
Naughty fantalia pontello: The magical book of fantasy

Felicity had a child with an immortal man and it was Jacob, the prince from the realm of fantasy. felicity gave birth and they named it Tamara. but there was a fight between the prince and the black soldiers, because they had an agreement to take Felicity's daughter, felicity felt betrayed. felicity ran away with her daughter. But felicity was killed because she was hit in the back by a poisonous arrow. Meanwhile Felicity's daughter is safe because she leave the baby safety into the hut before she died. The baby grow up and there are person who accepted the baby. She's named fantalia, She grow up naughty with a bad behavior, Until she met the man and remember, who hates her when she was at a young age. And there's a fairy who teach a lesson to fantalia's behavior, this fairy didn't know that her mission are already found, she knew it and that is fantalia pontello, the daughter of prince jakob from realm of fantasy, Princess Tamara is alive. The woman with leprosy ..., Men are chasing ... Everyone's dream... fantasizing ... Stirring ... Looking forward to it... But for her it was all just fantasy or imagination. Identify her as a fantasy assumption. She wants to get all those around her and not only that, but also the men she targets, who are even against the will but feel really different. And despite her heinous opps! fantasies of evil that she will once again ruin, She will be punished by a very powerful and very beautiful fairy of fantasies. Will it be possible soon?. We'll just know. "I hope I can reach you... But I just try to pull myself down and wake up to the truth ... Fantasy. But something can change fanta's behavior. The magical book of fantasy.

HalfhumanI · Fantaisie
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26 Chs


The next day I woke up because my right neck hurt. I moaned and blushed. I looked up with sweat forming on my forehead, my sweat was dripping, I felt hot. My body felt like it was on fire. I can not explain. But the pain in my neck immediately disappeared. I took a deep breath.

I turned to our mirror as I grabbed hold of which neck. it hurt before but it also disappeared immediately. When I was in front of the mirror I took another deep breath.

I parted my hair, left. But I almost despise and shout at what I see. I covered my mouth, my eyes wide open at what I saw. I was about to shout when someone knocked on the door.

My cry hung in the air.

"Fanta! daughter are you already awake?. I will order something for you !." mom shouted outside. But I cannot answer. Trembling my hand caressed my neck with a carved scorpion and snake. My muscles were shaking and I felt like I was out of breath. I can't stand what I see. I slapped myself to wake up in my dream. I rolled my eyes jumping I jumped, I pushed up three times. I went back to sleep for about ten seconds. I opened my eyes again and looked at myself in the mirror again. But I almost fainted because it was still engraved on my neck.

It barely lit up in my sight. When I could not stand it I cried out in fear. I shouted and now I just realized.

I screamed hysterically.

It's true! I did not dream! All of this is true. I'm not kidding.

"Fanta! Why are you shouting? Are you okay there ?. Open this door." Concerned mother said. I sounded swallowed, when I realized the incident.

"I'm fine now! Don't worry. I just saw a cockroach." Even if that is true I am not really afraid of cockroaches.

My voice trembled as I said to my mother. But the truth of the matter is that I am not really afraid of cockroaches.

"Is that so, go ahead and get out of there, I don't want to wait." Mom told me. when I was next. I parted my hair again, I looked at my neck. Still there. I rubbed it carefully, as if I was getting a tattoo. I did not dye! I'm all erased here, maybe I'm just being fooled its but will not, can not erase any of my scales. I took tap water and wet my neck with a damp cloth. But still do not want to. Until my neck turned red.

I feel like I want to cry, why is this ?. I calmed myself first. I looked at my neck again from the mirror. This is true. But why are scorpion and cobra engraved here?. What does this indicate?. Its engraving case is as big as a thumb. The cobra swarmed the scorpion. Its color is black. Dark black. And it was almost repainted because of my whiteness. It was even shining earlier which surprised me even more. I did not expect so I shouted earlier.

How is this? I don't even know where it got!. But wait, I remember! The book! This is from the book I picked up at the library yesterday! Right!.

I quickly grabbed the book from my bag. I opened it looking at the pages. There is nothing on the other page. I rested deeply. The only thing in the book in the first page is the alpha syllabary I am reading.

What is written here is

"Passage of soulful ring; You need to move the two engraved on the picture so that you can have a fighting guide."

Said when in the book. In the thickness of this book that is all that is stated. I already know what is written in the book.

So here it is, there are two animals placed on my right neck. But I do not know what it means and implies. For now I need to hide it first. I will not show it even to my mom. To my friend. Anyone I know. But I have only one thing to say.

That Tasaya or professor Esmeralda.

I will ask Professor Esmeralda and see if she has anything to do with my event today. She will help me, what the book suggests. I felt like I was dreaming. But my mind was wide awake. I decided to take a bath and did my morning routine. Then I was also dressed in high waist fitted jeans and a spaghetti strap shirt that I paired with a denim jacket. I will wear dark rubber shoes every time I go out. I no longer finely ponytail my hair to cover my neck.

My blonde hair serves as protection from being seen. I could not have imagined such an event in my life. It was as if destiny was playing tricks on me.

It's Saturday so my mother orders me to go to the market. Of course this is what I dreamed of every week. I wake up early to buy groceries. I want to tell mom 'I'm not in the mood to be a servant. I do not want to say that I might even receive a beating. It's hard. My rest day is on the weekend but it looks like I can't really rest it.

"Fantalia!." Mother shouted looks like we are far from each other.

"Hurry up there and get some marketing!"

"Yes mom there it is !." I shouted and left the room. I have to act like nothing happened.

I found my mother having coffee and a roommate. None other than the twin. who are now big and growing beautiful. These two are also identical twins that parents really enjoyed.

Well, they are the richest people in our area. Their family is kind and helpful.

"Hi! good morning !." Eyali greeted me.

I almost rolled my eyes but I stopped. I know they need me again this morning.

"There is nothing good in the morning if I can find those annoying faces of yours eya." I said jokingly to eyali.

Eyali smiled strangely, I was a little scared. Shadad my head I walked towards them, then at the same time approached the table and sat down.

"Coffee first fantalia, and to warm your stomach as well." Mom said and at the same time handed me a coffee bean. I accepted it and took a sip.

"This list of goods." Mom handed me the paper. I accepted that.

"I'll be ahead of you too, My duty is early now. Eydan and eyali just send me the regards to your mommy and dad. Fantalia, you will take care of these two."

Mother said as if I was the one who will visit these two groomsmen.

"Okay be take care!" I said and kissed her on the cheek.

"Bye auntie!." The twins said at the same time.

But I noticed that eyali's twin eydan was quiet, and seemed restless in his seat. Alas, the size of this one has changed. He is really a teenager. I remember, when he was young, he was still skinny and sick, every time he had a cold, he wiped his cold and even spread it on his cheeks. Now, he is only fifteen years old and very different, it looks like women are chasing him. I put the glass down on the table after sipping. And then I couldn't help but speak.

"Eydan, do you want to defecate ?." I said and suddenly eyali burst out laughing. Eydan was obviously surprised by what I said and turned in my direction. I sipped coffee beans again, because it was just delicious.

I heard eydan speak.

"What? No!, cause ---" Eydan murmured and the one who preceded him and eyali did not finish saying that.

"He said he wants you to date!" Eyali interrupted what eydan said. To my surprise I spilled the coffee on eyali's face.

"Yuck! disgusting likewise." Eyali shuddered after pouring coffee beans.

"What are you ?! Date ?! Are you serious?!." I shouted in disbelief.

"What's wrong with that. You should Thankful, cause i invited you to date with me." He said frowning and eydan's eyes were still staring.

'That child fantalia, your gap is three years.' What about as a child? 'The others out there do not know the age, there are still aids does not matter more. What aids doesn't matter?. It should be age. My conscience said.

I scratched my forehead. A big 'fool' is on my mind right now.

"Maybe you're crazy. Why? Don't you have a girlfriend to invite you to date?." I asked a question and it did not answer.

"Eydan doesn't have a girlfriend. She really wants to date you." She said tremblingly. This is another one.

"Shut up your butt chicken mouth eya." Eydan said shyly and still really angry.

"You will shut up there because you said, I will help you. Actually sister, he is the one who begged me to help him and when he can answer you!."

She didn't lose. She really helped.

"Oh eydan, admit it, do you like me?" I said this jokingly and his cheek turned red. I smiled when he looked at me but I did not expect him to say that to me.

"And so? What if I like you fantalia? We have something called 'age doesn't matter right ?." Straight to the point it said and I was shocked. Really fooled. I admit I am the one who will chase men but only at my age. Its young. I'll beat it.

"I'm just kidding eydan, don't teach me." I laughed looking at eydan just in case it rides my joke. And I realized that I was the only one laughing and eyali was not riding with me. Sided with his twin.

"But, I'm not joking fantalia. You see, I was just confessed my feelings to you." Eydan said softly. The cute thing is, I feel like I want to shiver.

"Eydan. Stop your mania, you are still young and your mommy will be even angrier when she knows what already knows and instead of beating you, your mom strike me in the ass." I said and then stood up.

I walked to the kitchen to wash the glasses but eydan followed. It's just really weird.

"I am not a kid anymore, fantalia. I'm already fifteen years old, so what if our gap is three years. I don't know anything about that. Then I will also have a birthday this year." He said this forced me to feel guilty. There is nothing wrong with me agreeing, after all it is a date. Do I feel sorry for this child or do I just not stand up. Oh my! This child is really innocent.

"All right! I will accept your offer eydan, but on one condition !." He smiled

broadly and his eyes shone. gosh, its young. Over and over again? He is no longer a child.

"Really, I'm glad! So what condition? A kiss?." Eydan said eagerly. Oops.

"No hey! What a kid are you! Eya and you will come with me to the market." I struggled here and walked towards eya's whereabouts. I even heard it chase what to say.

"Sure why not? How about kiss then." He insisted smiled and followed. What a flirtatious. There is a combination.

"This crazy kid. Come on, let's just commute." Then I pulled eya and eydan chased us.

"Hey wait me there !."

In the market, eyali and I did all the talking while eydan smiled and glanced at me. I would think no one was carrying heavy things. Until we finished shopping, eya still did not run out of saliva, still spitting while speaking.

I remember chandler in my mind.

I smiled foolishly because of chandler's fate yesterday, He was probably waiting and I was sure it was overtaken by heavy rain. He probably read that in anticipation. I can't explain my joy when I finally got a revenge.