
Nasuverse may die

The protagonist, Victor dies and is reborn as Dantes son but he’s not just in devil may cry, but in the famous and dangerous world of typemoon how will he cope with not just being in devil may cry, but in a world full of demons, types, Gods, true ancestors ,dead apostles ,phantasmal species,heroic spirits and bat shit crazy mages who would stop at nothing to reach the root the only thing he can say is “ fuck”.

Jawblade179 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Dead apostles

(Time skip one year later)

Here I was seven years old in England squaring off against a blonde buff inferior dead apostle screaming wryyyyyy like he was Dio from JoJos bizarre adventure and his horde of undead, you're wondering how I got myself in the situation. Well it all goes back a week ago.

(flashback one week ago)

" dead apostle" I said, I was in my mothers office with her in the room, sitting on the chair at the desk, and she replied " exactly there's a inferior dead apostle stationed in Wales has caused a bit too much trouble and needs to be taken care of and you are the one going to do it".

' Is she crazy sending a seven year old to take down a inferior dead apostle or that is what I initially would've thought if I was just a regular seven-year-old magi'.

But still, could I take down a dead apostle even if it was a inferior one, I guess she could see the doubt on my face and spoke up, " you may not realize it but you are a lot stronger than you think you are and I wouldn't send you out if I didn't know you could take care of this".

Well if she says I can I'll just go along with it and I turned around and was about to leave when she called out to me " just be careful victor you are the only family I have left, if something happens to you I wouldn't know what to do".

I turned my head around just enough that I could see a bit of worry on her face that warmed my heart, my mother, unlike other magi, that only see their children as tools, or to continue their bloodline, generally loves and cared about my well-being, I replied " don't worry mom I'll make it back in one piece", then I walked out of the room, ' well let's kill a dead apostle' I thought.

(flashback end current time)

And that leads me to this point, i'm not going into too much detail, but I arrived in Wales, found the inferior dead apostle and his hideout.

Now some of you are wondering what is a inferior dead apostle well before I can get into that you need to know the origin of vampires.

About 4000 year's ago the ultimate one of the moon, Brunestud of the crimson moon descended to earth by the will of Gaia made a deal to allow for him to live on the earth in exchange for protection against human corruption. And created the true ancestors in his own image but they had a fatal flaw, vampiric impulse and that is what caused the dead apostles to come into existence, humans that were turn into vampires by the blood of the true ancestors to become their emergency rations, there were dead apostles that broke away from their masters and became known as the original 27 dead apostle ancestors.

Now that I got you up to date let's go over the ranks of the dead apostles, there are nine different ranks among them, the first three ranks are the dead, rank 1 corpse, rank 2 ghoul, rank 3 undead.

Rank 4 nightkin is at the level of a executor of the church, rank 5 nightmare can take on group of executors, rank 6 inferior dead apostle is what I'm currently facing now, rank 7 greater dead apostle are a heresy that ordinary executors can't cross blades with, rank 8 successor a talented vampire chosen by an ancestor as there successor and has power equivalent to that of a weak servant like Frankenstein,Astolfo and jack the ripper from fate/apocrypha, and rank 9 ancestor the top of the dead apostle heresy and has powers equal to servants from anywhere like mordred to Servant Gilgamesh, and the strongest like Primate Murder , Crimson Moon , ORT and Zelretch stand above servants and dead apostles alike.

Now back to the topic of the dead apostle I'm facing, I found his hideout that was located in an old abandoned castle broke in uninvited, then had to fuck his shit up and pretended I was weaker than I was to lure him out into the forest.

And here I was slaughtering his horde of a undead which were just basically canon

folder, and when I got to him, he started screaming wrrryyyyyy like a certain JoJo character, then he started to say " fool no mere human could face me, humans are weak and fragile creatures by nature, the very reason why I forsaken my humanity, and look at me now I'm so much stronger than I was as a human".

" just shut the fuck up and fight you pussy" I replied. He didn't seem to like that, then came charging at me and I did the same, when we got close enough at the exact same time we bought our right arms back with fists clenched and did a classic anime fist clash, then there was a loud " crack" sound, the dead apostle was expecting my arm to shatter but the exact opposite happened and his just didn't shatter but was blown clean off and broke two trees in its wake and shattered a large boulder about the size of a house along the way.

The dead apostle had complete shock on his face and so did I ' What the fuck I knew I was strong, but not this strong I didn't even use demonic power or reinforcement at all!'. I intentionally shouted in my head.

" what no human could do this are you even human at all!" the dead apostle said.

He tried to back away but before he could I grabbed his remaining arm and jujutsu flipped him into the ground, creating a massive crater with spiderweb cracks all over the place.

After the shock of the impact his mangled body was trying to reverse his wounds, but I wasn't going to allow that to happen, so l pulled a tank top master and slammed my fist into his face before he could even react shattering his head in and the massive crater we were in.

After the dust cleared, there was nothing left of his head, " he's probably dead no he was already dead, being a dead apostle and all, well that doesn't matter he won't be coming back from that ". I mockingly said.

Fun fact about true ancestors and dead apostles unlike demons they don't just regenerate but they possess a form of limited immortality, called the

curse of restoration.

This ability operates under normal conditions and causes the vampires body to regress through time to its original vampiric state whenever it receives an injury. However, this ability is also tied to the phases of the moon. As the moon waxes, the degree of injury that can be repaired, as well as the speed of the regression increases dramatically. For example, Roa (Remake) would not been able to survive Arcueid Brunestud (Remake)'s Marble Phantasm, if it was not for the full moon. Additionally, it is the night of the full moon the time when dead apostles and true ancestors reach the height of their strength.

And it does not simply heal, but cause their bodies to turn the time backwards to a point in which they were unharmed; thus, you cannot cause wounds greater than the speed of their recovery. As the internal flow of blood that fuels there regenerative immortality still relies on the heart being connected to their body, it is possible to destroy a dead apostle by tearing their heart out. Crushing or destroying the heart within the body is insufficient, as they can restore it at the cost of a great deal of their supply of blood,but removing it cleanly will cause their curse of restoration to be disrupted and their physical body to wither.

"Well I was about to do that if necessary, but it doesn't look like the case". I said. It was the new moon and normally he probably wouldn't left the castle if I didn't pretend I was weaker than I actually was and tried to escape.

When a dead apostle dies their body Withers away and disappears like particles in the wind. And just like I described the Dio imposter dissipated like he never existed.

That went better than I expected and mom was right I am stronger than I thought I was.

"Believe me if I knew I was this strong I wouldn't have gone all out. Heck I didn't even use demonic power or reinforcement and I completely destroyed him in three moves, well it was also easier because it

Was the new moon were a dead apostles curse of restoration was at its weakest,

I guess it wasn't your lucky day pal". I said with a bit of pity in my voice.

' I hope the greater dead apostles will put up more of a fight, then getting absolutely bodied'. I said in my head.

Well, let's go back home.

(Time skip two years later)

After killing the inferior dead apostle l went on a dead apostle killing spree, until my mother sent me to deal with a greater dead apostle a year after my first kill, and I wasn't just going around killing the inferior but learning battle experience from them.

And I learned the first one I killed was just an amateur and the other ones used unique techniques and I even fought even ones under the full moon, they didn't pose that much a threat to me, but I didn't underestimate them, and let my guard down like a certain Golden archer. But it made them a lot harder to kill.

Now moving on the greater dead apostle proved to be more of a challenge then it's inferior brethren I actually got a good fight out of it, but in the end, it was no match for me, not going into too much detail into that fight because it would just be too boring.

Now after that fight I started killing the greater dead apostles but not in great numbers as it's inferior brethren because there aren't that many and harder to find.

Then another year passed by and I was nine years old and I was in the united states of America hunting another greater dead apostle, I was chasing it in the mountains of Wyoming and run into its parent apostle who by the fucking way was a successor dead apostle that was below that of an ancestor, that had power equal to that of a weak servants like the assassins and casters classes.

Now here I was squaring off against the successor, and it's two children who were greater dead apostles by the way .This reminds me of a certain dead apostle by the name of Louvre.

He was the successor of Nrvnqsr Chaos the 10th dead apostle ancestor and after chaos death he took the position and shortly after was killed by Shiki Tohno. 'If I remember correctly it said that he has power close to an ancestor but not quite there yet, it's stated that Louvre is half as powerful as the 18th dead apostle ancestor Enhance himself'. I thought to myself.

I was going to say something to him, but he spoke up before me, and saying, " well what do we have here a little kid, no wait silver hair, blue eyes your the Lorbrok brat".

I replied "you know of me". Then the dead apostle responded with, " Yes, you made quite a name for yourself in the Moonlight world by hurting my fellow brethren like a exterminator".

Then I responded with ," are you Louvre the dead apostle of the lake". I can see a look of surprise on his face and my guess was right he really is Louvre.

Louvre spoke, " you heard of me looks like my reputation exceeds my expectations for even a brat like you to know of me". I snorted with. " it's not only the ancestors I keep my tabs on, but also the powerful dead apostles below them and enough talking let's fight".

I rushed at him, breaking the sound barrier several times over with a roundhouse kick to his head, but he was fast enough to block it with his left arm,and shatters an impact and was blown back several feet, but regained his footing.

His arm was back to normal in less of a second, but I didn't give him a time to recover and followed up with a spinning hook kick to his face this time he couldn't block or dodge this time around and was sent flying into the Cliffside of the mountain we were on and causing spiderweb cracks to spread all over the Cliffside when I was about to attack him again, his children attacked me, thinking my guard was down.

' That's not gonna work I've been paying attention to you guys the entire time', and like I said, I don't leave my guard down like a certain golden king.

I quickly just sidekick them both and they went flying in the opposite direction of each other, then I got to where Louvre was at, and he was standing up with an angry expression on his face and charged at me at the speed of lightning and tried to smash my face in with his fist, but I quickly dodged and countered with a punch to the throat but he

Dodged a through an another punch to the chest, and crossed both my arms to block it. The impact was like getting hit by a semi truck going 300 mph per hour and I was thrown back like 20 meters after the aftermath I looked back in Louvre's direction.

Then I saw his children recoup with him and one of them was carrying a case that looks like it belongs to a sword then he shouted angrily at me, " you little bastard you're a lot stronger than I thought you were, I originally wasn't going use this, but looks like I don't have a choice"

He grabs the case from one of his children and opens it and comes out a sword and it gives off demonic power, 'it's probably a devil arm wait it looks familiar'.

It was a sword with the head of a dragon biting the blade, with the wings of a dragon acting as the guard of the sword. The hilt has a swirling pattern leading to skulls at the bottom with a spike pointing out.

I freaked out and shouted in my mind, ' what the fuck is that Alastor the first devil arm Dante acquires in devil may cry 1, what the fuck is it doing here and in Louvre's possession!!??'.

Louvre then said " you like my sword l required it from a dead Magus that l killed",

' OK I need to stop focusing on that and focus on the situation I'm in and looks like the dead apostle is about to do something, what if I remember correctly Louvre and his children can use a move that triples all three of their powers and doesn't combined it, it also states that the successors power, almost reaches that of the former Vice Director of the Clocktower in power.

Fuck how could I forget such an opponent detail like that, fuck I should've killed his children when I had the chance I better fucking rush over there to kill a least one of his children before he gets the move on.

But before I could even move I felt a great amount of power coming from Louvre and his children, ' fuck it's already too late will l be able to handle them', I worrying thought.

Then Louvre said happily, " ha ha in this state I have the power of a dead apostle ancestor, you should be honored that you pushed me to this point, and caused me to use this move".

Then he comes at me at sub-relativistic speed and points his sword at me, I use my demonic power, reinforcement and runes to the maximum surpassing my limits just enough to barely dodge the attack.

'What the fuck that attack was moving so fast I couldn't even see him it was like a blur to me'.I mentally shouted.

" whoa you reacted I'm impressed even a regular successor couldn't even do that but you are forgetting one important thing I'm not alone".Louvre said.

Before l realized what he said, I felt great amount of pain in my chest and was blown away, spitting a mouth full of blood, I regained my footing and looked at the direction I was flown from and saw Louvre's children there, ' I completely forgot about them. I was so focused on dodging that attack that I forgot they were even here' I thought.

Before they had power of greater dead apostles, but now had power equal to that of successors, well, this is not looking too good for me, normally taking these too wouldn't be that hard but with their parent here that's next to impossible.

I got back up and already regenerated my wounds, but unlike dead apostles that turn back time on there wounds and don't lose power from it, unlike my regeneration and overtime I will begin to weaken.

I tried to charge at Louvre's children but before I could take my first step, he was on me already, and kicked me so hard my rib cage shattered, then I was blown away so hard that I made contact with the mountainside and it created a massive crater in the wall of the cliff.

' am I about to die' I mentally thought, ' no I can't die yet,I have so much to live for so much to do I won't die here I refuse to,

power I need more power!!!.

Because of Victor's strong willpower something was happening to him. Great amount of demonic power was flowing through him, causing a change in him, then it happened. There was a huge explosion that shot all around Victor destroying the Cliffside, when the dust settled and standing

there was Victor in a demonic form, a form that any devil may cry fan would recognize on sight, Devil trigger.

Louvre stood there in shock wondering what the hell was going on, just a moment ago he kicked the Lodbrok brat into the Cliffside. Then there was a huge amount of demonic power coming from him and when the debris settled, there was a demon where the brat was just a second ago.

Louvre shouted in his head, ' what the fuck is happening did he turn into a demon, I thought something was off about him but I couldn't put my finger on it, now it all makes sense he wasn't human to begin with'.

Then the sword Alastor in Louvre's hand escaped his grasp, like it had a mind of its own span towards Victor tempting to pierce his heart, before it could Victor caught Alastor and with his overwhelming demonic power excepted him as it's new master, grasping the sword, it started

crackling blue electricity all over the sword.

Louvre was shocked because not even he could activate Alastor's power at all, and started to back away in fear.

" such overwhelming power I have I feel like I can shatter a entire mountain with just one punch" I said.

'Let's test out this power on the fuckers over there', then Victor moved at near the speed of light towards Louvre and his children.

And when he reached his destination, Louvre couldn't even react to the attack that was coming his way, and before he knew it, his entire body was blown apart into a bloody paste.

What Victor did was that he just punched Louvre's body and it exploded on impact, killing him instantly and the worst part about it was his children saw the whole thing, there was nothing left of their parent apostle just a bloody mess and soon disintegrated like he never even existed.

Fear over took them, and who could blame them they just saw their parent apostle who obtained ancestor level of power was one shotted like he was nothing.

They tried to escape, but I wouldn't allow that and sliced both of them in half before they could even react.

They disintegrated later on with disbelief in their eyes, and before I knew it I dropped out of my devil trigger.

' I just achieved Devil trigger and one shouted all of them like it was nothing'. I thought.

Well shouldn't be too caught up on that, should I go to Fortuna it isn't too far from here I want to see how old is Nero it would give me good insight on how long I got before dmc 2 and 4.

"But first I need to get off this motherfucking mountain", I said angrily.

So I went on my way to Fortuna and wondering what awaits me.

[to be continued]
