
Chapter 5



Her endlessly tinkling clasp tingled with delight as she writhed luxuriously on the bed, her hips undulating gently towards him.

"Yes... Oh, yes," she moaned.

A strikingly handsome face emerged from between her legs, his lips curved in a knowing smile. Her gaze swept admiringly from his hazel eyes to his firm jawline and sculpted muscles.

Clutching at the satin sheets beneath her, she struggled to anchor herself as another wave of pleasure washed over her. His hand intertwined with hers, providing support.

"Don't... Stop," she gasped, releasing a moan.

He trailed kisses up to her chest, taking one of her breasts into his mouth before releasing her. Settling beside her, he held her waist as if his life depended on it.

Their lips met again in a passionate kiss. She felt as though she were in paradise as his hands roamed her curves. Gradually, she straddled him, taking the lead.

She sighed softly as their bodies connected. His hands traced electric paths, moving to remove her bra.

"We no longer require this," he murmured, unhooking it.

Her breath caught as her bra fell to the ground, and his lips grazed her flawless skin down to her breasts, his tongue teasing her nipples.

She caught her breath as overwhelming sensations washed over her. She was on the brink of ecstasy.

She clung to him tightly, just as she was about to reach climax...

The alarm blared from beside her bed, BEEP... BEEP...

"Oh my goodness!" Tessa panted, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she hastily rose from bed.

"That felt so real!" She touched her chest, exhaling heavily.

She couldn't believe she had just dreamt of intimacy with her employer, HAYES FLYNN.

"Did I just dream of being intimate with him?"

"Goodness, what an absurd dream!" She exhaled, stripping off her clothes.

She slowly removed her underwear, finding it damp with perspiration.

"Did I just...?" Her eyes widened in disbelief as she touched her moist area.

A knock sounded on the door, and she quickly wrapped herself in a towel.

"Tessa!" Emery's voice called from outside, and Tessa gasped.

"Um... Good morning, ma'am. How may I assist you?" Tessa replied from inside.

"We require breakfast, so be quick and come downstairs," Emery instructed before walking away.

Tessa sighed softly, heading into the bathroom for her morning shower.


Shortly after, she emerged from her room after completing her usual morning routine. She was about to descend the stairs when she collided with Hayes.

He was also heading downstairs.

"Oh... Good morning," she greeted, attempting to avoid eye contact.

Hayes stood, hands in his pockets, observing her.

"Why do you avert your gaze? Is there something on my face?" He asked aloud, and she blinked, shifting her eyes away.

"Tessa Thompson," he called.

"Look at me," he added, and slowly Tessa turned to face him. His gaze seemed different today, expressing an emotion beyond the usual.

"Go about your duties, dummy," he smirked arrogantly, turning to descend the stairs.

Tessa closed her eyes tightly, clenching her fists as she struggled to contain her frustration.

"Must he always find ways to annoy me?" She muttered, then began her descent downstairs.

She entered the kitchen.

Hayes sat at the table, paying no attention to his family as he focused on his phone.

"Good morning, Dad," the boys chimed in, and he waved dismissively.

"Morning," he replied tersely, his eyes fixed on his phone.

Emery frowned and approached him, leaning in close.

"Sweetheart!" She cooed, sitting on his lap and tracing imaginary lines on his shirt. Hayes's gaze shifted upwards, meeting hers.

At that moment, Tessa returned with a tray of burgers and tea, setting it on the table.

Her gaze flickered to them, observing Emery's affectionate display with Hayes.

His eyes met hers, and he smirked. Tessa quickly averted her gaze upon noticing his stare. His hand moved to squeeze Emery's behind in front of the boys, and Tessa cleared her throat this time.

"Um, sir, I didn't mean to interrupt your moment, but your sons are present," she interjected, and Emery quickly straightened up from Hayes's lap.

She adjusted her attire before returning to her seat.

"And who are you to remind me of that?" He retorted.

"I'm their nanny," she responded boldly, and he chuckled.

"I'm starting to wonder who the real authority figure is among us," he grumbled, digging into his burgers.

She inwardly scoffed and turned her attention to the boys.

"How are you guys?" She smiled, and they both gave her a thumbs up.

"Although I still don't particularly fancy you, I do appreciate your cooking," Liam remarked, and she smiled even more.

"Oh, Liam."

"You're awesome," Nathan chimed in, and she blushed profusely. Hayes noticed and frowned.

"Excuse me, Tessa, but are you flirting with my sons?" He inquired, his tone tinged with jealousy, and she faced him.

"No, sir! They're too young for such interactions. I'm simply doing my job to care for them," she asserted, and he exhaled.

"Good," he muttered.


Tessa made sure to set the dining table before returning to wash the dishes in the kitchen.

She hummed a tune as she washed when Emery entered, leaning against the wall as she watched Tessa's movements.

"How much do I need to pay you to leave us alone?" she inquired, and Tessa nearly jumped in surprise as she turned to face her.

"I apologize," Tessa furrowed her brows.

"I mean, how much do I need to pay you before you depart?" Emery repeated, fully entering the kitchen.

"Nothing, ma'am. I'm solely here to care for the boys and nothing more," Tessa replied, attempting to remain composed.

"Really? No ulterior motives? I noticed the way you were gazing at Hayes earlier. Just so you know, we'll be engaged soon, and there's no place for you here," Emery declared, and Tessa nodded.

"It's only for six weeks, and then I'll leave, ma'am," she responded.

"Six weeks is too long. How about you depart today? Name your price, and I'll compensate you," Emery snapped.

"What? Are you attempting to bribe me? I'm not leaving yet, ma'am, and that's final!" Tessa retorted.

She turned to continue washing when Emery grabbed her by the hair, causing Tessa to cry out in pain as she struggled to free herself, but Emery slapped her hard across the face, leaving a scratch.


Emery released her hair angrily, panting heavily.

"If you don't vacate soon, I'll make your life here unbearable! You wretched slut!" she spat at Tessa before storming out of the kitchen.

Tears welled in Tessa's eyes as she gingerly touched the injured area on her face, wincing in pain.