
Chapter 7

Here's a rearranged version of the story:


As Hayes stepped into his office, he cursed, breaking the third cup of coffee Linda had just brewed for him.

"S-sir!" Linda shivered, fearfully.

"Your coffee tastes bitter Linda! What's wrong with you today?!" he nagged.

"I think I should be asking you that sir," she mumbled.

"What did you say?"

"Uh... Sir, I mean..."

"Just get the fúck out of my office!" he yelled at her, and Linda ran out without looking back.

He groaned, kicking the chair he was sitting on before. He bit his lips hard, running his fingers into his hair as he couldn't stop reminiscing about last night's incident.

"Xavier told her! He fucking told her everything!" he shouted, punching the wall close to him. Despite the blood coming out of his knuckles, he didn't stop punching.

"Fúck!!!!!" he cried out, feeling hurt and betrayed for the second time.

Meanwhile, Tessa rushed into the company after Xavier told her everything. Though she came here, he forced her to.

"Where's Hayes Flynn, please?" she asked when she got to Linda's table.

"Over there," Linda replied, pointing at a huge door, and Tessa nodded, walking towards his office.

"Everyone is the same!!" Hayes shouted as he kept punching the wall hard, not minding his bleeding and hurting knuckles.

Tessa ran in, her mouth going wide as she stared wide open at him.

"S... Sir!" she half yelled, walking to him, but then he moved away from her.

"Stop hurting yourself! Your knuckles they are... Blood," she said.

"Why are you here? What are you doing here?" he asked, staring at her. He was sweating profusely with bleeding hands but he didn't bother.

"Let us get your wound treated first," she answered, and he scoffed.

"I'm not hurt, this is a small thing so it'll go away," he replied, walking back to his chair.

"Seriously sir? Stop being this way to yourself! You're hurt and you keep saying you aren't!"

"I said I'm fine!" he yelled.

Tessa nodded thrice and took in her lower lip, turning to leave the office.

"Please come back to the mansion," his voice came again, and Tessa halted on her tracks. "Wait, did she just hear him right?"

"I know I shouldn't have shouted at you that way so please come back for the boys," he blurted out again, and Tessa's smile grew wider.

"I knew you'd miss me," she said, and he rolled his eyes.

"Miss you? Why would I miss someone like you?" he grinned, and she smiled more.

"Let's wait and see who says 'I miss you' first next time," she grinned back at her.

"Trust me Tess, I don't do ladies' stuff. I'm bringing you back because of the boys, just remember what I said, I will break you," he smirked.

"You just called me Tess, wow!" she said, and he rolled his eyes again at her.

"Remember too sir, I'm back to fix you..." she muttered, boldly, and a grin appeared on Hayes's face.

"And only one of our two hearts would survive that," he replied.

"Cool, let the cruel game begin and let's see who falls first," she replied, and finally walked out of his presence.

Hayes laughed out for the first time after long years. He couldn't stop laughing as he kept remembering her expression earlier.

"You're gonna fall first Tess and I'll make you fall harder," he snickered, and started smiling all through.


The arrangements for the engagement party had started, and the event planners and decorators were doing their jobs at the mansion.

Nathan and Liam were seen, dressed for the party with an angry look wearing on their faces.

"Dad is seriously getting married to this ugly witch," Liam gritted his teeth.

"I don't like her too, but I can't deny the fact that she's beautiful," Nathan shrugged, and Liam groaned.

"Must you be annoying Nathan! I know she's beautiful and that's why I used the opposite word," Liam said, frustratedly.

"But, I didn't..."

"Oh, just forget about it!" Liam rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Liam! Wait for me Liam!" Nathan followed him until they got into the kitchen. The engagement cake was also there.

"What are we doing here Liam?"

"We're making sure this party doesn't hold," Liam smirked.

"What! That's wrong Liam! We might get caught!" Nathan blurted.

"If you aren't gonna help me, then just go," Liam scoffed. He brought out a syringe and injected it into the cake. Nathan's eyes widened as he watched him.

It was a syringe that would make anyone who touches the cake blow up at his or her face.

"Liam.." Nathan grunted.

"What? I mean, we both don't like her," he shrugged, and Nathan heaved in relief.

"Here, handkerchief?" a voice said, and Tessa looked up to see Xavier handing her his handkerchief. She actually came here to find solidarity, but she couldn't stop crying whenever she remembers what her best friend went through.

"I'm fine," she replied, and Xavier chuckled, standing beside her as they stared at the clouds.

"It's a great view out here, isn't it?" he asked, and she nodded.

"You need this, here have it," he offered again, and Tessa smiled, taking it from him as she wiped off her tears with it.

"Thank you."

"It's cool... So if I may ask..."

"Don't ask," she quickly cut him off, and he almost laughed.

"So you don't wanna share? And why are you here?" Xavier asked.

"I got fired from my job."

"What! Why did Hayes do that?!"

"I caused it, though. I asked him too many questions which I believe made him angry so he told me to leave," she muttered, and Xavier sighed.

"I never expected something like this, it's my fault for also telling you everything."

"Don't blame yourself, please," she interrupted, and he faced her, holding her hands.

"Promise me something," he said, and she raised her brows at him.

"What's that?"

"Promise me you'll go back to him and be with him... He needs someone to understand him, and I believe you're in the best place to do that," he replied, and Tessa threw her hands away from his.

"No way! Why would I do that!"

"You're being stubborn too... " he groaned, dabbing his face.

"He's your brother Xavier, just the other day I saw you both fighting! He's harsh, and he needs to learn his lessons," she replied, and he smiled sadly.

"You just don't understand Tessa... Hayes went through a lot too, trust me, the reason for his coldness also has to do with me, and that's why he hates me so much," Xavier said, and she became more confused.

"What are you saying? How is it your fault? Make me understand something Xavier!"

"Just help me understand him... Fix him Tessa," he replied instead, and Tessa sighed softly.
