
Chapter 6



"Delicious! This appears appetizing, Nanny Tessa," Nathan grinned, licking his lips as he descended the stairs, catching sight of Tessa emerging from the kitchen to serve breakfast for everyone.

"You haven't even tasted it yet, and you're already praising it," she chuckled, sliding into laughter. Nathan settled into his chair, eagerly diving into his meal.

"You know, Nanny Tessa..."

"What is it, Nathaniel?" Tessa pulled up a chair, sitting closer to him, curious about his thoughts.

"I wish Mom were here to witness this," he murmured sadly, and Tessa blinked in sympathy.

"I've been meaning to ask, where is your mother?" she inquired gently, nudging him to share.

"She passed away... I'd rather not discuss it," he shook his head, returning his focus to his meal. Tessa sighed understandingly, nodding before excusing herself and retreating.


"Argh!" Liam grunted in frustration as he struggled to don his jeans.

"Why won't it cooperate?!" he exclaimed, feeling defeated. After attempting for the umpteenth time, he finally relented, collapsing onto his bed, breathless.

A knock echoed through the room, and he grimaced.

"Leave me be! I'm not in the mood for company!" he barked.

"Liam... It's me, Tessa," came Tessa's gentle voice in response. Liam sat up, composing himself.

"Enter," he granted, and Tessa entered quietly. Her gaze landed on the jeans in question, and she suppressed a laugh, but Liam's glare halted her amusement.

"If you're going to mock me, then leave," he grumbled.

"Are you struggling with your jeans?" she teased, seating herself beside him on the bed. She lifted his legs onto her lap, working to assist him in donning his jeans properly. For a moment, Liam found himself gazing at her dreamily, as if she were his world. Tessa lowered his legs, and their eyes met.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" she chided playfully, pinching his nose.

"Ouch!" he winced.

"Why were you gazing at me?" she inquired.

"You just reminded me of Mom," he confessed, rising from the bed. Tessa followed suit.

"Why's that?" she probed, intrigued.

"It's nothing. I'm famished," he fibbed, swiftly departing the room, leaving Tessa pondering his cryptic words.

"Why are the boys acting this way around me?" she mused.



"Wow! Look at those magnificent fish!" Natalie exclaimed, delighting in the aquatic wonders alongside her faithful companion, Kelly.

It was her day off, and she decided to enjoy a leisurely outing.

"It's enjoyable being here, but it feels incomplete without company," she murmured, stroking Kelly's fur affectionately.

Gathering her belongings, she prepared to depart when she collided with someone.

"Apologies..." a smooth voice interjected.

"Watch where you're going, imbecile!" she retorted, scooping up Kelly from the ground. Straightening up, she met the gaze of the individual she'd bumped into, and her heart skipped a beat.


It was Dexter, her former college sweetheart and a scion of a renowned family, now a celebrated singer.

"It's you. Pleasant to see you again," he greeted with a grin, and tears welled up in Natalie's eyes.

"You scoundrel!" she spat, striking his chest, and he stood unmoved, allowing her fury to vent.

"I'm sorry, Natalie. Please grant me another opportunity to make amends," he implored.

"Screw you! I wish I'd never met you! Jerk!" she lashed out, deeply wounded. She attempted to walk away, but he seized her hand, enfolding her in an embrace from behind.

"Release me!" she pushed against his hold, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm deeply sorry... Please..."

"Cease with your apologies! I'll never forgive you!" she declared, finally breaking free and departing.

Dexter remained behind, tears glistening in his eyes. He struggled to contain his emotions but found it futile.

"Natalie! Nat!"

Natalie exited the aquatic center, consumed by anger and sorrow. Her former flame had returned to the country, only to leave her heartbroken after a fleeting encounter.


Dexter's Apartment*

"Dexter, we shouldn't..." Young Natalie attempted to dissuade her boyfriend from disrobing her. It was his birthday, and he desired a surprise from her.

"I want you to be my surprise. The one I'll cherish," he whispered, tugging at her gown.


"Hush, my love," he kissed her passionately, and Natalie relented, clutching his shirt as he undressed her.

Soon, she found herself standing exposed before Dexter, who eyed her hungrily.

"I love you," he murmured, and they resumed their fervent embrace, lost in each other until they collapsed onto the bed. She broke away to catch her breath.

"Take it slow, please," she pleaded breathlessly, and he assented.

"I promise," he murmured, removing her undergarments and exploring her intimately. Pain pierced her, and she clutched Dexter's collar.



"Why are we here, darling?" Natalie inquired as they exited Dexter's car, parked beneath a bridge. It was an unexpected destination.

"Natalie," Dexter began, taking her hands in his, gazing into her eyes.

"I'm departing for the States tomorrow," he revealed, and Natalie's world shattered.

"What!" she exclaimed, withdrawing her hands.

"Try to understand. My mother can't bear our relationship. She arranged for me to continue my studies and career there," he explained, and Natalie scoffed, struggling to comprehend his words.

"You can't do this to me, Dexter. I love you. Don't discard what we have," she pleaded, tears welling up.

"Natty, I'm sorry..."

"Quit with the apologies! They only exacerbate the pain!" she cried, sinking to her knees in anguish.

"I gave you my body, Dexter. How could you?"

"Please, don't torment yourself. It's for the best, and I..."

"Just leave! Just leave! Depart as you always do! Depart from me!" she cut him off.

Dexter wiped away his tears, retreating to his car and driving away.



Natalie dismissed the memories, flagging down a taxi as tears flowed unchecked.

Her phone rang from within her jacket, and she hastily answered upon seeing Kingsley's name.

"Kingsley," she greeted, sniffling to mask her tears.

"Hey, Nat. Are you crying?" Kingsley's voice crackled over the line.

"No, pay no mind to me. What do you need?" she deflected.

"Come to my place," he instructed.

"But, why..."

Before she could finish her question, he hung up.

"That guy," she muttered through gritted teeth as she awaited