
Chapter 8


"Absolutely, daddy's sweetheart," Liam beamed, playfully winking at her, eliciting a gasp from Tessa this time.


Tessa was on the verge of chasing the boys when Emery's loud cries echoed through the living room. Emery was descending the stairs with her few belongings.

Although Tessa wore a sad expression, she refrained from expressing her feelings.

"Tessa Thompson," Emery spat out with venom, glaring intensely at Tessa upon reaching her. Liam and Nathan exchanged looks before directing their attention back to the two women.

"Just ensure that the next time we cross paths, you can best me, or else I'll be the one to bring an end to your existence on this Earth. You don't cross Emery Brown and get away with it, especially in public," Emery asserted, shaking her head while glaring at Tessa before exiting the mansion.

Tessa stood there, her mind racing with thoughts. She couldn't deny that she felt intimidated by Emery's words. Her thoughts drifted back to Hayes, and she hurried upstairs to his room.

"Sir," she knocked on the door.

"Come in or leave," Hayes snapped angrily, pacing back and forth with a scowl on his face.

"Are you alright, sir?" She inquired, and he turned to face her.

"How did you find out she was after my wealth?" He demanded, and Tessa swallowed nervously.

"S... Sir."

"Speak up!"

"Xavier informed me... He divulged everything," she replied, her voice trembling, prompting Hayes to slam his hand on the dressing table in frustration.

"Leave the room!"

"Sir, I..."

"Get out of my room!" he shouted, causing Tessa to hurriedly exit with tears welling up in her eyes.

She encountered the boys on the staircase, who were about to enter as well.

"Nanny Tin Can, are you crying? Did dad hurt you again?" Liam asked, and Tessa found it difficult to hold back her tears.

"Why are you crying? What's wrong, Nanny? Tell us, and we'll take on dad for you," Nathan chimed in, eliciting a small chuckle from Tessa at their innocent yet sincere remarks.

"I'm fine, dearies," she forced a smile and began to walk away when Liam grasped her hand from behind, causing Tessa to turn to him.

"You're not okay," he stated, and Tessa managed another smile.

"I'm alright, trust me," she assured before swiftly walking away.

"Can't we just eat the cake already, Liam? I'm starving, and I love cake," Nathan whined.

"No! Let's wait until dad joins us downstairs," Liam insisted, leading the way back to the living room.



"Why won't he pick up my calls?!" Tessa groaned in frustration, hitting her forehead. She had been attempting to reach Xavier, but he wasn't answering.

After the fourth attempt, someone finally answered.

"Xavier, it's..."

"Who the hell are you?! His girlfriend? His mistress?!" a voice erupted from the phone, causing Tessa to pull it away from her ear due to the person's loud rant.

"I just need to speak with Xavier, calm down," she replied, trying to placate the agitated individual.

"Xavier? Just so you know, Xavier is my boyfriend, so stay away if you know what's good for you!" the person, identified as Ariel, shouted before abruptly ending the call.

"What's wrong with her??" Tessa wondered.


Xavier entered his apartment carrying bags of junk food when he found Ariel on the phone, berating someone.

"Hey! Hey!" he exclaimed as she hung up. Ariel turned to him and angrily tossed his phone back to him, which he caught effortlessly.

"One of your lovers, huh? That woman insisted on speaking with you! Tell me, Xavier, are you cheating on me?!" Ariel yelled, causing Xavier to swallow nervously.

He unlocked his phone to find five missed calls from Tessa.

"It's not what you think, Ariel, I..." he attempted to explain.

"Don't you dare touch me!" she snapped when he attempted to approach her.

"Enough with your baseless accusations, Ariel! Tessa is just a friend!" he retorted, growing frustrated.

"Oh, Tessa? Tessa, huh?" she sneered, grabbing her handbag.

"Let her be warned," she smirked at him before storming out of his apartment.

Xavier collapsed onto the couch, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Damn it!"


Both Liam and Nathan eagerly awaited as Tessa brought out the cake from the kitchen, returning it to the dining room where Hayes was occupied with his phone.

Liam and Nathan exchanged mischievous glances.


Liam called out, drawing Hayes's attention away from his phone. His gaze fell upon Tessa, who wore an unsettling grin, and then back to his sons.

"Since it's your cake, why don't you start by cutting it?" Nathan suggested, prompting a nod from Hayes.

Tessa handed him the small knife.

As Hayes plunged the knife into the cake, it unexpectedly exploded onto his face and body, giving him a comical appearance. Liam burst into laughter, rolling on the floor, while Tessa couldn't contain her amusement either, joining in the laughter.

Hayes gritted his teeth in frustration as he realized he had fallen victim to their prank.

"Stop it!!!" he banged the table angrily, causing the laughter to cease abruptly. Nathan was already trembling in fear, knowing Hayes's temper all too well.

He retreated backwards, dusting himself off with an angry expression.

"What was that all about?! You've stained my clothes?! Both of you are grounded for a week!" he yelled, and Nathan finally let his tears flow freely.

Tessa gasped in surprise.

"Daddy, please don't ground us. It was all Liam's idea... I told him to stop, but he..."

"Me?! How is this my fault? You were the one who suggested we end the party!" Liam interjected, fabricating his story.

"That's a lie, Liam!"

"It's the harsh truth, Nathan!"

Tessa and Hayes observed as the boys continued to argue, pointing fingers at each other. Unable to tolerate it any longer, Hayes intervened.

"Both of you, upstairs to your rooms!" he half-yelled, prompting Nathan to rush upstairs in tears, followed closely by Liam.

Tessa wanted to follow them, but Hayes grabbed her arm from behind, halting her in her tracks.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Sir... The boys..." she faltered, unable to find the right words.

"You're coming with me to get some groceries," he cut her off, and Tessa blinked dumbfoundedly.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

"I don't repeat myself twice. Wait here while I change into something else," he replied before walking away.

Tessa touched her flushed cheeks, feeling embarrassed.

"Why am I blushing?! He's an arrogant jerk, Tessa, and he's also your boss," she muttered to herself, sighing heavily.

The dream she had the other day began to resurface in her mind, filling her thoughts with impure desires.

"Stop thinking about the impossible, T