
Naurto's Elder Brother

Satoshi, an avid Naruto fan, is stunned to find himself transported into the anime's world during the dramatic Kyubi attack on Konoha. Waking up amidst chaos, he sees Minato and Kushina, covered in blood, valiantly protecting their newborn sons, Naruto and Ryuso. Feeling the warmth of a family he never had, Satoshi is deeply moved by their sacrifice. As Minato seals the Kyubi's chakra into Naruto, Satoshi realizes he must adapt to this new reality. Amidst familiar faces and dangerous challenges, he discovers what it truly means to be part of this extraordinary world.

ZEN1ST6 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Absurd things happening!

Kakashi was indeed good at cooking fish, evidenced by the pile of fishbones on the table beside Satoshi. 

"This fish is really good. What's it called?" Satoshi asked, sucking his fingers after finishing the last piece on his plate.

Kakashi crossed his arms, a smile flickering in his eyes as he looked at Satoshi's satisfied expression. 

"Fried River Fish - Kakashi's Style!" he said. 

Kakashi's mind drifted back to memories of Obito and Rin, who also loved his fried fish. Nostalgia and pain flashed in his eyes as he thought of them.

Seeing Kakashi suddenly fall silent, Satoshi, who was familiar with the plot, guessed what he was thinking. He let out a long sigh. 

"Such delicious fish... What if I can't eat it again? I'm really worried."

Kakashi's attention snapped back to the present at Satoshi's words. He looked at the boy rubbing his temples in mock distress and turned his head. 

"Well, you can just come again when I'm around."

"You often eat and drink for free. How can you be embarrassed?" Satoshi replied, shaking his head. But soon, as if struck by an idea, he clapped his hands. 

"I have it! How about this—I use this as payment for the meal. What do you think?" 

With that, Satoshi placed something on the table.

Kakashi didn't pay much attention to Satoshi's words at first. He assumed, as an orphan of war, Satoshi couldn't have anything valuable—perhaps some pretty stones he'd found. But when he looked at the table, his eyes widened in shock.

"This... this is..."

On the table lay a kunai, but not an ordinary one. It was a three-pronged kunai with four small characters etched on its handle: "Swords of Shinobi's Love."

This kunai was unmistakably Minato's Flying Thunder God Kunai, something Kakashi knew all too well.

Kakashi grabbed the kunai, holding it close to his eyes, unable to believe it. 

"This is... the Fourth Hokage's..."

Before Kakashi could finish, Satoshi's calm voice interrupted.

"It seems you're satisfied with my payment. I'm relieved. And 'Fourth Hokage' is too formal. He would prefer you call him Minato-sensei."

Kakashi turned to Satoshi, another wave of shock crossing his face.

"How did you know? And where did you get this kunai?"

Kakashi remembered that when he first met Satoshi, his hands were empty. How could he suddenly produce a Flying Thunder God Kunai? The idea that he might have found it on the street was preposterous. After the Kyubi attack, all such kunai were sealed away, nearly impossible to find.

Forging it was equally implausible. Kakashi knew this kunai intimately—it was undeniably Minato's.

Satoshi waved dismissively. 

"It's a long story, and I don't know how to explain it all right now. Just know that the kunai was mine, and now I've given it to you. Simple as that!"

With that, Satoshi hopped down from his chair, patted his belly, and waved to Kakashi.

"I'm full now. I should head back. Thanks for the meal!"

He made his way to the door, but as he was about to leave, Kakashi called out, "What's your name?"

Satoshi paused, scratching his head before smiling.

"If I remember correctly, the name the Third Hokage registered for me is Ryuso. Uzumaki Ryuso!"

"Uzumaki Ryuso?" Kakashi echoed, looking at Satoshi's fiery red hair. He immediately thought of Kushina, Minato's wife. 

The Uzumaki clan, once residing in Uzushiogakure in the Land of Whirlpools, had been scattered after its destruction. Kushina was the only Uzumaki in Konoha.

Now, Satoshi claimed his surname was Uzumaki, said his name was registered by the Third Hokage, and mentioned his parents died during the Kyubi attack—all pointing to his roots in Konoha. Most crucially, he had Minato's Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Kakashi, skilled at analysis, quickly pieced it all together and arrived at a shocking conclusion—the child before him was Minato's orphan.

Calm now, Kakashi walked to Satoshi, holding the door with one hand and Satoshi's chin with the other. 

"Open your mouth!"

Satoshi, momentarily stunned, obediently opened his mouth, revealing two tiny white teeth. 

"Only two teeth? Are you not even a year old? How is this possible?" Kakashi wondered aloud.

"Nothing's impossible!" Satoshi pushed Kakashi's hand away and rolled his eyes. "Can't I mature early? Isn't this exactly what you expected?"

"Uh... well..." Kakashi was speechless, and Satoshi sighed, waving him off.

"Alright, you know now. I should go back. I'll come again tomorrow for more fish. Bye!"

With that, Satoshi opened the door and stepped out, closing it behind him with a bang.

As the door closed, Kakashi looked down at the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand, thinking of Satoshi's face, so reminiscent of Minato. A smile crept onto his face.

"I didn't expect Minato-sensei to leave a child behind. This is great, really... great!"

Kakashi felt his eyes grow moist. At the same time, Satoshi, who had just left Kakashi's room, received a prompt from the System.

"[Ding... obtained Hatake Kakashi's Fragment x5!]"