, is stunned to find himself transported into the anime's world during the dramatic Kyubi attack on Konoha. Waking up amidst chaos, he sees Minato and Kushina, covered in blood, valiantly protecting their newborn sons, Naruto and Ryuso. Feeling the warmth of a family he never had, Satoshi is deeply moved by their sacrifice. As Minato seals the Kyubi's chakra into Naruto, Satoshi realizes he must adapt to this new reality. Amidst familiar faces and dangerous challenges, he discovers what it truly means to be part of this extraordinary world.

ZEN1ST6 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Baby's Day Out!

Being a baby was frustrating for Satoshi, especially considering his adult-like mind. He had no way to change his current situation. Even the Acquiring System in his mind had limited assistance to offer, only ensuring that he wouldn't suffer from stomach problems no matter how much milk he drank.

From an objective standpoint, this was indeed a great help. Since he didn't have to worry about his stomach, Satoshi drank milk with all his might, often consuming a day's worth of milk in one go. The benefits were evident. With the System's help in digesting and absorbing nutrients, Satoshi grew quickly and was much stronger than an ordinary baby. At just six months old, he could already stand and walk unsteadily.

At this stage, Satoshi appeared more like a one-and-a-half-year-old child rather than a mere six-month-old infant, a development that even surprised Hiruzen. However, Hiruzen was even more astonished when the Anbu, responsible for caring for Satoshi and Naruto, reported that Satoshi had thrown his milk bottle and wandered into the street. The news shocked Hiruzen so much that he almost dropped his pipe.

"Didn't you say a few days ago that he just started standing and learning to walk? How could he suddenly run away?" Hiruzen asked in disbelief.

Following the shock, Hiruzen immediately ordered his Anbu subordinates to find Satoshi. The village had been experiencing a spate of child abductions recently, and Hiruzen was anxious. If something happened to Satoshi, he wouldn't know how to face his late parents.

Under Hiruzen's command, the Anbu swiftly took action and found Satoshi in less than five minutes, wandering outside the "Yakiniku Q" restaurant. The Anbu were stunned—did this child want to eat meat?

In fact, the Anbu guessed correctly. Satoshi indeed wanted to eat meat. Although he had only grown two lower teeth, the System's assistance meant he didn't have to worry about stomachaches, so eating meat was not a concern. Satoshi was a genuine "carnivore," and after six months of nothing but milk, he was eager for something more substantial.

"I want to eat salt! I want to eat meat!" he inwardly cried. But his inner pleas went unheard. Following Hokage's order, the Anbu quickly returned Satoshi to his residence and reported back to Hiruzen.

The Anbu underestimated Satoshi's determination to eat meat. Not long after they left, Satoshi slipped out again and made his way back to Yakiniku Q. It was only then that he realized a crucial problem—he had no money!

As one of the most expensive places in Konoha, Yakiniku Q was not known for charity. Its high prices were enough to make many Jonin think twice. In the original story, Asuma once recalled a time when the Ino-Shika-Cho trio ate there without money, forcing him to kneel before the boss in apology. It was clear just how pricey the place was.

Satoshi stood at the entrance, pondering how to eat meat without spending money. Unable to come up with a solution, he sighed in resignation.

"Forget it. I'll go back and drink milk. At least the milk provided by the Anbu is free."

As he turned to leave, a silver-haired teenager caught his eye.

"That hairstyle, that hair color, and that mask..." Satoshi thought.

In all of Konoha, only Jiraiya and Kakashi had such white hair, and from the teenager's attire, Satoshi recognized him immediately.


Meeting Kakashi in Konoha was not unusual, and Satoshi wasn't excited to see him for Kakashi's sake. What drew Satoshi's attention was the basket of fresh fish Kakashi carried.

"Those look delicious," he thought, swallowing a mouthful of saliva and following Kakashi quietly.

"As the subordinate of my late father, it shouldn't be too much to ask him for a meal, right?" Satoshi mused.

Naturally, Satoshi's small figure did not escape Kakashi, who was known as a genius ninja. Kakashi had noticed him from the street. After walking for a while, Kakashi stopped and looked back at Satoshi with his trademark bored expression.

"Hey, kid, why are you following me?" Kakashi asked.

"Damn, he actually called me a kid. He's only about thirteen years old!" Satoshi thought, suppressing his irritation. For the sake of the fish, he answered honestly.

"To eat fish!"

"Huh?" Kakashi was taken aback. Looking at Satoshi's gaze fixed on the fish basket, he frowned.

"Where are your parents?"

"They're dead," Satoshi replied calmly, deepening Kakashi's frown.

A child, who appeared barely a year old, declaring his parents were dead without any emotion was unnerving. Kakashi was silent for a moment before asking again.

"Your parents are dead? Who told you that?"

Satoshi shook his head indifferently. "I saw it with my own eyes when the Kyubi attacked."

This was the first time in six months that Satoshi had spoken to anyone. His voice was still childish, and his words were not very clear due to his young age and underdeveloped vocal cords. However, Kakashi understood.

"They were sacrificed when the Kyubi attacked Konoha?"

Kakashi felt a pang of emotion. Six months ago, Kyubi's attack had taken many lives, including his mentor Minato and Kushina. Looking at Satoshi's red hair, a hint of softness appeared in Kakashi's eyes. He raised his eyebrows and turned around.

"Do you want to eat fish? Come with me!"