

in the uppermost floor of one of the skyscrapper towering over city N, all employees scattered laughing with chitchat's and merry making, until the clock stroke 6:45 A.m. all clocks started to ring with alarm, some with recorded message " The Empress is coming! be prepared or be beheaded!"

"15 min. till the Empress arrive be prepared or be beheaded!!"

with that cue,everyone started to move like ants that got disturbed. some trying to get back to their work station and some preparing for the morning meeting. "where's the file for the morning meeting?" the employee in charge of gathering the files asked.

" everything's here.. I've prepared the room too" .

"Good." the assistant that passed the cubicles after another to check if everything is all right and in place, praised in a stone hard face.

"..and miss yang's coffee??" she continued to ask as she walks down the path to the elevator, as a line of two's started to form behind her. all their step seemingly rythmical

" already brewing.. will be done in 2 min." someone answered from the back.

"get it ready, she'll be arriving soon" the assistant ordered and the employee obeyed. the seemingly disasterous and unorganized office of ants earlier is now in a synchronized order.

"ready now! in your posts! " the assistant said as the employees behind her formed a straight line on both side of the elevator. with the assistant standing in the middle to welcome the presence they all respect and fear.

the employee who got the coffee started to walk and go behind the assistant. "Ding!" the elevator arrived as the employee stopped and slowly the door opened.

"Miss Yang, Goodmorning!" as the door fully opened the employee bowed all in one beat greeting the dame called Yang.

with her brown windbreaker, silk scarf and shades. paired with stunning stiletto that emphasize her ankle, the woman looks so elegantly stunning. the moment she walked out the elevator no one can deny her royal contenance, putting pressure on everyone around her.

she started to strip her windbreaker as assistant Mu walked to her side and assisted her.

she started to walk handing her wind breaker, then her shade and last is her scarf all to assistant Mu.

"your Morning Coffee miss!" assistant Mu handed the coffee to her boss without any second thoughts. Miss yang started to sip on her coffee while still walking to her office, when all of a sudden she stopped. this bring the assistant and secretary to a halt too.

taking a step back and stopping in front of an employee. everyone broke into a cold sweat "what went wrong?!" the thought that everyone has now that their boss decided to stop walking. all taking pity with the employee that the boss noticed.

"you...." the voice was not low and not too high pitched, but it was calm like nothing can affect it on this world. as the atmosphere became tense and the employee almost had a mental breakdown she continued ".. have a smudge of cake on your uniform... clean it up right away."

she ressumed walking till she finally reached her office, assistant Mu and secretary Chu with her. the door finally closed as they all got in.

the employee that got noticed finally cave in and collapsed on the floor crying a silent cry and sighing of relief!

everyone helped her up and cheered her up

" be thankful that she seems to be in a good mood and didn't fire you!" someone said

"no way! just bcause of this tiny smudge of cake??" everyone who stayed there longer let a self mocking smirk as they remember an incident, "someone got fired for wearing unmatched shoes,darling." they said while shaking their heads.

the employee who got noticed stared and just muttered "no way..that's just too straight... almost like a ruler." someone interjected "not almost! REALLY straight as a ruler!!"

if you feel confused why the heroin thinks that her ankle is obscene, it's because she is an old maid that never showed too much skin. closed shoes, long skirt and long sleeves kind of girl is what I'm going for.

GNeuroticcreators' thoughts