
National Magic School: The Legend of Takahashi Touma

Takashi Touma, being pulled out from his delusions about being a great mage, decided to go home, mentally battered. He tried finding ways for it but none, he was close to his home but he immediately come to a thought "Nothing can help me now, its useless" With that thought, he picked a stone and throw it to a white post that seems to be different than others out of anger. He thought it was weird seeing a post like that since he hasn't seen like that on his way home a long time and even last month and last day ago, he was curious but cautious too, he got closer to the post and see a symbol.. Two symbol, a red symbol that looks like a dragon and a blue symbol thats seems to be a girl with a wings that is the color of an ocean. With his curiosity he got closer to the post and i---

SakiruKun · Urbain
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19 Chs

Special: So this is her house...

"We're here Touma" Eleanor said, "please put your shoes down."

"O-oh okay." Touma said as he put his shoes outside before coming in. This house is big.. She's rich. I wonder if they have a butler or a maid....

"So.. What do we do now Eleanor?" Touma asked.

"You can just call me zuki" Eleanor said touma. "Ohh.. Okay, since we're in your house now.. What should we do now?" Touma question Zuki "well.. Lets watch something on the tv together..."

After that we ate some food like takoyaki, chicken. We played some games and have fun. After that we talk about the registration from the school and slept.