

Shi Xuan counted and replied, "Six people. Three of them are holding iron pipes, and the rest are carrying knives."

Yao Ran tugged the rope hard a few times while Shi Xuan was getting ready to fight. 

Soon, Long Yu and Huang Qian came out of the water, bringing four liquefied gas cylinders with them. As they were loading the gas cylinders into the motorboat, another motorboat stopped a few meters away from them.

Six burly men held weapons and looked at them. When their eyes fell on Yao Ran's face, their eyes lit up.

Nowadays, it is rare to see a beautiful woman who looks clean and healthy. Today is their lucky day! After tasting those scrawny and dirty women, they finally had a chance to taste this beauty.

A bald, middle-aged man stepped forward and said haughtily, "We have taken over this liquefied gas station. Be smart and hand over what you have collected."