
Natures protection: A demon slayer fan fic

Nature is often depicted as unkind and unforgiving to those who don't allow it to take its course. Demons are such beings who are not desired by nature but have not been eliminated by the demon slayers for over a thousand years. Now follow Satoshi Mitsuo, a gift presented by nature itself as he leads the demon slayer corps to victory and completely eliminates the demons once and for all. **Nothing new, just my imagination put into words for you to read. Enjoy.**

An_lf_line · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

The New Hashira

A very major event was happening in the demon slayer corps headquarters. The hashira had gathered outside the ubuyashiki household for the first time in a long time.

They were; Giyu Tomioka the Water Hashira,

Shinobu Kocho the insect Hashira, Muichiro Tokito the Mist Hashira, Mitsuri Kanroji the Love Hashira, Obanai Iguro the Snake Hashira, Tengen Uzui the Sound Hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa the Wind Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku the flame hashira and Gyomei Himejima the stone hashira.

Each with their own distinct personalities and appearances stood waiting for the appearance of their leader Kagaya Ubuyashiki. They were aware of the reason why they were called to meet and each had their own thoughts on the matter.

Sanemi was the only one complaining out loud," I could have been using this time to search for traces of the upper six."

Mitsuri said her own thoughts," I heard that Mitsuo kun is finally becoming a hashira, I wonder if I am dressed appropriately. Akane chan is coming too, I am so happy."

Obanai grumbled after hearing the comment but otherwise remained silent.

Tengen joined the commenting," He can't be more beautiful than I so I'm not worried."

" He's strong, he'll increase the power of the corps." Finished Rengoku

Shinobu remained silent conflicted about something whereas the rest of them were aloof or did not seem to particularly care.

A crow shouted from above," Caw,caw Mitsuo sama and Akane sama have arrived,Caw!" The two appeared out of thin air though none of the hashira reacted.

"Mitsuo kun Mitsuo kun, it's me Kanroji, remember me? And Akane chan you've gotten prettier." Mitsuri spoke first

"Yes I remember you Kanroji san." Replied Mitsuo

"No, Mitsuri chan you're the one that's prettier and Mitsu would never forget you, you almost have similar names." Answered Akane

This time round a Tsk! resounded in the gathering but it didn't come from Sanemi. Whoever showcased his thoughts remained hidden.

"Wondeful! You two are still alive." Shouted Rengoku.

Sanemi was more than displeased at the two saying in his rough voice," I don't understand why you would be promoted to hashira when you can't even follow Oyokata sama's orders."

"I don't have to explain myself to a brainless beast such as yourself." Quipped back Mitsuo

It prompted a snicker from Shinobu while Kanroji's cheeks puffed as she struggled to hold back her laughter as she failed horribly but Rengoku wasn't so kind.

"Ha!ha! That's funny but disrespectful, as a strong warrior you should apologise Mitsuo." Sanemi was barely holding his rage in but Mitsuo just added flames to the fire.

"You are right Rengoku, Shinazugawa I am sorry for telling you the truth." Sanemi was ready to rumble but Gyomei interrupted by bringing his palms together, creating a shockwave that silenced the courtyard.

"Quiet, Oyokata sama has arrived." He said while he went down on one knee.

Everybody else followed suit giving the man and his family the respect they deserve Mitsuo and Akane included.

Kagaya Ubuyashiki was not a healthy man, he was never seen by most of the corps except for the lucky few and the hashira. He wouldn't be able to stay there for a long time so he would make his speech short and concise.

He began," I thank you all for responding to the summonings and coming as soon as possible." They all remained silent allowing him to continue."You already know what I called you here to do and I would like to finish it quickly. The two Kinoe here, Akane Himawari and Mitsuo Satoshi have completed what is required of them by possessing the necessary skill to be hashira and killing over fifty demons as required."

He coughed a bit but was held by the lady accompanying him and continued." Some of you may already have met them but they are the now newly appointed hashira. Turbulent times are approaching so I am thankful for all the help we can get. They shall be known as the Nature hashira and Flower hashira, the newest members of the head of the corps."

He finished and returned back to his house.

The now eleven hashira remained kneeling till Ubuyashiki left then stood up. Sanemi said," I hope you aren't so weak that you'll die and tarnish the hashira title," then left.

The rest of the hashira dispersed as well leaving behind Kanroji, Shinobu,Mitsuo and Akane. Kanroji said excitedly waving her arms,"Mitsuo kun, I hope we can work together some time." Then she also left.

The three remained silent not really knowing what to say till Shinobu broke the forming ice. "Let's go, my sister wanted to meet you before you left." The pair nodded and followed her to Butterfly mansion.

They still remined silent during their walk there but Shinobu was experiencing various emotions. A year back, Mitsuo helped and saved his sister who had almost died, though she was left in a state of being unable to walk since then. She resented him for letting her sister live on in such a state of weakness though she was also thankful from snatching her from death's grip.

This left her sister having what she hated the most; weakness. But she would ensure she was safe and never in the presence of demons or anything that could jeopardize her wellbeing. She hated the demons much more ever since, moreso the upper two who almost took her family away. This hatred burnt so hot that she knew it would never cool down till that demon died, and it died by her own hands.

She was okay with the Nature hashira but what stirred up completely was the new Flower hashira, Akane Himawari. She had inherited the title from her sister but their breathing and skills were entirely different and that set her off. If she could have her way she would have the girl retrained in her sister's breathing form if she was to inherit the title of 'Flower hashira,' that and also there was a tsuguko ready to inherit the title at a moments notice.

Akane was blessed in sensing emotions and the ones emanating from Kanae Shinobu was visible to her though not entirely. This showed that she was someone very skilled in masking her emotions. She detected some form of resenting but there was also appreciation. Akane knew when to attack and when to retreat thus judging it was not yet time to bring the issue forth.

They arrived at the butterfly mansion and were met with three young girls and the adopted sister of Shinobu,Kanao Tsuyuri. Mitsuo had heard of her but never yet met her. He observed and noticed that she seemed emotionless and expressionless, even more than him. She was the tsuguko of the previous flower hashira, Kanae Kocho and someone very close to becoming a hashira as far as he could tell.

He didn't know how both her and Akane would interact when she was strong enough to attain that title. Both he and Akane nodded at her but Kanao remained unresponsive unsure of what to do. "Don't mind her, she doesn't talk much." Shinobu told them.

They walked through the mansion till they arrived at the room where Kanae Kocho was. She was seated on a chair though her body from the waist going downwards was paralyzed. She was drinking tea when she noticed her guests had arrived.

"Ara ara, welcome to my home Sato kun, Hima chan!" She emphasized as she smiled warmly at them like she was a mother greeting her children who had come from school.