
National Magic School: The Legend of Takahashi Touma

Takashi Touma, being pulled out from his delusions about being a great mage, decided to go home, mentally battered. He tried finding ways for it but none, he was close to his home but he immediately come to a thought "Nothing can help me now, its useless" With that thought, he picked a stone and throw it to a white post that seems to be different than others out of anger. He thought it was weird seeing a post like that since he hasn't seen like that on his way home a long time and even last month and last day ago, he was curious but cautious too, he got closer to the post and see a symbol.. Two symbol, a red symbol that looks like a dragon and a blue symbol thats seems to be a girl with a wings that is the color of an ocean. With his curiosity he got closer to the post and i---

SakiruKun · Urbain
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19 Chs

What school?

"i-i'm back.." Touma said, He looked around and the white post was still there except from the two symbols..


[System: Yes it seems so, master touma. And now with your power that you have been give, you must go somewhere.]


The system said to Touma, "to where exactly?" Touma said to the system with a curious face.

[System: To a school, the national magic school.]

The system answered Touma, "what? i haven't test my powers yet." Touma said "what if i failed..."


[System: No don't worry, master touma. The registration for that school will start on the 2nd week of june in the next year. You can still train until the registration.]


"Ohh Thats so good.. I can train then." Touma said to the system "that means.. I can be.."


[System: That's right master touma, and i'll make sure your dreams will come true no matter what it takes.]


[Information: Alert!! Alert!! Alert!!]


"Huh!! What's happening?" Touma asked "did something happened?"


[System: It seems that a girl is getting attacked from a gang, should we go there?] Y/N

"Yes, of course we should go there.. We have to help her" Touma said to the system. "So where is she?"

[System: To the north side of this street master.]


"Okay, lets go!" Touma said. Touma uses his super speed to go to the girl really fast, and thank goodness that he arrives on time to save the girl. He uses the magic staff and released the purple flames to the gang.

"Owww!! Hey that hurts!! Get him!!" The leader said to his gang. The thin guy uses water on touma, which is perfect cause touma uses the lightning which has an advantage on water types. "Darn it!! This guy is strong!! Lets retreat!! This won't happened again you a@#hole!!" The leader and his gang retreated with defeat.

"Are you okay miss?" Touma asked the girl "are you hurt?"

"I-i'm okay.. I just have a bruised its nothing.." The girl stuttered to answer him.

"No.. You're not okay.. Let me heal you.." Tou said with a worried face "Heal" Touma uses the Heal magic on the girl. "ah!! Wow! it heaked straight away.. Thank you mister." The girl said with a cheer expression.. "That's very good hear." Touma said "so what's your name miss?" and he asked. "M-my name is Eleanor, Eleanor musuzuki.. H-how about you?" Eleanor asked, "Well my name is Touma, Takahashi Touma. Nice to meet you Eleanor." Touma said to Eleanor "M-me too, T-Touma" Eleanor stutterd to talk to Touma.

"Well, i gotta go now, see you later Eleanor." As soon as he said that, he stood up and wave goodbye to eleanor while she wave goodbye too.

Will they meet again, as friends? or as enemies? We'll never know today.. But maybe on tomorrow...